### all classes defined for the scater package
### defining the SCESet class
#' The "Single Cell Expression Set" (SCESet) class
#' S4 class and the main class used by scater to hold single cell expression
#' data. SCESet extends the basic Bioconductor ExpressionSet class.
#' This class is initialized from a matrix of expression values.
#' Methods that operate on SCESet objects constitute the basic scater workflow.
#'@section Slots:
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{logExprsOffset}:}{Scalar of class \code{"numeric"}, providing an offset
#' applied to expression data in the `exprs` slot when undergoing log2-transformation
#' to avoid trying to take logs of zero.}
#' \item{\code{lowerDetectionLimit}:}{Scalar of class \code{"numeric"},
#' giving the lower limit for an expression value to be classified as
#' "expressed".}
#' \item{\code{cellPairwiseDistances}:}{Matrix of class \code{"numeric"},
#' containing pairwise distances between cells.}
#' \item{\code{featurePairwiseDistances}:}{Matrix of class \code{"numeric"},
#' containing pairwise distances between features.}
#' \item{\code{reducedDimension}:}{Matrix of class \code{"numeric"}, containing
#' reduced-dimension coordinates for cells (generated, for example, by PCA).}
#' \item{\code{bootstraps}:}{Array of class \code{"numeric"} that can contain
#' bootstrap estimates of the expression or count values.}
#' \item{\code{sc3}:}{List containing results from consensus clustering from the SC3 package.}
#' \item{\code{featureControlInfo}:}{Data frame of class
#' \code{"AnnotatedDataFrame"} that can contain information/metadata about
#' sets of control features defined for the \code{SCESet} object.
#' bootstrap estimates of the expression or count values.}
#' @name SCESet
#' @rdname SCESet
#' @inheritParams Biobase ExpressionSet
#' @aliases SCESet-class
#' @references Thanks to the Monocle package
#' ( for their CellDataSet class,
#' which provided the inspiration and template for SCESet.
#' @exportClass SCESet
contains = "ExpressionSet",
slots = c(logExprsOffset = "numeric",
lowerDetectionLimit = "numeric",
cellPairwiseDistances = "dist",
featurePairwiseDistances = "dist",
reducedDimension = "matrix",
bootstraps = "array",
sc3 = "list",
featureControlInfo = "AnnotatedDataFrame"),
prototype = prototype(new("VersionedBiobase",
versions = c(classVersion("ExpressionSet"),
SCESet = "1.1.9")))
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