# ########################## SPS plugins ####################################
##' SPS plugin operations
##' @description `spsAddPlugin()` adds an existing SPS plugin to a SPS project,
##' `spsRemovePlugin()` is to remove a loaded plugin, and `spsNewPlugin()` is
##' for developers to create a minimum plugin structure and required files.
##' @param plugin character, a plugin name. It can also be a path in
##' `spsAddPlugin()` function if `third_party = TRUE`.
##' @param app_path the SPS project you want to load plugin to
##' @param verbose bool, show more information?
##' @param third_party bool, is this an official plugin?
##' @param overwrite one of 0, 1 or 2, if there are file conflicts, how to
##' handle conflict files, see details.
##' @param colorful bool, colorful message?
##' @return No return
##' @details
##' #### General
##' - You can just use `spsAddPlugin()` without any argument to see
##' what are the plugin options.
##' - `plugin` should be a single name when `third_party = FALSE`, and
##' can be a path to a custom plugin root when `third_party = TRUE`.
##' - Make sure there is a 'config/tabs.csv' file in your SPS project when you
##' load the plugin.
##' - If there is any file conflicts when loading plugins, please see the
##' app structure tree and refer to the legend below the tree to help you resolve
##' conflicts. Overwriting current files is not recommended. Rename conflict
##' files and compare them after loading the plugin will be better.
##' - When a plugin is removed, only tab files from that plugin are removed and
##' entries on *config/tabs.csv* are removed. Other files come from the plugin
##' will not be removed.
##' - After adding the plugin to a SPS project, you need to load it on app
##' start, [sps(..., plugin = "PLUGIN_NAME")][sps()].
##' #### overwrite mode
##' - 0, if there is any conflict, abort
##' - 1, overwrite all overlapping files
##' - 2, ignore conflict files, only copy new files
##' #### Building a plugin
##' - When adding new tabs to a plugin, it will be better to set working
##' directory to *PLUGIN_ROOT/inst/app*. Tab files should go into
##' *PLUGIN_ROOT/inst/app/R*.
##' - Any additional files in *PLUGIN_ROOT/inst/app* except the *config/tabs.csv*
##' will also be copied to users' project.
##' - Tab files will be checked and two functions in the tab file are expected:
##' `tabIDUI` and `tabIDServer`. Other files will not be checked for content.
##' - For a plugin to work, *PLUGIN_ROOT/inst/app/config/tabs.csv* is required,
##' and tab files listed in this *tabs.csv* are also required to be put inside
##' *PLUGIN_ROOT/inst/app/R*. *PLUGIN_ROOT/inst/app/welcome.txt* is optional. If
##' this file exists, content will be `cat` to console when plugin is loaded.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' # see what official plugins you can install:
##' spsAddPlugin()
##' # create a project
##' spsInit(project_name = "testProject",
##' change_wd = FALSE,
##' open_files = TRUE,
##' overwrite = TRUE)
##' # create a new plugin
##' spsNewPlugin(path = "testPlugin")
##' # add some tabs to the plugin
##' # tabs
##' plugin_path <- file.path("testPlugin", "inst", "app")
##' newTabData("data_a",
##' app_path = plugin_path,
##' plugin = "testPlugin",
##' reformat = FALSE,
##' open_file = FALSE)
##' newTabPlot("plot_a",
##' app_path = plugin_path,
##' plot_data = list(makePlotData(receive_datatab_ids = 'data_a',
##' app_path = plugin_path)),
##' plugin = "testPlugin",
##' reformat = FALSE,
##' open_file = FALSE)
##' # load the plugin, the plugin is not published, so `third_party = TRUE`
##' spsAddPlugin(plugin = "testPlugin",
