# @set class=PairedPSCBS
# @RdocMethod estimateDeltaAB
# @title "Estimate a threshold for calling allelic balance from DH"
# \description{
# @get "title" to be used by the @seemethod "callAB" method.
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{scale}{An optional @numeric scale factor.}
# \item{flavor}{A @character string specifying which type of
# estimator to use.}
# \item{...}{Additional arguments passed to the estimator.}
# \item{max}{(Optional) The maximum estimate allowed. If greater than
# this value, the estimate will be truncated.}
# \item{verbose}{See @see "R.utils::Verbose".}
# }
# \value{
# Returns the threshold estimate as a @numeric scalar.
# }
# @author "HB"
# \seealso{
# Internally, one of the following methods are used:
# @seemethod "estimateDeltaABBySmallDH",
# @seemethod "estimateStdDevForHeterozygousBAF",
# @seemethod "estimateMeanForDH", and
# @seemethod "estimateHighDHQuantileAtAB".
# }
setMethodS3("estimateDeltaAB", "PairedPSCBS", function(this, scale=NULL, flavor=c("qq(DH)", "q(DH)", "mad(hBAF)", "median(DH)"), ..., max=Inf, verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'flavor':
flavor <- match.arg(flavor)
# Argument 'max':
max <- Arguments$getDouble(max, range=c(0,Inf))
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating DH threshold for calling allelic imbalances")
verbose && cat(verbose, "flavor: ", flavor)
if (flavor == "mad(hBAF)") {
if (is.null(scale)) scale <- 3
verbose && cat(verbose, "scale: ", scale)
# sigma = mad(hBAF) = 1.4826*median(|hBAF-m|),
# where m = median(hBAF) ~= 1/2
sd <- estimateStdDevForHeterozygousBAF(this, ..., verbose=verbose)
verbose && printf(verbose, "sd: %.3g\n", sd)
delta <- scale * sd
} else if (flavor == "median(DH)") {
if (is.null(scale)) scale <- 3
verbose && cat(verbose, "scale: ", scale)
# sigma = 1/2*1.4826*median(|hBAF-1/2|),
# because DH = 2*|hBAF-1/2|
mu <- estimateMeanForDH(this, ..., verbose=verbose)
verbose && printf(verbose, "mu: %.3g\n", mu)
sd <- 1/2 * 1.4826 * mu
verbose && printf(verbose, "sd: %.3g\n", sd)
delta <- scale * sd
} else if (flavor == "q(DH)") {
if (is.null(scale)) scale <- 1
verbose && cat(verbose, "scale: ", scale)
delta <- estimateHighDHQuantileAtAB(this, scale=scale, ..., verbose=verbose)
} else if (flavor == "qq(DH)") {
if (is.null(scale)) scale <- 1
verbose && cat(verbose, "scale: ", scale)
delta <- estimateDeltaABBySmallDH(this, ..., verbose=verbose)
delta <- scale * delta
} else {
stop("Unkown flavor: ", flavor)
