
setConstructorS3("SegmentationDataFile", function(...) {
  extend(GenericDataFile(...), c("SegmentationDataFile"
                                        , uses("FileCacheKeyInterface")))
}, abstract=TRUE)

setMethodS3("getChromosome", "SegmentationDataFile", function(this, ..., force=FALSE) {
  chromosome <- this$.chromosome

  if (force || is.null(chromosome)) {
    # Infer the set of chromosomes from the tags
    tags <- getTags(this, collapse=NULL)
    chrTag <- grep("^chr", tags, value=TRUE)
    chrTag <- gsub("^chr", "", chrTag)
    chromosome <- as.integer(chrTag)
    # Sanity check
    this$.chromosome <- chromosome


setMethodS3("getSampleName", "SegmentationDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  getName(this, ...)

setMethodS3("getReferenceName", "SegmentationDataFile", function(this, ..., force=FALSE) {
  referenceName <- this$.referenceName

  if (force || is.null(referenceName)) {
    # Infer the set of references from the tags
    tags <- getTags(this, collapse=NULL)
    idx <- grep("^chr", tags, value=FALSE)
    # Sanity check
    .stop_if_not(length(idx) == 1)
    tags <- tags[seq(from=idx+1, to=length(tags))]
    referenceName <- paste(tags, collapse=",")
    # Sanity check
    .stop_if_not(nchar(referenceName) > 0)
    this$.referenceName <- referenceName


setMethodS3("loadFit", "SegmentationDataFile", abstract=TRUE)

setMethodS3("extractCopyNumberRegions", "SegmentationDataFile", function(this, ...) {
  fit <- loadFit(this, ...)
  res <- extractCopyNumberRegions(fit)
  res$sampleName <- getSampleName(this)
}, protected=TRUE)

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aroma.core documentation built on June 25, 2024, 1:15 a.m.