##' app_path = "testProject",
##' third_party = TRUE,
##' overwrite = 1)
##' # check if the plugin is added
##' # You should see `tab_vs_data_a.R` and `tab_vs_plot_a.R`
##' list.files(file.path("testProject", "R"))
##' # check if tab files are registered
##' # You should see the two new records
##' tail(vroom::vroom(file.path("testProject", "config", "tabs.csv"),
##' comment = "#"))
##' # now remove the plugin
##' # now remove the plugin
##' # Windows connection close is delayed, may cause problems, uncomment to run
##' # next line before remove a plugin and try again
##' # closeAllConnections(); quiet(gc())
##' spsRemovePlugin(plugin = "testPlugin", app_path = "testProject", force = TRUE)
##' # let's check these files again:
##' list.files(file.path("testProject", "R"))
##' tail(vroom::vroom(file.path("testProject", "config", "tabs.csv"),
##' comment = "#"))
#spsAddPlugin <- function(
# plugin = "",
# app_path = getwd(),
# verbose = FALSE,
# third_party = FALSE,
# overwrite = 0,
# colorful = TRUE){
# old_opt <- getOption('sps')
# on.exit(options(sps = old_opt))
# spsOption("use_crayon", colorful)
# spsOption("verbose", verbose)
# spsinfo("Check plugin name")
# if(!.validatePluginName(plugin, third_party)) return(cat())
# if(!third_party) .checkPluginInstall(plugin)
# if(!overwrite %in% 0:2) spserror("overwrite can only be 0, 1, 2")
# spsinfo("Load tabs.csv from your SPS project")
# tab_info <- .checkTabFile(app_path)
# plugin_path <- if(!third_party) {
# system.file("app", package = plugin)
# } else file.path(plugin, "inst", "app")
# if(!emptyIsFalse(app_path)) spserror("Can't get plugin path")
# spsinfo("Load tabs.csv from plugin")
# tab_info_plugin <- .checkTabFile(plugin_path, check_write = FALSE)
# if(!.checkConflictTabs(tab_info, tab_info_plugin)) spserror("Abort")
# files <- .resolvePluginStructure(app_path, plugin_path)
# copy_files <- .resolveFileOverlap(files, overwrite)
# .checkTabContent(tab_info_plugin, plugin_path)
# spsinfo("Initial checks pass, now copy files")
# .copyPluginFiles(copy_files, files$dirs, app_path, plugin_path,
# tab_info, tab_info_plugin)
# msg(glue("Plugin {plugin} added!"), "SPS-SUCCESS", "green")
# welcome_file <- file.path(plugin_path, "..", "welcome.txt")
# if(file.exists(welcome_file)) readLines(welcome_file) %>% cat(sep = "\n")
# more_info <- c(glue("Remember to load `library({plugin})` when you start "),
# "SPS. Additional R functions maybe bundled with this plugin")
# if(!third_party) {spsinfo(more_info, TRUE)} else {
# spsinfo(glue("If this third-party plugin is an R package "), TRUE)
# spsinfo(more_info, TRUE)
# }
#.checkPluginInstall <- function(plugin){
# spsinfo("Check if plugin(package) is installed")
# if(emptyIsFalse(checkNameSpace(plugin, quietly = TRUE))){
# on.exit(.listPlugins())
# spserror(glue("Plugin `{plugin}` is not installed"))
# }
#.validatePluginName <- function(plugin, third_party){
# if(length(plugin) > 1) spserror("Only one name at a time")
# if(third_party){
# R_folder <- file.path(plugin, "inst", "app", "R")
# if(!dir.exists(R_folder))
# spserror(glue("{R_folder} does not exist"))
# tab_file <- file.path(plugin, "inst", "app", "config", "tabs.csv")
# if(!file.exists(tab_file))
# spserror(glue("{tab_file} does not exist"))
# return(TRUE)
# }
# if(!emptyIsFalse(plugin)){
# .listPlugins()
# return(FALSE)
# } else if(!plugin %in% c("spsBio", "spsDS", "base")) {
# on.exit(.listPlugins())
# spserror("Invalid plugin name")
# } else {return(TRUE)}
##' @importFrom crayon blue green
##' @noRd
#.listPlugins <- function(){
