################ Class Unions
setClassUnion("Vector", c("vector", "NULL"))
setClassUnion("Matrix", c("matrix", "Vector"))
## Basic Class System, sorted according
## class hierarchy
###### MassSpectra
##' Validation method function for class MassImage objects
##' @param object object of class MassSpectra
##' @return boolean class validity test
validMassSpectraObject <- function(object) {
if (!is.character(analysisName(object)) ||
!is.character(instrument(object)) ||
!is.numeric(nz(object)) || !is.matrix(nz(object)) ||
!is.vector(mz(object)) || !
stop("Invalid parameters")
##' Class \code{MassSpectra}
##' Class \code{MassSpectra} is the main data container in the tofsims
##' package as it contains the individual mass spectra.
##' Class \code{MassSpectra} is the main data container of the \code{tofsims}
##' package, containing the individual mass spectra in the slot \code{nz}.
##' Additional metadata about the analysis can be found in the slots
##' \code{analysisName} and \code{instrument}. Values for slope and intercept
##' of the linear mass calibration equation are stored in the slot
##' \code{calibration}. The M/z values can be found in \code{mz}.
##' \code{calibration} allows calculating from M/z values back to
##' times-of-flight.
##' The slot \code{calibPoints} is used to recalibrate the dataset. It contains
##' a data.frame with the columns \code{mz} and \code{TOF}. The slot
##' \code{analysis} of type \code{list}, is used as a container for data
##' analysis objects. Typically, object of the class \code{MassSpectra} are
##' constructed during data import using the user constructor function with the
##' same name as the class, \code{MassSpectra}.
##' @export
##' @slot analysisName character vector with the import filename
##' @slot instrument character vector type of instrument used in the experiment
##' @slot calibration data frame for numerics slope and intercept of the mass
##' calibration
##' @slot calibPoints data frame for time of flight to maass to charge
##' calibration
##' @slot nz matrix with rows of ion counts and columns as toftimes or mass to
##' charge ratios
##' @slot mz vector same length as columns in \code{nz} for mass to charge
##' values
##' @rdname MassSpectra
##' @author Lorenz Gerber <>
MassSpectra <- setClass("MassSpectra",
slots = c(analysisName = "character",
instrument = "character",
calibration = "data.frame",
calibPoints = "data.frame",
nz = "matrix",
mz = "vector",
analysis = "list"),
validity = validMassSpectraObject)
###### MassImage
##' Validation method functionf for class MassImage objects
##' @param object object of class MassImage
##' @return boolean class validity test
validMassImageObject <- function(object) {
if (!is.numeric(xy(object)))
stop("Invalid paramteres")
##' Class MassImage
##' Class MassImage contains the information to shape a number of mass spectra
##' into an image.
##' Class \code{MassImage} inherits from the classes \code{MassAnalysis} and
##' \code{MassSpectra}. It contains the information to shape a number of mass
##' spectra into an image.
##' @rdname MassImage
##' @export
##' @slot xy vector giving the pixel dimension of the image
MassImage <- setClass("MassImage",
slots = c(xy = "vector"),
contains = c("MassSpectra"),
validity = validMassImageObject)
###### PeakList
##' Validation method function for class PeakList objects
##' @param object object of class PeakList
##' @return boolean class validity test
validPeakListObject <- function(object) {
#if (!ndim(object) == 1 || !is.numeric(peakIDs(object)) ||
# !is.numeric(peakMzs(object)))
# stop("Invalid paramteres")
##' Class PeakList
##' Class PeakList is an extension of TIC class that can hold information about
##' peaks.
##' Class \code{PeakList} inherits from the classes \code{MassAnalysis},
##' \code{MassSpectra}
##' and \code{TIC}.
##' @export
##' @slot peakIDs matrix integer ID for peaks
##' @slot peakMzs matrix with mass to charge values for lower, middle and upper
##' peak values
##' @author Lorenz Gerber <>
##' @examples
##' # The typical way to obtain a PeakList object is by
##' # applying some peak picking method to a MassSpectra
##' # below an example using the 'unitMassPeaks' method
##' library(tofsimsData)
##' data(tofsimsData)
##' testSpectra<-calibPointNew(testSpectra, mz = 15, value = 15.01551)
##' testSpectra<-calibPointNew(testSpectra, mz = 181, value = 181.0228)
##' testSpectra<-recalibrate(testSpectra)
##' testSpectra<-unitMassPeaks(testSpectra, mzRange = c(1,200), widthAt = c(15, 181),
##' factor = c(0.4, 0.6), lower = c(14.97, 15.05), upper = c(180.84, 181.43))
##' show(testSpectra)
PeakList <- setClass("PeakList",
slots = c(peakIDs = "Matrix",
peakMzs = "Matrix"),
contains = c("MassSpectra"),
validity = validPeakListObject)
#################### Analysis Classes
###### PCA (Virtual Class)
##' Validation method function for class PCA objects
##' @param object object of class PCA
##' @return boolean class validity test
validPCAObject <- function(object) {
if (
(nComp(object) == 0 &&
is.null(pcaLoadings(object)) &&
is.null(pcaScores(object))) |
(nComp(object) != 0 &&
!is.null(pcaLoadings(object)) &&
!is.null(pcaScores(object)) &&
nComp(object) == dim(pcaScores(object))[2])
) {
stop("Invalid object.")
