Biocview "Normalization"

A collection of tools for imaging MS data processing
A collection of tools for imaging MS data processing
A Comprehensive R Package For Analyzing Quantitative Phosphoproteomics Data
Adjust for positional and batch effects using ComBat
Adjust for positional and batch effects using ComBat
A DownStream Chemo-Proteomics Analysis Pipeline
A DownStream Chemo-Proteomics Analysis Pipeline
A DownStream Chemo-Proteomics Analysis Pipeline
A fast scatterplot smoother suitable for microarray normalization
Algorithms for Calculating Microarray Enrichment (ACME)
A mass spectrometry imaging toolbox for statistical analysis
Analysing Illumina HumanMethylation BeadChip Data
Analysing Illumina HumanMethylation BeadChip Data
Analysing Illumina HumanMethylation BeadChip Data
Analysis for short time-series data
Analysis for short time-series data
Analysis for short time-series data
Analysis, interpretation, and visualization of DamID-seq data
Analysis, interpretation, and visualization of DamID-seq data
Analysis of Brain Imaging Data
Analysis of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) sequencing data for precise mapping of transcription start sites and promoterome mining
Analysis of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) sequencing data for precise mapping of transcription start sites and promoterome mining
Analysis of CAGE (Cap Analysis of Gene Expression) sequencing data for precise mapping of transcription start sites and promoterome mining
Analysis of Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) data using Bioconductor
Analysis of Cap Analysis of Gene Expression (CAGE) data using Bioconductor
Analysis of compositions of microbiomes with bias correction
Analysis of single and multiple phenomic data sets
Analysis of single-cell epigenomics datasets with a Shiny App
Analysis of single-cell epigenomics datasets with a Shiny App
Analytical R tools for Mass Spectrometry
Analytical R tools for Mass Spectrometry
Analytical R tools for Mass Spectrometry
Analyze Illumina Infinium DNA methylation arrays
Analyze Illumina Infinium DNA methylation arrays
Analyze Illumina Infinium DNA methylation arrays
An integrated analysis package of miRNA and mRNA expression data
An integrated analysis package of miRNA and mRNA expression data
An Interactive Consensus Clustering Framework for Multi-platform Data Analysis
An Interactive Consensus Clustering Framework for Multi-platform Data Analysis
A normalization and copy number estimation method for single-cell DNA sequencing
A normalization and copy number estimation method for single-cell DNA sequencing
A Normalization and Copy Number Variation Detection Method for Whole Exome Sequencing
A normalization-invariant minimum enclosing ball method to detect differentially expressed genes for RNA-seq data
A normalization-invariant minimum enclosing ball method to detect differentially expressed genes for RNA-seq data
A normalization method for Copy Number Aberration in cancer samples
An R package estimates the correlations of orthologs and transposable elements between two species
An R package for analysis of massive parallel sequencing based RNA structure probing data
An R package for analysis of massive parallel sequencing based RNA structure probing data
An R package for the analysis and result reporting of RNA-Seq data by combining multiple statistical algorithms
An R package for the analysis and result reporting of RNA-Seq data by combining multiple statistical algorithms
An R package for the analysis and result reporting of RNA-Seq data by combining multiple statistical algorithms
An R package for the analysis and result reporting of RNA-Seq data by combining multiple statistical algorithms.
An R package for the analysis and result reporting of RNA-Seq data by combining multiple statistical algorithms.
An R package for the analysis and result reporting of RNA-Seq data by combining multiple statistical algorithms.
An R package for the analysis and result reporting of RNA-Seq data by combining multiple statistical algorithms.