# spsinfo(glue('Current SPS has following plugins'), TRUE)
# style <- function(plugin, desc){
# cat(crayon::blue$bold(str_pad(plugin, width = 20, side = "right")),
# crayon::green$bold(desc))
# cat("\n")
# }
# style("spsBio", "Biological plots")
# cat('BiocManager::install("systemPipeR/spsBio")\n')
# # style("spsDS", "A variety of plots for general data analysis")
# # cat('remotes::install_github("systemPipeR/spsDS")\n')
#.checkTabFile <- function(project_path, check_write = TRUE){
# if(check_write){
# spsinfo("Check if app folder is writeable")
# if(!is.writeable(project_path)){
# spserror(glue('App folder {project_path} is not writeable'))
# }
# }
# spsinfo("Check if tabs.csv exists")
# tab_file <- file.path(project_path, "config", "tabs.csv")
# if(!file.exists(tab_file)){
# spserror(glue('Expect the tabs.csv file at: {tab_file}'))
# }
# spsinfo("Check tabs.csv content")
# return(checkTabs(project_path, warn_img = FALSE))
#.listPluginFiles <- function(path = getwd(), exclude_tab_config = FALSE){
# exclude_files <- if(!exclude_tab_config) "" else c("", "config/tabs.csv")
# list.files(path, full.names = FALSE, include.dirs = TRUE,
# all.files = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, no.. = TRUE) %>%
# {.[!. %in% exclude_files]}
#.cat_dir <- function(split_files, start = ".", space = "") {
# nodes <- split_files[[start]]
# color_text <- names(nodes)
# for(dir in seq_along(nodes)) {
# if(dir == length(nodes)) {
# cat(space, "L-- ", color_text[dir], "\n", sep = "")
# .cat_dir(split_files, nodes[dir], glue("{space} "))
# } else {
# cat(space, "+-- ", color_text[dir], "\n", sep = "")
# .cat_dir(split_files, nodes[dir], glue("{space}| "))
# }
# }
##' @importFrom crayon make_style green blue
##' @noRd
#.resolvePluginStructure <- function(app_path, plugin_path){
# app_files <- .listPluginFiles(app_path)
# plugin_files <- .listPluginFiles(plugin_path, TRUE)
# all_files <- unique(app_files, plugin_files)
# old_files <- setdiff(app_files, plugin_files)
# new_files <- setdiff(plugin_files, app_files)
# overlap_files <- all_files[!all_files %in% c(old_files, new_files)]
# names(old_files) <- basename(old_files)
# names(new_files) <- if(emptyIsFalse(new_files)){
# crayon::green$bold(paste0("*", basename(new_files)))
# } else {character(0)}
# names(overlap_files) <- if(emptyIsFalse(overlap_files)){
# crayon::make_style("orange")$bold(paste0("**", basename(overlap_files)))
# } else(character(0))
# all_files <- c(old_files, new_files, overlap_files)
# dirs <- unique(dirname(all_files)) %>% {.[. != "."]}
# color_text <- names(all_files)
# for(dir in dirs){
# color_text[all_files == dir]<- crayon::blue$bold(basename(dir))
# }
# names(all_files) <- color_text
# split_files <- split(all_files, dirname(all_files))
# cat(crayon::blue$bold(basename("New directory will be:")), "\n")
# .cat_dir(split_files)
# cat("-- Old files ",
# crayon::green$bold("-- *New files"), "\n",
# crayon::make_style("orange")$bold("-- **Overlapping files"), " ",
# crayon::blue$bold("Directory"), "\n", sep = ""
# )
# return(list(
# old_files = old_files,
# new_files = new_files,
# overlap_files = overlap_files,
# dirs = dirs
# ))
#.resolveFileOverlap <- function(files, overwrite){
# file_overlap <- files$overlap_files[!files$overlap_files %in% files$dirs]
# if(length(file_overlap)){
# if(!overwrite){
# spswarn("Overlapping files detected and `overwrite` option is false")
# spserror("Abort")
# } else if(overwrite == 1){
# spswarn("Overlapping files detected and will be overwritten")
# c(files$new_files, files$overlap_files) %>%
# unique() %>%
# {.[!. %in% files$dirs]}
# } else if(overwrite == 2){
# spswarn("Overlapping files detected and will be ignored")
# files$new_files %>% {.[!. %in% files$dirs]}
# }
# } else files$new_files %>% {.[!. %in% files$dirs]}
##' @importFrom dplyr filter
