# This function provides the interface to browse files in the system
# and returns all or a given number of selected file names.
fileBrowser <- function (path = "", testFun = function(x) TRUE,
prefix = NULL, suffix = NULL,
textToShow = "Select file(s)", nSelect = -1)
LABELFONT1 <- "Helvetica 12 bold"
LABELFONT2 <- "Helvetica 11"
OFFSET <- 10
# currentNode <- NULL
# nodes <- NULL
fileSelected <- NULL
# currentDir <- NULL
currentFile <- NULL
selIndex <- NULL
fileIndex <- NULL
nextY <- NULL
# Close the window. Warn users if the number of selected files is wrong
end <- function(){
if(nSelect == -1){
if(nSelect != length(fileSelected)){
tkmessageBox(title = "Wrong number", message =
paste("You can only select", nSelect, "file(s)"),
icon = "warning", type = "ok")
# When a user double clicks a file name in the list box for file names,
# remembers the file name and path for that name and write the
# contents to the list box if the name is a directory.
inList <- function(){
selectedObj <- as.character(tkget(listView,
# In case the name selected has a space
if(length(selectedObj) > 1)
selectedObj <- paste(selectedObj, collapse = " ")
if(regexpr(.Platform$file.sep, selectedObj[1]) >= 1){
setwd(file.path(getwd(), selectedObj))
pickFiles(appendSepDir(getwd()), testFun,
prefix, suffix))
if(length(unlist(strsplit(getwd(), getSep()))) >= 1)
tkconfigure(upBut, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(selectBut, state = "disabled")
selIndex <<- as.character(tkcurselection(listView))
# Remember the index of the file name when a user single clicked a
# file name in the box for file names.
selInDir <- function (){
fileIndex <<- NULL
tkconfigure(selectBut, state = "normal")
selIndex <<- unlist(strsplit(
as.character(tkcurselection(listView)), " "))
# Remember the index of the file name when a user single clicked a
# file name in the box for selected file names.
selInSelection <- function(){
selIndex <<- NULL
if(as.character(tkcurselection(selectView))[1] != ""){
fileIndex <<-
unlist(strsplit(as.character(tkcurselection(selectView)), " "))
tkconfigure(remBut, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(remBut, state = "disabled")
# Write a selected file name to the list box for selected files
# when a user clicked the select button after clicking a file name
#in the box for file names.
selectAFile <- function(){
if(length(selIndex) > 0){
for(i in selIndex){
selObj <- as.character(tkget(listView, i))
# In case a file name contains a space
if(length(selObj) > 1)
selObj <- paste(selObj, collapse = " ")
fileSelected <<- c(fileSelected,
file.path(getwd(), selObj))
fileSelected <<- unique(fileSelected)
writeToView(selectView, fileSelected)
selIndex <<- NULL
# Clear the selected file names
clearSelection <- function(){
fileSelected <<- NULL
writeToView(selectView, NULL)
# Remove a clicked file name from the box for selected file names
# after a user clicked the remove button.
dropSelection <- function(){
toRemove <- NULL
if(length(fileIndex) > 0){
for(i in fileIndex)
toRemove <- c(toRemove, -(as.numeric(i) + 1))
fileSelected <<- fileSelected[toRemove]
writeToView(selectView, fileSelected)