An R package of Data Importing, Processing and Analysis for Opera High Content Screening System
A pipeline for droplet-based single-cell RNA-seq data secondary analysis implemented in the drake Make-like toolkit for R language
A pipeline for processing drug sensitivity screen data
ascend - Analysis of Single Cell Expression, Normalisation, and Differential expression
Assay characterization: estimation of limit of blanc(LoB) and limit of detection(LOD)
Assay characterization: estimation of limit of blanc(LoB) and limit of detection(LOD)
A statistical normalization method and differential expression analysis for RNA-seq data between different species
A statistical normalization method and differential expression analysis for RNA-seq data between different species
Asymmetric Within-Sample Transformation
A test for when to use quantile normalization
A test for when to use quantile normalization
A Tidy Transcriptomics introduction to RNA-Seq analyses
a tool to perform statistical analysis of differential protein expression for quantitative proteomics data.
a tool to perform statistical analysis of differential protein expression for quantitative proteomics data.
AUCell: Analysis of 'gene set' activity in single-cell RNA-seq data (e.g. identify cells with specific gene signatures)
AUCell: Analysis of 'gene set' activity in single-cell RNA-seq data (e.g. identify cells with specific gene signatures)
A wrapper for Gemma's Restful API to access curated gene expression data and differential expression analyses
A wrapper for Gemma's Restful API to access curated gene expression data and differential expression analyses
A wrapper for Gemma's Restful API to access curated gene expression data and differential expression analyses
A wrapper for Gemma's Restful API to access curated gene expression data and differential expression analyses
Bandwise normalization and batch correction of Hi-C data
Bandwise normalization and batch correction of Hi-C data
Base NanoString Experiment Class
Batch Effects Quality Control Software
Bayesian Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing data
Bayesian Analysis of Single-Cell Sequencing data
Benchmark of differential abundance methods on microbiome data
Bias Awared Peak Calling and Quantification for MeRIP-Seq
Big multivariate data plotted interactively
Brings Seurat to the Tidyverse
Brings Seurat to the Tidyverse
Brings SingleCellExperiment to the Tidyverse
Brings SingleCellExperiment to the Tidyverse
Brings SingleCellExperiment to the Tidyverse
Brings SummarizedExperiment to the Tidyverse
Brings SummarizedExperiment to the Tidyverse
Brings SummarizedExperiment to the Tidyverse
Brings transcriptomics to the tidyverse
Brings transcriptomics to the tidyverse
Brings transcriptomics to the tidyverse
Brings transcriptomics to the tidyverse
CGH Micro-Array NORmalization
Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and EPIC
Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and EPIC
Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and EPIC
Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and EPIC
Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and EPIC
Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and EPIC
Chip Analysis Methylation Pipeline for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and EPIC
ChIP-Seq Analysis with Windows
ChIP-Seq Analysis with Windows
ChIP-Seq data scaling according to spike-in control
ChIP-Seq data scaling according to spike-in control
Chip-seq Signal Quantifier Pipeline
Clustering, Differential Expression, and Trajectory Analysis for Single-Cell RNA-Seq
coexnet: An R package to build CO-EXpression NETworks from Microarray Data
coexnet: An R package to build CO-EXpression NETworks from Microarray Data
coexnet: An R package to build CO-EXpression NETworks from Microarray Data
coexnet: An R package to build CO-EXpression NETworks from Microarray Data
Coexpression for Transcription Factors using Regulatory Impact Factors and Partial Correlation and Information Theory analysis
Coexpression for Transcription Factors using Regulatory Impact Factors and Partial Correlation and Information Theory analysis
Coexpression for Transcription Factors using Regulatory Impact Factors and Partial Correlation and Information Theory analysis
Coexpression for Transcription Factors using Regulatory Impact Factors and Partial Correlation and Information Theory analysis
Comparing Differential Abundance/Expression Methods
Compensates for the bias introduced by median normalization in phosphoproteomics. This is done by taking enriched and non-enriched data and creating a normalization factor.