##' @noRd
#.checkTabContent <- function(tab_info_plugin, plugin_path){
# vs_tabs <- dplyr::filter(tab_info_plugin, type_sub %in% c("data", "plot"))
# if(nrow(vs_tabs) < 1) {spsinfo("No tab added"); return(TRUE)}
# tab_ids <- vs_tabs$tab_id; tab_files <- vs_tabs$tab_file_name
# spsinfo("Checking plugin tab IDs")
# if(!all(bad_id <- str_detect(tab_ids, "^(data|plot)_"))){
# spserror(c("Invalid tab ID ",
# glue_collapse(tab_ids[!bad_id], sep = " ")))
# }
# spsinfo("Checking plugin individual tab files")
# tab_ids = tab_ids[c(-1, -2)]
# tab_files = tab_files[c(-1, -2)]
# for(i in seq_along(tab_files)[c(-1, -2)]){
# if(!str_detect(tab_files[i], glue("^tab_vs_{tab_ids[i]}\\.R$"))) {
# spswarn(c("tab ",
# tab_files[i],
# " recommended file name is ",
# glue("tab_vs_{tab_ids[i]}.R")))
# }
# spsinfo(c("Checking content of ", tab_files[i]))
# tab_file <- file.path(plugin_path, "R", tab_files[i])
# if(!file.exists(tab_file)) {
# spserror(c("Plugin tab ", tab_ids[i], ": ", tab_file, " not exist"))
# }
# tab_content <- readLines(tab_file)
# .findUIandServer(tab_content, "UI", tab_ids[i], tab_file)
# .findUIandServer(tab_content, "Server", tab_ids[i], tab_file)
# }
#.findUIandServer <- function(tab_content, ui_or_server, tab_id, tab_file){
# search_res <- str_detect(
# tab_content,
# glue("^@{tab_id}@@{ui_or_server}@[ ]{0,}(<-|=)[ ]{0,}function",
# .open = "@{",
# .close = "}@")
# )
# if(sum(search_res) < 1){
# spserror(c(glue("Cannot find {ui_or_server} function for "),
# tab_id,
# " in file ",
# tab_file,
# " It should start with:", "\n",
# glue("'{tab_id}{ui_or_server} <- function' or \n"),
# glue("'{tab_id}{ui_or_server} = function'\n")
# ))
# } else if(sum(search_res) > 1){
# spswarn(glue("Find duplicated {ui_or_server} function in {tab_file}:"))
# cat(glue(
# "Line @{which(search_res)}@: @{tab_content[search_res]}@",
# .open = "@{", .close = "}@"
# ), sep = "\n")
# }
#.checkConflictTabs <- function(tab_info, tab_info_plugin){
# conflict <- intersect(tab_info$tab_id, tab_info_plugin$tab_id)
# if(length(conflict) > 0){
# spswarn(c("There is(are) Tab ID(s) from plugin that conflicts with",
# " your current SPS project:\n '",
# glue_collapse(unique(conflict), ", "), "'"))
# } else TRUE
##' @importFrom dplyr add_row
##' @noRd
#.copyPluginFiles <- function(copy_files, dirs, app_path, plugin_path,
# tab_info, tab_info_plugin){
# spsinfo("create required directories")
# dir_result <- lapply(file.path(app_path, dirs),
# dir.create,
# recursive = TRUE,
# showWarnings = FALSE) %>%
# unlist()
# lapply(dirs[!dir_result], function(x) {
# spsinfo(glue("Directory {x} exists, skip"))
# })
# copy_res <- file.copy(file.path(plugin_path, copy_files),
# file.path(app_path, copy_files),
# overwrite = TRUE)
# if(!all(copy_res)){
# lapply(file.path(app_path, copy_files), function(x){
# spswarn(glue("Cannot copy file to {x}"))
# spsinfo(c("Maybe this file(s) exists but ",
# "you have no permission to modify"), TRUE)
# spserror("Abort")
# })
# }
# spsinfo("Now rewrite 'config/tabs.csv'")
# tab_info_new <- tab_info %>% rbind(tab_info_plugin)
# header <- readLines(file.path(app_path, "config", "tabs.csv")) %>%
# {.[str_which(., "^#")]}
# c(header, names(tab_info_new) %>% glue_collapse(sep = ","),
# apply(tab_info_new, 1, paste, collapse = ",")) %>%
# writeLines(con = file.path(app_path, "config", "tabs.csv"))
############ remove plugin #############
##' @rdname spsAddPlugin
##' @param force bool, if plugin files found, confirm before remove?
