#' @docType package
#' @name seqplots
#' @title
#' SeqPlots - An interactive tool for visualizing NGS signals and sequence
#' motif densities along genomic features using average plots and heatmaps.
#' @description
#' SeqPlots is a tool for plotting next generation sequencing (NGS) based
#' experiments' signal tracks, e.g. reads coverage from ChIP-seq, RNA-seq
#' and DNA accessibility assays like DNase-seq and MNase-seq, over user
#' specified genomic features, e.g. promoters, gene bodies, etc. It can
#' also calculate sequence motif density profiles from reference genome.
#' The data are visualized as average signal profile plot, with error estimates
#' (standard error and 95% confidence interval) shown as fields, or as series
#' of heatmaps that can be sorted and clustered using hierarchical clustering,
#' k-means algorithm and self organising maps. Plots can be prepared using R
#' programming language or web browser based graphical user interface (GUI)
#' implemented using Shiny framework. The dual-purpose implementation allows
#' running the software locally on desktop or deploying it on server.
#' SeqPlots is useful for both for exploratory data analyses and preparing
#' replicable, publication quality plots. Other features of the software
#' include collaboration and data sharing capabilities, as well as ability
#' to store pre-calculated result matrixes, that combine many sequencing
#' experiments and in-silico generated tracks with multiple different features.
#' These binaries can be further used to generate new combination plots on fly,
#' run automated batch operations or share with colleagues, who can adjust
#' their plotting parameters without loading actual tracks and recalculating
#' numeric values. SeqPlots relays on Bioconductor packages, mainly on
#' rtracklayer for data input and BSgenome packages for reference genome
#' sequence and annotations.
#' @details
#' Useful links:
#' \itemize{
#' \item Project web page: \url{}
#' \item Online documentation: \url{}
#' \item Project wiki: \url{}
#' \item Issue tracker: \url{}
#' \item Bug reports: \url{}
#' }
#' @references
#' \strong{R project and Bioconductor:}
#' \itemize{
#' \item R Core Team (2014). R: A language and environment for statistical
#' computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. URL
#' \url{}.
#' \item Bioconductor: Open software development for
#' computational biology and bioinformatics R. Gentleman, V. J. Carey, D. M.
#' Bates, B.Bolstad, M.Dettling, S. Dudoit, B. Ellis, L. Gautier, Y. Ge, and
#' others 2004, Genome Biology, Vol. 5, R80. URL
#' \url{}.
#' \item RStudio and Inc. (2014). shiny: Web
#' Application Framework for R. R package version 0.10.1.
#' \url{}.
#' \item Other CRAN packages: digest,
#' DBI,RSQLite, jsonlite, plotrix, fields, grid, kohonen, Cairo, parallel
#' \item Bioconductor packages: IRanges, BSgenome, Rsamtools, rtracklayer,
#' GenomicRanges and Biostrings
#' }
#' \strong{JavaScript and CSS}
#' \itemize{
#' \item jQuery framework - \url{}
#' \item Bootstrap - \url{}
#' \item DataTables, Table plug-in for jQuery -
#' \url{}
#' \item jQuery File Upload Plugin -
#' \url{}
#' \item jQuery throttle -
#' \url{}
#' \item jQuery Cookie Plugin -
#' \url{}
#' \item Modernizer JS library - \url{}
#' \item JavaScript Templates -
#' \url{}
#' \item JavaScript Color Picker - \url{}
#' \item md5-js - \url{}
#' \item Font Awesome - \url{}
#' \item Google Fonts - \url{}
#' \item jQuery user interface - \url{} (documentation)
#' \item jquery.tocify.js: jQuery Table of Contents -
#' \url{} (documentation)
#' \item Strapdown \url{}
#' (documentation)
#' \item Bootswatch themes - \url{} (documentation)
#' \item google-code-prettify -
#' \url{} (documentation)
#' \item marked - \url{} (documentation)
#' }
#' \strong{Important conceptual contribution to the project}
#' \itemize{
#' \item Liu T, Ortiz J, Taing L, Meyer C, Lee B, Zhang Y, Shin H, Wong S, Ma J,
#' Lei Y, et al. 2011.
#' \href{}{Cistrome: an integrative
#' platform for transcriptional regulation studies.} Genome Biology 12: R83.
#' \item Thomas Williams, Colin Kelley and others (2010).
#' Gnuplot 4.4: an interactive plotting program. URL
#' \url{}.
#' \item Kent, W.J., Sugnet, C.W., Furey, T.S., Roskin, K.M., Pringle, T.H.,
#' Zahler, A.M. and Haussler, a. D. (2002).
#' \href{}{The Human Genome Browser
#' at UCSC}. Genome Research. 12:996-1006.
#' \item Kent WJ, Zweig AS, Barber G, Hinrichs AS, Karolchik D.
#' (2010). \href{}{BigWig and BigBed:
#' enabling browsing of large distributed datasets.} Bioinformatics.
#' 1;26(17):2204-7
#' \item Nicol, J.W., Helt, G.A., Blanchard, S.G., Raja, A. and Loraine, A.E.
#' (2009). \href{}{The Integrated
#' Genome Browser: free software for distribution and exploration of
#' genome-scale datasets.} Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 25:2730-1.
#' \item Thorvaldsdottir, H., Robinson, J.T. and Mesirov, J.P. (2012).
#' \href{}{Integrative Genomics
#' Viewer (IGV): high-performance genomics data visualization and
#' exploration.} Briefings in bioinformatics. bbs017
#' }
#' \strong{Server deployment}
#' \itemize{
#' \item Shiny Server - \url{}
#' \item ShinyApps - \url{}
#' }
#' \strong{Publications containing figures made by SeqPlots}
#' \itemize{
#' \item Chen RA, Stempor P, Down TA, Zeiser E, Feuer SK, Ahringer J.
#' \href{}{Extreme HOT regions are
#' CpG-dense promoters in C. elegans and humans.} Genome Res
#' 24(7):1138-1146 Jul 2014
#' @author Przemyslaw Stempor
#' @import rtracklayer GenomicRanges BSgenome Biostrings IRanges GenomeInfoDb
#' @import DBI RSQLite parallel jsonlite
#' @import methods digest methods
#' @import ggplot2 reshape2 gridExtra DT RColorBrewer
#' @import Rsamtools GenomicAlignments
#' @importFrom fields image.plot set.panel imageplot.setup
#' tim.colors poly.image
#' @importFrom grid textGrob gpar grid.draw
#' @importFrom kohonen supersom
#' @importFrom plotrix dispersion
#' @importFrom shiny runApp
#' @importFrom class somgrid
#' @importFrom S4Vectors recycleIntegerArg
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