Comprehensive Analysis of Gene Interactivity Networks Based on Single-Cell RNA-Seq
Comprehensive and Interactive Analysis of Single Cell RNA-Seq Data
Context-Aware Transcript Quantification from Long Read RNA-Seq data
Copy Number Analysis for 450k Illumina Methylation Arrays
Count model based differential expression and normalization on GeoMx RNA data
Cytometry dATa anALYSis Tools
Cytometry dATa anALYSis Tools
Data Mining and Analysis of Lipidomics Datasets
Data Mining and Analysis of Lipidomics Datasets
Data normalization by matrix raking
Data preprocessing and quality control for Illumina HumanMethylation450 and MethylationEPIC BeadChip (USC version)
DegNorm: degradation normalization for RNA-seq data
DegNorm: degradation normalization for RNA-seq data
DEsubs: an R package for flexible identification of differentially expressed subpathways using RNA-seq expression experiments
DEsubs: an R package for flexible identification of differentially expressed subpathways using RNA-seq expression experiments
Detecting hidden batch factors through data adaptive adjustment for biological effects
Detecting hidden batch factors through data adaptive adjustment for biological effects
Detecting hidden batch factors through data adaptive adjustment for biological effects
Detecting hidden batch factors through data adaptive adjustment for biological effects
Differential Abundance Analysis of Label-Free Mass Spectrometry Data
Differential Abundance Analysis of Label-Free Mass Spectrometry Data
Differential Analyis of Hi-C Data
Differential Analysis of Hi-C Data
Differential Binding Estimation for Protein Complexes
Differential Expression Analysis of NanoString nCounter Data
Differential Expression Analysis of NanoString nCounter Data
Differential Expression Analysis of NanoString nCounter Data
Differential Expression Analysis using 'edgeR'
Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution
Differential gene expression analysis based on the negative binomial distribution
Differentially Expressed Heterogeneous Overdispersion Gene Test for Count Data
Differential pattern analysis for Ribo-seq data
Differential pattern analysis for Ribo-seq data
Diffusion scores on biological networks
Diffusion scores on biological networks
Diffusion scores on biological networks
Discriminant Analysis for Evolutionary Inference
Discriminant Analysis for Evolutionary Inference
Empirical Analysis of Digital Gene Expression Data in R
Empirical Analysis of Digital Gene Expression Data in R
Empirical Analysis of Digital Gene Expression Data in R
Enhanced copy-number variation analysis using Illumina DNA methylation arrays
Evaluation of normalization methods and calculation of differential expression analysis statistics
Evaluation of normalization methods and calculation of differential expression analysis statistics
Experimental Design in Differential Abundance analysis
Factorial Latent Variable Modeling of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
Factorial Latent Variable Modeling of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
Factorial Latent Variable Modeling of Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data
Fast Methylome-Wide Association Study Pipeline for Enrichment Platforms
Fast Methylome-Wide Association Study Pipeline for Enrichment Platforms
Fast treatment of MACSQuantify FACS data
Fast treatment of MACSQuantify FACS data
Feature Specific Quantile Normalization
Feature-Wise Normalization for Microbiome Sequencing Data
Filter replicated high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data
Filter replicated high-throughput transcriptome sequencing data
Fishpond: differential transcript and gene expression with inferential replicates
Fishpond: downstream methods and tools for expression data
Functions used to preprocess datasets stored in BioDataome
Generally applicable transcriptome-wide analysis of translational efficiency using anota2seq
Generally applicable transcriptome-wide analysis of translational efficiency using anota2seq
Generate Quality Surrogate Variable Analysis for Degradation Correction
Gene set analysis accounting for gene-gene correlations
Gene set analysis following differential expression using linear (mixed) modeling with dream
GUI for limma Package with Affymetrix Microarrays
GUI for limma Package With Two Color Microarrays
HiCcompare: Joint normalization and comparative analysis of multiple Hi-C datasets
HiCcompare: Joint normalization and comparative analysis of multiple Hi-C datasets
