

data(ld.example, package="snpStats")

ld.ceph <- ld(ceph.1mb, stats=c("", "R.squared"), depth=100)

R2.100 <- ld.ceph$R.squared
Dprime.100 <- ld.ceph$

save(R2.100, file="data/R2.100.rda", compress="xz")
#' Linkage disequilibrium on chromosome 22 in the European population
#' A dataset containing R-squared linkage disequilibrium (LD) statistics for
#' \eqn{p=603} SNPs spanning a one megabase regions on chromosome 22, in a
#' sample of 90 Europeans (CEPH). LD values were only calculated for entries in
#' a diagonal band of size \code{h=100}; the other values are assumed to be 0.
#' @format A sparse matrix of class \code{\link[Matrix]{dgCMatrix-class}}.
#' @source Data extracted from \code{\link[snpStats]{ld.example}}. The original data is
#'   from the HapMap project.

save(Dprime.100, file="data/Dprime.100.rda", compress="xz")
#' Linkage disequilibrium on chromosome 22 in the European population
#' A dataset containing D' linkage disequilibrium (LD) statistics for
#' \eqn{p=603} SNPs spanning a one megabase regions on chromosome 22, in a
#' sample of 90 Europeans (CEPH). LD values were only calculated for entries in
#' a diagonal band of size \code{h=100}; the other values are assumed to be 0.
#' @format A sparse matrix of class \code{\link[Matrix]{dgCMatrix-class}}.
#' @source Data extracted from \code{\link[snpStats]{ld.example}}. The original data is
#'   from the HapMap project.

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adjclust documentation built on Oct. 8, 2024, 9:07 a.m.