#' metadata
#' The accessor function retrieves metadata from Slinky object.
#' @param x a Slinky object
#' @return The accessor function returns a \code{data.frame}
#' containing the metadata.
#' @name metadata
#' @rdname metadata
setGeneric("metadata", function(x) standardGeneric("metadata"))
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET(''),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' md <- metadata(sl[, 1:10])
#' @rdname metadata
#' @exportMethod metadata
#' @aliases metadata,Slinky-method
#' @rdname metadata
setMethod("metadata", signature(x = "Slinky"),
#' get_metadata
#' The accessor function retrieves metadata from Slinky object.
#' As it turns out `metadata` was a poor choice for the accessor
#' function because it can be masked if the user loads the
#' `SummarizedExperiment` package after slinky. So this provides
#' an alternative. Eventually `slinky::metadata` should be deprecated.
#' @param x a Slinky object
#' @return The accessor function returns a \code{data.frame}
#' containing the metadata.
#' @name get_metadata
#' @rdname get_metadata
setGeneric("get_metadata", function(x) standardGeneric("get_metadata"))
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET(''),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' md <- get_metadata(sl[, 1:10])
#' @rdname get_metadata
#' @exportMethod get_metadata
#' @aliases get_metadata,Slinky-method
#' @rdname get_metadata
setMethod("get_metadata", signature(x = "Slinky"),
#' Non-exported functions from the slinky package.
#' .loadInfo is an internal function to load the info file into memory if
#' not already loaded.
#' Metadata from info file will then be available in \code{@metadata} slot.
#' @param x An object of class Slinky
#' @param file Optional complete path to file to load. If
#' omitted, default file from GEO will be located, or downloaded
#' if absent.
#' @param verbose Do you want to know how things are going?
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @param reload If metadata is already loaded, should we reload
#' it? Default is FALSE.
#' @return None. Called for side effect of loading
#' metadata slot.
#' @name loadInfo
#' @aliases .loadInfo
#' @rdname slinky-internal
#' @noRd
file = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
reload = FALSE) {
#' @seealso metadata
#' @rdname slinky-internal
#' @aliases loadInfo, Slinky-method
#' @noRd
setMethod(".loadInfo", signature(x = "Slinky"),
file = NULL,
verbose = FALSE,
reload = FALSE)
if (length(x@metadata) && !reload) return()
if (!length(file)) {
file = .locateInfo(x)
if (verbose)
message("\nAttempting to load info file. This may take a ",
"minute (but only needs to be done once per session).")
md <- read.delim(file, = TRUE)
}, error = function(e) {
if (length(file) ||
!grepl("GSE92742_Broad_LINCS_inst_info.txt.gz", x@info)) {
message("Could not load specified info file: ", file,
". Please verify file path.")
} else {
message("Could not load default info file. Please verify ",
"internet connectivity.")
ids <- md$inst_id
if (length(x@gctx)) {
cn <- colnames(x)
if (grepl(":.+:", cn[1])) { # level5
gctx.trt <- gsub(".*?:(.*?-.*?)-.*", "\\1", cn)
gctx.plate <- gsub(":.*", "", cn)
info.plate <- gsub("_X.*", "", md$rna_plate)
info.trt <- md$pert_id
ix <- match(paste(gctx.trt, gctx.plate), paste(info.trt, info.plate))
md <- md[ix,]
md$inst_id <- cn
} else {
cn <- colnames(x)
ix <- match(cn, ids)
md <- md[ix,]
if (!all.equal(as.character(cn), as.character(md$inst_id)))
stop("inst_ids in info file did not match colnames of gctx ",
"file. \nPlease ensure info file containes metadata for ",
"all columns of gctx file.")
#' .locateInfo is an Internal function to locate LINCS instance info datafile
#' and download if missing.
#' Use the \code{\link{download}} to download various L1000 associated
#' files, or the \code{\link{metadata}} accessor function which will
#' automatically download the info file necessary.
#' @name .locateInfo
#' @rdname slinky-internal
#' @noRd
verbose = FALSE){
#' @rdname slinky-internal
#' @aliases locateInfo
#' @noRd
setMethod(".locateInfo", signature(x = "Slinky"),
function(x, verbose = FALSE)
# this is the instance level metadata file from LINCS
fn <- x@info # defaults to 'GSE92742_Broad_LINCS_inst_info.txt.gz'
loc <- NULL
# try to locate metadata file
info_lib <- file.exists(system.file("extdata",
package = "slinky"))
info_wd <- file.exists(paste(getwd(), fn, join = "/"))
info_user <- file.exists(fn)
# if cannot find it, download it.
if (!info_lib && !info_wd && !info_user) {
if (x@info != "GSE92742_Broad_LINCS_inst_info.txt.gz") {
stop("Could not locate specified info file. \nSet info
attribute of Slinky object to NULL to fetch default
file from GEO.")
