
context("Function getValues")

sapply(studyPathS, function(studyPath){

  opts <- setSimulationPath(studyPath)

  mydata <- readAntares(clusters = "all", areas = "all",
                        mcYears = "all", showProgress = FALSE)

  describe("getValues", {

    it ("stop if data is not a antaresDataTable", {
      expect_error(getValues(data=33), "'data' is not an 'antaresData' object")

    it ("stop if variable is NULL", {
      expect_error(getValues(data=mydata$areas,variable=NULL ), "variable' is NULL")

    it ("stop if variable is not a character", {
      expect_error(getValues(data=mydata$areas,variable=65), "'variable' is not a character")

    it ("check values", {
      res<-getValues(data=mydata$areas,variable="LOAD", mcyear = c(2))
      expect_equal(res[timeId==2689 & area=="a",]$`2`,53709)

      res<-getValues(data=mydata$areas,variable="WIND", mcyear = "all")
      expect_equal(res[timeId==2689 & area=="a",]$`1`,7492)



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antaresProcessing documentation built on June 25, 2024, 5:07 p.m.