## } else if (flavor == "DHskew") {
## fit <- this
## if (is.null(fit$output$dhSkew)) {
## verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating DH skewness for each segment")
## fit <- applyByRegion(fit, FUN=.addTcnDhStatitics, verbose=less(verbose, 5))
## verbose && exit(verbose)
## }
## mu <- fit$output$dhMean
## skew <- fit$output$dhSkew
## deltaSkew <- -0.55
## keep <- which(skew < deltaSkew)
## verbose && printf(verbose, "Number of segments heavily skewed (< %.3f): %d\n", deltaSkew, length(keep))
## # Sanity check
## if (length(keep) == 0) {
## stop("Cannot estimate DH threshold for AB. No segments with strong skewness exists.")
## }
## deltaDH <- median(mu[keep], na.rm=TRUE)
## verbose && printf(verbose, "deltaDH: %.3g\n", deltaDH)
## deltaDH <- 1.10*deltaDH
## verbose && printf(verbose, "Adjusted +10%% deltaDH: %.3g\n", deltaDH)
## # sigma = 1/2*1.4826*median(|hBAF-1/2|),
## # because DH = 2*|hBAF-1/2|
## mu <- estimateMeanForDH(this, delta=deltaDH, ...)
## verbose && printf(verbose, "mu: %.3g\n", mu)
## sd <- 1/2 * 1.4826 * mu
## verbose && printf(verbose, "sd: %.3g\n", sd)
## }
verbose && printf(verbose, "Estimated delta: %.3g\n", delta)
# Truncate estimate?
if (delta > max) {
warning("Estimated delta (%.3g) was greater than the maximum allowed value (%.3g). The latter will be used instead.", delta, max)
delta <- max
verbose && printf(verbose, "Max delta: %.3g\n", max)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Truncated delta: %.3g\n", delta)
verbose && exit(verbose)
}) # estimateDeltaAB()
setMethodS3("estimateStdDevForHeterozygousBAF", "PairedPSCBS", function(this, deltaDH=0.20, deltaTCN=5, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'deltaDH':
deltaDH <- Arguments$getDouble(deltaDH, range=c(0,1))
# Argument 'deltaTCN':
deltaTCN <- Arguments$getDouble(deltaTCN, range=c(0,Inf))
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating standard deviation of tumor BAFs for heterozygous SNPs")
verbose && cat(verbose, "DH threshold: ", deltaDH)
verbose && cat(verbose, "TCN threshold: ", deltaTCN)
segs <-
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of segments: ", nrow(segs))
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Find segments to be used for the estimation
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Find segments that have low DHs
idxsDH <- which(segs$dhMean <= deltaDH)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small DH levels: ", length(idxsDH))
verbose && str(verbose, idxsDH)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxsDH) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with DH less or equal to the given threshold: ", deltaDH)
# Find segments that have low TCNs
idxsTCN <- which(segs$tcnMean <= deltaTCN)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small TCN levels: ", length(idxsTCN))
verbose && str(verbose, idxsTCN)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxsTCN) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with TCN less or equal to the given threshold: ", deltaTCN)
# Segments with small DH and small TCN
idxs <- intersect(idxsDH, idxsTCN)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small DH and small TCN levels: ", length(idxs))
verbose && str(verbose, idxs)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxs) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with small DH and small TCN.")
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract data and estimate parameters
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract those segments
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting identified segments")
fitT <- extractRegions(this, idxs)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Get the tumor BAFs for the heterozygous SNPs
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting BAFs for the heterozygous SNPs")
beta <- with(fitT$data, betaTN[muN == 1/2])
verbose && str(verbose, beta)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Estimate the standard deviation for those
sd <- mad(beta, na.rm=TRUE)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Estimated standard deviation: ", sd)
verbose && exit(verbose)
}, private=TRUE) # estimateStdDevForHeterozygousBAF()
setMethodS3("estimateMeanForDH", "PairedPSCBS", function(this, deltaDH=0.20, deltaTCN=5, robust=TRUE, trim=0.05, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'deltaDH':
deltaDH <- Arguments$getDouble(deltaDH, range=c(0,1))
# Argument 'deltaTCN':
deltaTCN <- Arguments$getDouble(deltaTCN, range=c(0,Inf))
# Argument 'robust':
robust <- Arguments$getLogical(robust)
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating mean of tumor DHs for heterozygous SNPs")
verbose && cat(verbose, "DH threshold: ", deltaDH)
verbose && cat(verbose, "TCN threshold: ", deltaTCN)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Robust estimator: ", robust)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Trim: ", trim)
segs <-
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of segments: ", nrow(segs))
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Find segments to be used for the estimation
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Find segments that have low DHs
idxsDH <- which(segs$dhMean <= deltaDH)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small DH levels: ", length(idxsDH))
verbose && str(verbose, idxsDH)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxsDH) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with DH less or equal to the given threshold: ", deltaDH)
# Find segments that have low TCNs
idxsTCN <- which(segs$tcnMean <= deltaTCN)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small TCN levels: ", length(idxsTCN))
verbose && str(verbose, idxsTCN)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxsTCN) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with TCN less or equal to the given threshold: ", deltaTCN)
# Segments with small DH and small TCN
idxs <- intersect(idxsDH, idxsTCN)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small DH and small TCN levels: ", length(idxs))
verbose && str(verbose, idxs)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxs) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with small DH and small TCN.")