if (verbose)
message("Instance info file not found. Downloading from GEO.")
download(x, "info", prompt = FALSE)
# try to move it into pacakge installation directory for
# future reference
dest <- paste(system.file("extdata", package = "slinky"),
fn, sep = "/")
if (verbose)
cat("\nAttempting to move into lib installation directory.")
file.copy(fn, dest) # file.rename dies accross devices
loc <- dest
}, error = function(e) {
message("Could not move file into lib directory.",
"Will use from current working directory instead.")
loc <- fn
} else if (info_wd) {
loc <- paste(getwd(), fn, join = "/")
} else if (info_user) {
loc <- fn
} else if (info_lib) {
loc <- system.file("extdata", fn, package = "slinky")
x@info <- loc[1]
#' .check_metadata is a security blanket to make sure metadata remains in
#' sync with expression data represented by Slinky object.
#' @return Logical indicating whether we are in sync.
#' #' @name .check_metadata
#' @rdname slinky-internal
#' @noRd
function(x, verbose = FALSE) {
#' @rdname slinky-internal
#' @aliases .check_metadata
#' @noRd
setMethod(".check_metadata", signature(x = "Slinky"),
#' controls
#' #' Fetch the same plate control samples applicable for given ids (distil_id).
#' Expects that the specified ids have pert_type of trt_sh or trt_cp.
#' @param x A slinky object
#' @param ids The distil_id(s) to lookup.
#' @param cl Optional cluster object to parallelize this
#' operation. If verbose is TRUE, use this pattern in order for
#' progress bar to update:
#' \code{cl <- parallel::makeCluster(4, outfile=\"\")}
#' @param verbose Do you want to know how things are going?
#' Default is FALSE.
#' @return The name of the vehicle control for the queried
#' perturbagen(s).
#' \\For a given set of distil_ids, this function finds
#' the distil_ids for the corresponding control samples based on the the
#' pert_type and (for trt_cp) the specified vehicle. The returned
#' dataframe can be used, among other things, to create a control dataset
#' for differential expression or other analysis. See also diffexp.
#' @name controls
#' @rdname controls
function(x, ids, verbose = FALSE, cl = NULL) {
#' @examples
#' # for build/demo only. You MUST use your own key when using the slinky
#' # package.
#' user_key <- httr::content(httr::GET(''),
#' as='parsed')$user_key
#' sl <- Slinky(user_key,
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo.gctx',
#' package='slinky'),
#' system.file('extdata', 'demo_inst_info.txt',
#' package = 'slinky'))
#' amox_gold <- clueInstances(sl, where_clause = list("pert_type" = "trt_cp",
#' "pert_iname" = "amoxicillin",
#' "cell_id" = "MCF7",
#' "is_gold" = TRUE),
#' poscon = "omit")
#' colnames(sl[,1:5])
#' rownames(sl[1:5,1:5])
#' ids.ctrl <- controls(sl, ids = amox_gold)$distil_id
#' @rdname controls
#' @exportMethod controls
#' @aliases controls,Slinky-method
#' @import foreach
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarize %>%
setMethod("controls", signature(x = "Slinky"),
function(x, ids, verbose = FALSE, cl = NULL)
profs <- clue(x, "profiles",
fields = c("pert_id", "pert_iname",
"pert_vehicle", "pert_type",
verbose = verbose,
cl = cl,
ids = ids)
pert_type <- NULL # prevent no visible binding on R CMD CHECK
rna_plate <- NULL # prevent no visible binding on R CMD CHECK
pert_vehicle <- NULL # prevent no visible binding on R CMD CHECK
cond <- profs %>%
group_by(rna_plate, pert_type, pert_vehicle) %>%
if (verbose) {
message("\nIdentifying control samples.")
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = nrow(cond), initial = 0,
width = 100, style = 3)
i <- 0
if (length(cl)) {
} else {
ctrls <- foreach(i = seq_len(nrow(cond)), .combine = dplyr::bind_rows,
.export = c("sl")) %dopar%
if (cond[i, ]$pert_type == "trt_sh" ||
cond[i, ]$pert_type == "trt_oe") {
ix <- which(x@metadata$pert_type == "ctl_vector" &
x@metadata$rna_plate == cond[i, ]$rna_plate)
} else if (cond[i, ]$pert_type == "trt_cp") {
ix <- which(x@metadata$pert_iname == cond[i,]$pert_vehicle &
x@metadata$rna_plate == cond[i, ]$rna_plate)
} else {
stop("Controls can not be retrieved for pert_type ",
cond[i, ]$pert_type,
" (only trt_sh, trt_oe, or trt_cp supported).")
if (verbose) {
i <- i + 1
utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
prof = x@metadata[ix, c(1, 5, 6, 2)]
base::colnames(prof)[1] <- "distil_id"
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