Test 002: Determining appropriate size of test matrix"


The goal of these tests is to establish a size of matrix for which the BinaryMatrix package can complete all functions within ~90 seconds. A matrix of this size will then be used for further tests.


  1. We assume that an appropriate BinaryMatrix takes integer or numeric values of 0 and 1, with a feature set with a number of rows equal to the number of columns in the matrix.
  2. We assume that computational time is proportional to the number of items in a matrix, and not its orientation, so a square matrix will fill our purpose for these tests.


Test Function

We create a function to run 4 computationally intensive, sample tests consisting of 4 randomly selected distance measures paired with all 4 visualizations (MDS, tsne, hierarchical clustering, and igraph). Instead of returning figures, the function returns runtime for each task.

vistests <- function(n){
  # Create a binary matrix of n dimensions
  nmat <- matrix(rbinom(n*n, 1, 0.5), nrow = n)
  fmat <- data.frame(1:n)
  mybinmat <- BinaryMatrix(nmat, fmat)

  # set K
  k <- n^(1/3)

  # Test A
  tA1 <- Sys.time()
  Avis <- DistanceVis(mybinmat, "jaccard", "mds", K = k)
  Aplot <- plot(Avis@view[[1]], col=Avis@colv, pch=Avis@symv)
  tA2 <- Sys.time()

  # Test B
  tB1 <- Sys.time()
  Bvis <- DistanceVis(mybinmat, "russell", "hclust", K = k)
  Bplot <- plot(Bvis@view[[1]], col=Bvis@colv, pch=Bvis@symv)
  tB2 <- Sys.time()

  # Test C
  tC1 <- Sys.time()
  Cvis <- DistanceVis(mybinmat, "canberra", "tsne", K = k)
  Cplot <- plot(Cvis@view[[1]]$Y, col=Cvis@colv, pch=Cvis@symv)
  tC2 <- Sys.time()

  # Output
    "Definitions: \n 
    Test A = Jaccard Distance, MDS Plot \n 
    Test B = Russell Rao Distance, Hierarchical Clustering \n 
    Test C = Canberra Distance, TSNE Plot \n", "\n",
    "Runtime for Test A: ", tA2 - tA1, "\n",
    "Runtime for Test B: ", tB2 - tB1, "\n",
    "Runtime for Test C: ", tC2 - tC1, "\n"


Now, we test it on matrices of varying sizes.
First, 100x100:


Next, 500x500:




3000x3000 runs long enough (>5 minutes) that we got tired of waiting:


We conclude that a 500x500 test matrix is a good size for our purposes.

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