HiCdiff: Joint normalization and comparative analysis of multiple Hi-C datasets
Hi-C Direct Caller Plus
Higher-Order Deconvolution Survival Analyses
Identifying genetic trait/phenotype relevant cell type/state at single cell resolution
ImagingAMARETTO: tools for interpreting multi-omics networks for relevance to clinical outcomes and radiographic and histopathology imaging-derived biomarkers
Infers biological signatures from gene expression data
Integrative Analysis Pipeline for Pooled CRISPR Functional Genetic Screens
Integrative Analysis Pipeline for Pooled CRISPR Functional Genetic Screens
Introduction to Tidy Transcriptomics
Introduction to Tidy Transcriptomics
Introduction to Tidy Transcriptomics
Introduction to Tidy Transcriptomics
Introduction to Tidy Transcriptomics
Introduction to Tidy Transcriptomics
Introduction to Tidy Transcriptomics
Introduction to Tidy Transcriptomics
Intron-Exon Retention Estimator
Intron-Exon Retention Estimator
IP-seq data analysis and vizualization
IP-seq data analysis and vizualization
Iterative Differential Clustering for single-cell
KnowSeq R/Bioc package: The Smart Transcriptomic Pipeline
KnowSeq R/Bioc package: The Smart Transcriptomic Pipeline
Landscape Expression Visualization Interface
LC/MS Metabolomics Data Processing Utilities
Linear model and normality based normalization and transformation method (Linnorm)
Linear Models for Microarray Data
Linear Models for Microarray Data
LiP Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments
LiP Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments
LPEseq: local-pooled-error test for RNA-seq data with a small number of replicates
LPEseq: local-pooled-error test for RNA-seq data with a small number of replicates
Maximum Likelihood Decay Modeling of RNA Degradation Data
Maximum Likelihood Decay Modeling of RNA Degradation Data
Mean Alterations Using Discrete Expression
Mean/Median-balanced quantile normalization
Mean/Median-balanced quantile normalization
Mean/Median-balanced quantile normalization
Methods for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data Analysis
Methods for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Data Analysis
Methylation Enriched LOci Normalization (MELON) for genome-wide DNA methylation experiments
Microarray Analysis of Differential Expression
Microarray and RNA-seq Processing for ImmuneSpace
Microbiome differential abudance and correlation analyses with bias correction
Microbiome Exploration App
Microbiome Exploration App
MRS Data Preprocessing and Normalisation
Multi-Dataset Model-based Differential Expression Proteomics Analysis Platform
Multi-Dataset Model-based Differential Expression Proteomics Analysis Platform
Multi matrix analysis of multiple proteomics datasets on peptide level
"Multivariable Association Discovery in Population-scale Meta-omics Studies"
"Multivariable Association Discovery in Population-scale Meta-omics Studies"
Multivariate Information Criteria to identify important predictors in high dimensional multivariate regression
Multivariate Information Criteria to identify important predictors in high dimensional multivariate regression
Muscle Epigenetic Age Test
Muscle Epigenetic Age Test
NanoString data normalization and differential gene expression analysis
NanoString GeoMx Tools
Network smoothing for scRNAseq
Network smoothing for scRNAseq
Normalization and difference calling in ChIP-seq data
Normalization and difference calling in ChIP-seq data
Normalization and difference calling in ChIP-seq data
Normalization of Mass Spectrometry Data
Normalization of Single-Cell mRNA Sequencing Data
Normalization of single cell RNA-seq data
Normalization of single cell RNA-seq data
Normalization Procedure for Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip Kit
Normalization Procedure for Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip Kit
Normalize and detect differences between Hi-C datasets when replicates of each experimental condition are available
Normalize and detect differences between Hi-C datasets when replicates of each experimental condition are available
Normalize and detect differences between Hi-C datasets when replicates of each experimental condition are available
Normalize and detect differences between Hi-C datasets when replicates of each experimental condition are available
Normalize and detect differences between Hi-C datasets when replicates of each experimental condition are available
Outlier-aware and Count-based Compositional Analysis of Single-cell Data.