##' @export
##' @importFrom dplyr filter
#spsRemovePlugin <- function(
# plugin="",
# app_path = getwd(),
# force = FALSE,
# verbose = FALSE,
# colorful = TRUE){
# old_opt <- getOption('sps')
# spsOption("use_crayon", colorful)
# spsOption("verbose", verbose)
# if(!is.character(plugin) & length(plugin) != 1){
# spserror("Plugin name must be a length 1 character string")
# }
# spsinfo("Load tabs.csv from your SPS project")
# tabs <- .checkTabFile(app_path)
# tab_plugin <- dplyr::filter(tabs, plugin != "core")
# if(plugin == ""){
# spsinfo("Installed plugins:", TRUE)
# cat("core(unremovable)\n")
# return(cat(unique(tab_plugin$plugin), sep = "\n"))
# }
# if(!plugin %in% tab_plugin$plugin) return(spswarn("No plugin matched"))
# files <- tab_plugin$tab_file_name[tab_plugin$plugin == plugin]
# if(all(.removePluginFiles(files, app_path, force))) {
# spsinfo("Files all removed")}
# spsinfo("Now rewrite 'config/tabs.csv'")
# header <- readLines(file.path(app_path, "config", "tabs.csv")) %>%
# {.[str_which(., "^#")]}
# file_content <- c(header, names(tabs) %>% glue_collapse(sep = ","),
# apply(tabs[tabs$plugin != plugin,], 1, paste, collapse = ","))
# file_path <- file.path(app_path, "config", "tabs.csv")
# con <- suppressWarnings(try(file(file_path, "w"), silent = TRUE))
# if(inherits(con, "try-error")){
# spswarn(c("Unable to write to ", file_path,
# "\nFile in use or no permission ",
# "use 'closeAllConnections(); gc()' and try again"))
# } else{
# close(con)
# writeLines(file_content, con = file_path)
# msg(glue("Plugin {plugin} removed!"), "SPS-SUCCESS", "green")
# }
# options(sps = old_opt)
#.removePluginFiles <- function(files, app_path, force){
# glue_collapse(files, sep = ", ") %>% {
# spsinfo(glue("Matched plugin tab files(s): {.}"), TRUE)
# }
# if(!force){
# switch(menu(c("YES", "NO"), title = "Continue?"),
# {},
# return(spserror("Abort"))
# )
# }
# spsinfo(glue("Now remove files"))
# shinyCatch(file.remove(file.path(app_path, "R", files)), shiny = FALSE)
############ new plugin #############
##' @rdname spsAddPlugin
##' @param path character string, path of where you want to create the plugin
##' directory, can be a non-existing location but make sure you have write
##' permission.
##' @param readme bool, created ** file?
##' @export
#spsNewPlugin <- function(path, readme = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, colorful = TRUE){
# old_opt <- getOption('sps')
# on.exit(options(sps = old_opt))
# spsOption("use_crayon", colorful)
# spsOption("verbose", verbose)
# if(length(path) != 1 | !is.character(path)) {
# spserror("Path must be a length 1 character string")}
# if(str_detect(basename(path), "([[:punct:]]|\\s)")) {
# spserror("Special character or space is not allowed for SPS plugin name")
# }
# if(!dir.exists(path)){
# spsinfo(c(path, "does not exist, try to create"), TRUE)
# if(!shinyCatch(dir.create(path, recursive = TRUE), shiny = FALSE)){
# spserror("Cannot create directory, abort")
# }
# } else if(!is.writeable(path)) spserror("Path exists but not writeable")
# app_path <- system.file(package = "systemPipeShiny","app")
# if(!emptyIsFalse(app_path)){
# spserror("Cannot find tab file in SPS package, installation problem")
# }
# tab_head <- readLines(file.path(app_path, "config", "tabs.csv")) %>%
# {.[str_which(., "^#")]}
# col_names <- suppressMessages(.checkTabFile(app_path)) %>%
# names() %>%
# glue_collapse(sep = ",")
# dirs = c("R", "data", "config") %>% file.path(path, "inst", "app", .)
# spsinfo("Create directories")
# lapply(dirs, dir.create, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
# spsinfo("Write tab file")
# writeLines(c(tab_head, col_names),
# file.path(dirs[3], "tabs.csv"))
# spsinfo("Write welcome.txt")
# writeLines("Some message you want to show to users when plugin loads",
# file.path(path, "inst", "welcome.txt"))
# if(readme){
# spsinfo("write read me")
# writeLines(
# c(glue("# {basename(path)}\n\n"),
# glue("{basename(path)} is a systemPipeShiny plugin.")),
# file.path(path, "")
# )
# }
# msg(glue("Plugin {path} created"), "SPS-SUCCESS", "green")
# spsinfo(c("Optional: To format the plugin ",
# "folder to a more publishable structure, run following"),
# cat(glue('usethis::create_package("{path}")'))
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.