fileIndex <<- NULL
# Remember the path the browser has traveled.
# doPath <- function(){
# nodes <<- unlist(strsplit(path, .Platform$file.sep))
# currentNode <<- length(nodes)
# }
write2List <- function (listBox, toWrite){
writeList(listBox, toWrite, clear = TRUE)
# Move the browser one level up the directory path
goUp <- function(){
tkconfigure(selectBut, state = "disabled")
sep <- getSep()
temp <- unlist(strsplit(getwd(), sep))
if(length(temp) >= 2){
if(length(temp) > 2){
temp <- paste(temp[1:(length(temp) - 1)],
sep = "", collapse = .Platform$file.sep)
if(length(temp) == 3 && .Platform$OS.type == "unix"){
tkconfigure(upBut, state = "disabled")
temp <- paste(temp[1], sep, sep = "", collapse = "")
tkconfigure(upBut, state = "disabled")
write2List(listView, pickFiles(appendSepDir(getwd()), testFun,
prefix, suffix))
# Returns the file separator
getSep <- function(){
# Write the content of toWrite to a list given box
writeToView <- function(aView, toWrite){
tkdelete(aView, 0, "end")
for (i in toWrite){
if(substr(i, nchar(i), (nchar(i) + 1))
== .Platform$file.sep)
i <- substr(i, 0, (nchar(i) - 1 ))
tkinsert(aView, "end",
gsub(paste(".*", .Platform$file.sep, "(.*)",
sep = ""), "\\1", i))
if(length(toWrite) > 0)
tkconfigure(clearBut, state = "normal")
tkconfigure(clearBut, state = "disabled")
tkconfigure(remBut, state = "disabled")
# Refresh the path shown on the widget
writeCap <- function(toWrite)
tkconfigure(caption, text = toWrite)
oldDir <- getwd()
if(path != "")
# doPath()
## Set up the interface
base <- tktoplevel()
tktitle(base) <- paste("File Browser")
# Writes the directory name
topFrame <- tkframe(base)
instruct <- tklabel(topFrame, text = textToShow, font = LABELFONT1)
dir <- tklabel(topFrame, text = "Directory: ", font = LABELFONT2)
caption <- tklabel(topFrame, text = getwd(), font = LABELFONT2)
tkgrid(instruct, columnspan = 2)
tkgrid(dir, caption)
tkgrid(topFrame, columnspan = 2, padx = 10)
# Put the list box for file names in a directory and the
# associated buttons
leftFrame <- tkframe(base)
dirLabel <- tklabel(leftFrame, text = "Files in directory",
font = "Helvetica 11")
tkgrid(dirLabel, columnspan = 2)
dirLFrame <- tkframe(leftFrame)
listView <- makeViewer(dirLFrame, vWidth = BOXWIDTH,
vHeight = BOXHEIGHT)
tkgrid(dirLFrame, columnspan = 2)
upBut <- tkbutton(leftFrame, text = "Up", width = BUTWIDTH,
command = goUp)
selectBut <- tkbutton(leftFrame, text = "Select >>", width = BUTWIDTH,
state = "disabled", command = selectAFile)
tkgrid(upBut, selectBut)
tkgrid.configure(upBut, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(selectBut, sticky = "w")
tkconfigure(listView, selectmode = "extended", font = LABELFONT2)
tkbind(listView, "<Double-Button-1>", inList)
tkbind(listView, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", selInDir)
write2List(listView, pickFiles(appendSepDir(getwd()), testFun,
prefix, suffix))
# Put the list box for selected file names and the associated buttons
rightFrame <- tkframe(base)
selLabel <- tklabel(rightFrame, text = "Files selected",
font = "Helvetica 11")
tkgrid(selLabel, columnspan = 2)
selLFrame <- tkframe(rightFrame)
selectView <- makeViewer(selLFrame, vWidth = BOXWIDTH,
vHeight = BOXHEIGHT)
tkgrid(selLFrame, columnspan = 2)
tkconfigure(selectView, selectmode = "extended", font = LABELFONT2)
tkbind(selectView, "<B1-ButtonRelease>", selInSelection)
remBut <- tkbutton(rightFrame, text = "<< Remove", width = BUTWIDTH,
state = "disabled", command = dropSelection)
clearBut <- tkbutton(rightFrame, text = "Clear", width = BUTWIDTH,
state = "disabled", command = clearSelection)
tkgrid(remBut, clearBut)
tkgrid.configure(remBut, sticky = "e")
tkgrid.configure(clearBut, sticky = "w")
tkgrid(leftFrame, rightFrame)
# Put the end button
endBut <- tkbutton(base, text = "Finish", width = BUTWIDTH,
command = end)
tkgrid(endBut, columnspan = 2)
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