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract data and estimate parameters
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract those segments
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting identified segments")
fitT <- extractRegions(this, idxs)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Get the tumor DHs for the heterozygous SNPs
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting DHs for the heterozygous SNPs")
rho <- with(fitT$data, rho[muN == 1/2])
verbose && str(verbose, rho)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# Estimate the average for those
rho <- rho[is.finite(rho)]
if (robust) {
mu <- median(rho, na.rm=FALSE)
qlow <- quantile(rho, probs=0.05, na.rm=FALSE)
delta <- mu-qlow
print(list(qlow=qlow, mu=mu, delta=delta, "mu+delta"=mu+delta))
} else {
mu <- mean(rho, trim=trim, na.rm=FALSE)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Estimated mean: ", mu)
verbose && exit(verbose)
}, private=TRUE) # estimateMeanForDH()
setMethodS3("estimateHighDHQuantileAtAB", "PairedPSCBS", function(this, quantile=0.99, scale=1, deltaDH=0.20, deltaTCN=5, robust=TRUE, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'quantile':
quantile <- Arguments$getDouble(quantile, range=c(0.5,1))
# Argument 'scale':
scale <- Arguments$getDouble(scale, range=c(0,Inf))
# Argument 'deltaDH':
deltaDH <- Arguments$getDouble(deltaDH, range=c(0,1))
# Argument 'deltaTCN':
deltaTCN <- Arguments$getDouble(deltaTCN, range=c(0,Inf))
# Argument 'robust':
robust <- Arguments$getLogical(robust)
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating DH quantile of tumor DHs for heterozygous SNPs")
verbose && cat(verbose, "DH threshold: ", deltaDH)
verbose && cat(verbose, "TCN threshold: ", deltaTCN)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Robust estimator: ", robust)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Scale factor: ", scale)
segs <-
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of segments: ", nrow(segs))
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Find segments to be used for the estimation
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Finding some segments that are likely to in allelic balance (AB)")
# Find some segments that have low DHs
idxsDH <- which(segs$dhMean <= deltaDH)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small DH levels: ", length(idxsDH))
verbose && str(verbose, idxsDH)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxsDH) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with DH less or equal to the given threshold: ", deltaDH)
# Find segments that have low TCNs
idxsTCN <- which(segs$tcnMean <= deltaTCN)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small TCN levels: ", length(idxsTCN))
verbose && str(verbose, idxsTCN)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxsTCN) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with TCN less or equal to the given threshold: ", deltaTCN)
# Segments with small DH and small TCN
idxs <- intersect(idxsDH, idxsTCN)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Identified segments with small DH and small TCN levels: ", length(idxs))
verbose && str(verbose, idxs)
# Sanity check
if (length(idxs) == 0) {
stop("Cannot estimate standard deviation. There exist no segments with small DH and small TCN.")
# Extract those segments
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting identified segments")
fitT <- extractRegions(this, idxs)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract data and estimate parameters
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Get the tumor DHs for the heterozygous SNPs
verbose && enter(verbose, "Extracting DHs for the heterozygous SNPs")
rho <- with(fitT$data, rho[muN == 1/2])
verbose && str(verbose, rho)
verbose && exit(verbose)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Estimating the DH quantile
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating the quantile of interest")
verbose && cat(verbose, "Quantile: ", quantile)
# Drop missing values
rho <- rho[is.finite(rho)]
if (robust) {
lq <- quantile(rho, probs=1-quantile, na.rm=FALSE)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Estimated lower quantile (%.3f): %f\n", 1-quantile, lq)
mu <- median(rho, na.rm=FALSE)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Estimated median: ", mu)
delta <- mu-lq
verbose && printf(verbose, "Estimated \"spread\": %f\n", delta)
uq <- mu + scale*delta
verbose && printf(verbose, "Scale parameter: %f\n", scale)
qs <- c(lq, mu, mu+delta, uq)
names(qs) <- sprintf("%.1f%%", 100*c(1-quantile, 0.5, quantile, 0.5+scale*(quantile-0.5)))
names(qs)[3:4] <- sprintf("%s*", names(qs)[3:4])
attr(uq, "quantiles") <- qs
} else {
uq <- quantile(rho, probs=quantile, na.rm=FALSE)
names(uq) <- uq
verbose && printf(verbose, "Estimated upper quantile (%.3f): %f\n", quantile, uq)
verbose && exit(verbose)
verbose && exit(verbose)
}, private=TRUE) # estimateHighDHQuantileAtAB()
