#' Plot cells in plate positions
#' Plots cells in their position on a plate, coloured by metadata variables or feature expression values from a SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param object A SingleCellExperiment object.
#' @param plate_position A character vector specifying the plate position for each cell (e.g., A01, B12, and so on, where letter indicates row and number indicates column).
#' If \code{NULL}, the function will attempt to extract this from \code{object$plate_position}.
#' Alternatively, a list of two factors (\code{"row"} and \code{"column"}) can be supplied, specifying the row (capital letters) and column (integer) for each cell in \code{object}.
#' @param colour_by Specification of a column metadata field or a feature to colour by, see the \code{by} argument in \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}} for possible values.
#' @param shape_by Specification of a column metadata field or a feature to shape by, see the \code{by} argument in \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}} for possible values.
#' @param size_by Specification of a column metadata field or a feature to size by, see the \code{by} argument in \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}} for possible values.
#' @param by_exprs_values A string or integer scalar specifying which assay to obtain expression values from,
#' for use in point aesthetics - see the \code{exprs_values} argument in \code{?\link{retrieveCellInfo}}.
#' @param add_legend Logical scalar specifying whether a legend should be shown.
#' @param theme_size Numeric scalar, see \code{?"\link{scater-plot-args}"} for details.
#' @param point_alpha Numeric scalar specifying the transparency of the points, see \code{?"\link{scater-plot-args}"} for details.
#' @param point_size Numeric scalar specifying the size of the points, see \code{?"\link{scater-plot-args}"} for details.
#' @param other_fields Additional cell-based fields to include in the data.frame, see \code{?"\link{scater-plot-args}"} for details.
#' @param swap_rownames Column name of \code{rowData(object)} to be used to
#' identify features instead of \code{rownames(object)} when labelling plot
#' elements.
#' @details
#' This function expects plate positions to be given in a charcter format where a letter indicates the row on the plate and a numeric value indicates the column.
#' Each cell has a plate position such as "A01", "B12", "K24" and so on.
#' From these plate positions, the row is extracted as the letter, and the column as the numeric part.
#' Alternatively, the row and column identities can be directly supplied by setting \code{plate_position} as a list of two factors.
#' @return
#' A ggplot object.
#' @author Davis McCarthy, with modifications by Aaron Lun
#' @examples
#' example_sce <- mockSCE()
#' example_sce <- logNormCounts(example_sce)
#' ## define plate positions
#' example_sce$plate_position <- paste0(
#' rep(LETTERS[1:5], each = 8),
#' rep(formatC(1:8, width = 2, flag = "0"), 5)
#' )
#' ## plot plate positions
#' plotPlatePosition(example_sce, colour_by = "Mutation_Status")
#' plotPlatePosition(example_sce, shape_by = "Treatment",
#' colour_by = "Gene_0004")
#' plotPlatePosition(example_sce, shape_by = "Treatment", size_by = "Gene_0001",
#' colour_by = "Cell_Cycle")
#' @export
plotPlatePosition <- function(object, plate_position = NULL,
colour_by = NULL, size_by = NULL, shape_by = NULL,
by_exprs_values = "logcounts",
add_legend = TRUE, theme_size = 24, point_alpha = 0.6,
point_size = 24, other_fields=list(),
swap_rownames = NULL)
## check object is SingleCellExperiment object
if ( !is(object, "SingleCellExperiment") ) {
stop("Object must be of class SingleCellExperiment")
## obtain well positions
if ( !is.list(plate_position) ) {
if ( is.null(plate_position) ) {
plate_position <- object$plate_position
if (any(!grepl("^[A-Z][0-9]+$", plate_position))) {
stop("invalid format specified in 'plate_position'")
y_position <- gsub("[0-9]*", "", plate_position)
x_position <- as.integer(gsub("[A-Z]*", "", plate_position))
} else {
x_position <- as.integer(plate_position$column)
y_position <- as.character(plate_position$row)
plate_position <- NULL
x_position <- as.factor(x_position)
y_position <- factor(y_position, levels=rev(LETTERS)) # Up->down order.
df_to_plot <- data.frame(X=x_position, Y=y_position)
## checking visualization arguments
vis_out <- .incorporate_common_vis_col(df_to_plot, se = object,
colour_by = colour_by, shape_by = shape_by, size_by = size_by,
by_exprs_values = by_exprs_values, other_fields = other_fields,
swap_rownames = swap_rownames)
df_to_plot <- vis_out$df
colour_by <- vis_out$colour_by
shape_by <- vis_out$shape_by
size_by <- vis_out$size_by
## make the plot with appropriate colours.
plot_out <- ggplot(df_to_plot, aes_string(x="X", y="Y"))
point_out <- .get_point_args(colour_by, shape_by, size_by, alpha = point_alpha, size = point_size)
plot_out <- plot_out +, point_out$args)
if (!is.null(colour_by)) {
plot_out <- .resolve_plot_colours(plot_out, df_to_plot$colour_by, colour_by, fill = point_out$fill)
## Define plotting theme
plot_out <- plot_out + theme_bw(theme_size) +
theme(axis.title = element_blank(), axis.ticks = element_blank(),
legend.text = element_text(size = theme_size / 2),
legend.title = element_text(size = theme_size / 2)) +
guides(fill = guide_legend(override.aes = list(size = theme_size / 2)))
## remove legend if so desired
plot_out <- .add_extra_guide(plot_out, shape_by, size_by)
if ( !add_legend ) {
plot_out <- plot_out + theme(legend.position = "none")
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