Man pages for spatialHeatmap

adj_modCompute Adjacency Matrix and Identify Modules
aggr_repAggregate "Sample__Condition" Replicates in Data Matrix
custom_shinyCreate Customized Shiny App of Spaital Heatmap
filter_dataFilter the Data Matrix
matrix_hmMatrix Heatmap
networkVisualize a Target Assayed Item in a Network Graph
norm_dataNormalize Sequencing Count Matrix
return_featureReturn aSVG Files Relevant to Target Features
shiny_allIntegrated Shiny App
spatialHeatmap-packagespatialHeatmap Spatial Heatmap, Matrix Heatmap, Network
spatial_hmCreate Spatial Heatmaps
submatrixSubset Target Assayed Items and Their Nearest Neighbors
update_featureUpdate aSVG Spatial Features
spatialHeatmap documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:46 p.m.