# @set class=PairedPSCBS
# @RdocMethod estimateDeltaABBySmallDH
# @title "Estimate a threshold for calling allelic balance from DH"
# \description{
# @get "title".
# }
# @synopsis
# \arguments{
# \item{q1}{A @numeric value specifying the weighted quantile of the
# segment-level DHs used to identify segments with small DH means.}
# \item{q2}{A @numeric value specifying the quantile of the locus-level
# DH signals for those segments with small DH mean levels.}
# \item{...}{Not used.}
# \item{verbose}{See @see "R.utils::Verbose".}
# }
# \value{
# Returns the threshold estimate as a @numeric scalar.
# }
# \section{Algorithm}{
# \itemize{
# \item Grabs the segment-level DH estimates.
# \item Calculate segment weights proportional to the number
# of heterozygous SNPs.
# \item Calculate \eqn{\Delta} as the 5\% quantile of the weighted DH means.
# \item Choose the segments with means less than \eqn{\Delta}.
# \item Calculate threshold \eqn{\Delta_{AB}} as the 90\% "symmetric" quantile
# of the observed locus-level DHs from the selected segments
# in Step 4.
# The q:th "symmetric" quantile is estimated by estimating
# the ((1-q), 50\%) quantiles, calculating their distance as
# "50\%-(1-q)" and add to the median (50\%), i.e.
# "median + (median-(1-q))" = "2*median-1 + q", which should
# equal q if the distribution is symmetric.
# }
# }
# @author "HB"
# \seealso{
# Instead of calling this method explicitly, it is recommended
# to use the @seemethod "estimateDeltaAB" method.
# }
# @keyword internal
setMethodS3("estimateDeltaABBySmallDH", "PairedPSCBS", function(fit, q1=0.05, q2=0.90, ..., verbose=FALSE) {
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Validate arguments
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Argument 'q1' & 'q2':
q1 <- Arguments$getDouble(q1, range=c(0,1))
q2 <- Arguments$getDouble(q2, range=c(0,1))
# Argument 'verbose':
verbose <- Arguments$getVerbose(verbose)
if (verbose) {
verbose && enter(verbose, "Estimating DH threshold for AB caller")
verbose && cat(verbose, "quantile #1: ", q1)
verbose && cat(verbose, "Symmetric quantile #2: ", q2)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract the region-level estimates
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
segs <- getSegments(fit)
dh <- segs$dhMean
n <- segs$dhNbrOfLoci
# Drop missing values
keep <- (! & !
idxs <- which(keep)
dh <- dh[idxs]
n <- n[idxs]
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of segments: ", length(idxs))
# Sanity check
.stop_if_not(length(idxs) > 0)
# Calculated weighted quantile
weights <- n / sum(n)
deltaDH <- weightedQuantile(dh, w=weights, probs=q1)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Weighted %g%% quantile of DH: %f\n", 100*q1, deltaDH)
# Identify segments with DH this small
keep <- (dh <= deltaDH)
idxs <- idxs[keep]
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of segments with small DH: ", length(idxs))
# Sanity check
.stop_if_not(length(idxs) > 0)
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract the locus-level estimates
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
# Extract the regions of interest
fitT <- extractRegions(fit, idxs)
# Extract the data
data <- fitT$data
rho <- data$rho
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of data points: ", length(rho))
# Drop missing values
rho <- rho[is.finite(rho)]
verbose && cat(verbose, "Number of finite data points: ", length(rho))
qs <- quantile(rho, probs=c(1-q2, 1/2), na.rm=FALSE, names=FALSE)
verbose && printf(verbose, "Estimate of (1-%.3g):th and 50%% quantiles: (%g,%g)\n", q2, qs[1], qs[2])
deltaAB <- qs[2] + (qs[2]-qs[1])
verbose && printf(verbose, "Estimate of %.3g:th \"symmetric\" quantile: %g\n", q2, deltaAB)
# Sanity check
deltaAB <- Arguments$getDouble(deltaAB)
}, protected=TRUE) # estimateDeltaABBySmallDH()
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