} else TRUE
##' Class PCA
##' Class \code{PCA} is a virtual class for PCA that will be inherited.
##' Class \code{PCA} is a virtual class for PCA that will be inherited.
##' @export
##' @slot pcaLoadings matrix that holds the loadings of a principal component
##' like analysis
##' @slot pcaScores matrix that holds the scores of a principal component like
##' analysis
##' @slot nComp numeric number of components in the principal component like
##' analysis
##' @slot imageDim vector x and y values of the image dimension
##' @slot classOfData character a more detailed description of the analysis type
PCA <- setClass("PCA",
representation(pcaLoadings = "Matrix",
pcaScores = "Matrix",
nComp = "numeric",
imageDim = "Vector",
classOfData = "character"),
prototype(nComp = 0,
imageDim = c()),
contains = "VIRTUAL",
validity = validPCAObject)
###### PrinComp
##' Class PrinComp
##' Class \code{PrinComp} is a wrapper for the S3 function princomp
##' Class \code{PrinComp} is a wrapper for the S3 function princomp
##' @export
##' @slot scale vector see description of \code{stats::princomp}
##' @slot n.obs numeric see description of \code{stats::princomp}
##' @slot call language see description of \code{stats::princomp}
##' @slot center center see description of \code{stats::princomp}
##' @slot sdev vector see description of \code{stats::princomp}
##' @author Lorenz Gerber <>
##' @rdname PrinComp
PrinComp <- setClass("PrinComp",
slots = c(scale = "vector",
n.obs = "numeric",
call = "language",
center = "vector",
sdev = "vector"),
contains = "PCA",
validity = validPCAObject)
###### PrComp
##' Class PrComp
##' Class \code{PrComp} is a wrapper for the S3 function prcomp
##' Class \code{PrComp} is a wrapper for the S3 function prcomp
##' @export
##' @slot scale logical see description of \code{stats::prcomp}
##' @slot center vector see description of \code{stats::prcomp}
##' @slot sdev vector see description of \code{stats::prcomp}
##' @author Lorenz Gerber <>
##' @rdname PrComp
PrComp <- setClass("PrComp",
slots = c(scale = "logical",
center = "vector",
sdev = "vector"),
contains = "PCA",
validity = validPCAObject)
###### PCAnalysis
##' Class PCAnalysis
##' Class \code{PCAnalysis} contains methods for simple PCA analyis
##' Class \code{PCAnalysis} contains methods for simple PCA analysis
##' @export
##' @author Lorenz Gerber <>
##' @rdname PCAnalysis
PCAnalysis <- setClass("PCAnalysis",
contains = "PCA",
validity = validPCAObject)
###### MAF
##' Class MAF
##' Class \code{MAF} contains methods for Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
##' analysis
##' Class \code{MAF} contains methods for Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
##' analysis
##' @export
##' @rdname MAF
##' @examples
##' library(tofsimsData)
##' data(tofsimsData)
##' \dontrun{data(tofsimsData)
##' MAF(testImage,5,TRUE)
##' image(analysis(testImage,1),comp = 1)}
MAF <- setClass("MAF", contains = "PCA", validity = validPCAObject)
###### MNF
##' Class MNF
##' Class \code{MNF} contains methods for Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
##' analysis
##' Class \code{MNF} contains methods for Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
##' analysis
##' @export
##' @rdname MNF
MNF <- setClass("MNF", contains = "PCA", validity = validPCAObject)
###### nnMNF
##' Class nnMNF
##' Class \code{nnMNF} contains methods for Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
##' analysis
##' Class \code{nnMNF} contains methods for Maximum Autocorrelation Factors
##' analysis
##' @export
##' @rdname nnMNF
nnMNF <- setClass("nnMNF", contains = "PCA", validity = validPCAObject)
###### MCR
##' Class MCR
##' Class \code{MCR} contains methods for 'Multivariate Curve
##' Resolution by Alternate Least Squares'
##' Class \code{MCR} contains methods for 'Multivariate Curve
##' Resolution by Alternate Least Squares'
##' @export
##' @slot RSS numeric residual sum of squares
##' @slot resids matrix with residuals
##' @slot iters numeric number of iterations
##' @author Lorenz Gerber <>
##' @rdname MCR
MCR <- setClass("MCR",
slots = c(RSS = "numeric",
resids = "matrix",
iters = "numeric"),
contains = "PCA",
validity = validPCAObject)
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