Added hierarchical clustering options for clustering based cross-validation
Changes in version 1.1.5 (2020-01-18)
Fixed issue with matrix normalization
Misc. big fixes
Improvements to code coverage
Changes in version 1.1.11 (2020-02-02)
Added more SPCA algorithm options
SPCA via variable projection
Randomized SPCA via variable projection
New vignette section comparing performance of SPCA algorithms
Improvements to code coverage
Changes in version 1.1.12 (2020-04-21)
Updated citations
Fixed typos in documentation
Changes in version 1.1.14 (2020-04-26)
Fixing broken link in an internal function documentation page.
Changes in version 1.1.15 (2020-06-02)
Fixing travis CI settings
Changes in version 1.3.2 (2020-08-05)
Updated scPCA function documentation
Corrected pelling mistakes
Changes in version 1.3.3 (2020-08-08)
The n_centers argument no longer matters when When the contrasts argument is of length 1 and the penalty term is set to 0.
Users can now pass in their own cluster labels
Changes in version 1.3.4 (2020-08-12)
Replaced calls to base::eigen by RSpectra::eigs_sym to speed up eigendecompositions of contrastive covariance matrices. cPCA is now performed much more quickly when only whishing to compute a handful of leading contrastive principal components.
Replaced calls to stats::cov by coop::covar to speed up computation of large sample covariance matrices.
In future updates, we'd like to explore using the DelayedArray framework to support the analysis of larger datasets.
Changes in version 1.3.5 (2020-08-18)
Fixed citations in docs
Provided more detailed warning when RSpectra::eigs_sym fails to converge
Included argumetns in scPCA to control RSpectra::eigs_sym convergence: error tolerance and max number of iterations
Changes in version 1.3.6 (2020-08-30)
Fixed issue where n_centers was required when only one penalty and contrast term were provided
Users can now pass factors and character vectors to the clusters argument.
Changes in version 1.3.7 and 1.3.8 (2020-09-01)
Minor bug fixes
Changes in version 1.3.9 (2020-10-12)
scPCA now accepts DelayedMatrix objects as target and background datasets.
Changes in version 1.3.10 (2020-10-16)
Implementing suggested improvements from Aaron Lun