Permutation-Based Confidence for Molecular Classification
Post Translational Modification (PTM) Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments with tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling
Post Translational Modification (PTM) Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments with tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling
Post Translational Modification (PTM) Significance Analysis in shotgun mass spectrometry-based proteomic experiments with tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling
Predicting Disease Progression Based on Methylation Correlated Blocks using Ensemble Models
Predicting Disease Progression Based on Methylation Correlated Blocks using Ensemble Models
Preprocessing, analyzing, and reporting of RNA-seq data
Preprocessing of Illumina Infinium 450K data
Probabilistic Outlier Identification for RNA Sequencing Generalized Linear Models
Probabilistic Outlier Identification for RNA Sequencing Generalized Linear Models
Protein Micro Array Data Management and Interactive Visualization
Protein Significance Analysis in DDA, SRM and DIA for Label-free or Label-based Proteomics Experiments
Protein Significance Analysis in DDA, SRM and DIA for Label-free or Label-based Proteomics Experiments
Protein Significance Analysis in DDA, SRM and DIA for Label-free or Label-based Proteomics Experiments
Proteomics Label Free Quantification
Provides a GUI for DAPAR
Provides a GUI for DAPAR
Provides a GUI for DAPAR
Provides a GUI for DAPAR
Quality control and analysis tools for Illumina DNA methylation BeadChip
Quality control and analysis tools for Illumina DNA methylation BeadChip
Quality Control for Single-Cell RNA-seq Data
Quality Control for Single-Cell RNA-seq Data
Quality Control for Single-Cell RNA-seq Data
Quality metrics and data processing methods for NanoString mRNA gene expression data
Quantify and interpret divers of variation in multilevel gene expression experiments
Quantify and interpret drivers of variation in multilevel gene expression experiments
Quantitative Metabolomics Data Processing Tools
Random Rotation Methods for High Dimensional Data with Batch Structure
Random Rotation Methods for High Dimensional Data with Batch Structure
Rcpp Integration Surrogate Variable Analysis
Recovering spatially-varying cell-specific gene co-expression networks for single-cell spatial expression data.
Reference-guided isoform reconstruction and quantification for long read RNA-Seq data
Refitting diploid region profiles using a clustering procedure
Refitting diploid region profiles using a clustering procedure
Regulatory Network Inference and Driver Gene Evaluation using Integrative Multi-Omics Analysis and Penalized Regression
Regulatory Network Inference and Driver Gene Evaluation using Integrative Multi-Omics Analysis and Penalized Regression
Regulatory Network Inference and Driver Gene Evaluation using Integrative Multi-Omics Analysis and Penalized Regression
Reliable CNV detection in targeted sequencing applications
Reliable CNV detection in targeted sequencing applications
Reliable CNV detection in targeted sequencing applications
Removal of unwanted variation for gene-gene correlations and related analysis
RNASeqR: an R package for automated two-group RNA-Seq analysis workflow
RNASeqR: an R package for automated two-group RNA-Seq analysis workflow
RNASeqR: an R package for automated two-group RNA-Seq analysis workflow
RNASeqR: an R package for automated two-group RNA-Seq analysis workflow
R Normalization and Inference of Time Series data
R Normalization and Inference of Time Series data
Robust outlier identification for DNA methylation data
Robust outlier identification for DNA methylation data
Robust statistical inference for quantitative LC-MS proteomics
R Package for Processing High Content Screening data
R Package for Processing High Content Screening data
R Package for Processing High Content Screening data
RUV for normalization of expression array data
Scalable differential expression analysis of single cell transcriptomics datasets with complex study designs
Scaling normalization based on the Pareto distribution
scMerge: Merging multiple batches of scRNA-seq data
scMerge: Merging multiple batches of scRNA-seq data
sigFeature: Significant feature selection using SVM-RFE & t-statistic
sigFeature: Significant feature selection using SVM-RFE & t-statistic
Single-cell analysis toolkit for gene expression data in R
Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R
Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R
Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R
Single-Cell Analysis Toolkit for Gene Expression Data in R
Single-Cell Batch Correction Methods
Single-Cell Batch Correction Methods
Single Cell Overview of Normalized Expression data
Single Cell Overview of Normalized Expression data
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Utilities
Single-Cell RNA-Seq Analysis Utilities
Single-cell RNA sequencing data normalization
Single-cell RNA sequencing data normalization
Single Cell Shiny Application for Analysing Single Cell Transcriptomics Data
Small-Count Analysis Methods for High-Dimensional Data
Small-Count Analysis Methods for High-Dimensional Data
Smooth quantile normalization
Smooth quantile normalization
Smooth quantile normalization
Spatial quantile normalization
Spatial quantile normalization
Spatial transcriptome analyses of Nanostring's DSP data in R
Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis
Spatial Transcriptomics Analysis
Spike-in calibration for cell-free MeDIP
Stan implementation of BASiCS
Statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing
Statistical analysis for sparse high-throughput sequencing
Statistical Analysis of Molecular Profiles
Statistical Analysis of Molecular Profiles
Statistical approaches for differential expression analysis in metatranscriptomics
Statistical Characterization of Post-translational Modifications
Statistical Characterization of Post-translational Modifications
Statistics and dIagnostic Graphs for HTS
Statistics and dIagnostic Graphs for HTS
Suite of Functions for Pooled Crispr Screen QC and Analysis
Suite of Functions for Pooled Crispr Screen QC and Analysis
Suite of Functions for Pooled Crispr Screen QC and Analysis
Surrogate Variable Analysis
Surrogate Variable Analysis
Surrogate Variable Analysis
Survival analysis for gene signatures
SVAPLSseq-An R package to adjust for the hidden factors of variability in differential gene expression studies based on RNAseq data
SVAPLSseq-An R package to estimate the hidden factors of unwanted variability and adjust for them to enable a more powerful and accurate differential expression analysis based on RNAseq data
The removal of batch effects from datasets using a PCA and constrained optimisation based technique
The removal of batch effects from datasets using a PCA and constrained optimisation based technique
The tidyomics blog
The tidyomics blog
Tidy Transcriptomics for Single-cell RNA Sequencing Analyses
Tools for Assessing Clustering
Tools for Diagnostics and Corrections of Batch Effects in Proteomics
Tools for Diagnostics and Corrections of Batch Effects in Proteomics
Tools for Metabolomics Data
Tools for Metabolomics Data
Tools for Omics Data Analysis
Tools for Omics Data Analysis
Tools for processing of high-dimensional cytometry data
Tools for processing of high-dimensional cytometry data
Tools for qPLEX-RIME data analysis
Tools for quantitative proteomics data analysis
Tools for the Differential Analysis of Proteins Abundance with R
Tools for the Differential Analysis of Proteins Abundance with R
Tools for the Differential Analysis of Proteins Abundance with R
Tools for the Differential Analysis of Proteins Abundance with R
Tools for the Differential Analysis of Proteins Abundance with R
Tools for the Efficient Analysis of High-Resolution Genomics Data
Tools for the Efficient Analysis of High-Resolution Genomics Data
Tools for the preprocessing and analysis of the Illumina microarrays on the detector (bead) level
TSS sequencing data analysis
UMI4Cats: Processing, analysis and visualization of UMI-4C chromatin contact data
UMI4Cats: Processing, analysis and visualization of UMI-4C chromatin contact data
Unbiased Extraction of Single Cell Identity using Multiple Correspondence Analysis
Unbiased Extraction of Single Cell Identity using Multiple Correspondence Analysis
User-friendly Workflow for Pre-processing and Statistical Analysis of Mass Spectrometry Data
Variance Stabilizing Transformation for Gamma-Poisson Models
Visual and interactive gene expression analysis
Visual and interactive gene expression analysis
Visual and interactive gene expression analysis
Visualization of highly multiplexed imaging data in R
Visualization of highly multiplexed imaging data in R
Visualization of highly multiplexed imaging data in R
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
Wrench normalization for sparse count data
Wrench normalization for sparse count data
YARN: Robust Multi-Condition RNA-Seq Preprocessing and Normalization
YARN: Robust Multi-Condition RNA-Seq Preprocessing and Normalization