

context("Basic Disease")

test_that("Test of object returned from 'psygenetDisease' is S4 and 'PsyGeNET.Psy'", {
  dta <- psygenetDisease(disease = "schizophrenia", 
  database = "ALL", verbose = FALSE)
  expect_true(isS4(dta), info="'dta' is not a S4 object.")
  expect_is(dta, "DataGeNET.Psy", info="'dta' is not an 'DataGeNET.Psy'.")

test_that("Wrong database on 'psygenetDisease'", {
    dta <- psygenetDisease(disease = "schizophrenia", 
      database = "", verbose = FALSE)

test_that("Query single and existing disease into PsyGeNET", {
  dta <- psygenetDisease(disease = "schizophrenia", 
    database = "ALL", verbose = FALSE)

test_that("Query multiple and existing disease into PsyGeNET", {
  dta <- psygenetDisease(disease = c("schizophrenia", "bipolar disorder"),
    database = "ALL", verbose = FALSE)

test_that("Query single and non existing disease into PsyGeNET", {
    dta <- psygenetDisease(disease = "Nschizophrenia", 
      database = "ALL", verbose = FALSE)

test_that("Query multiple and non existing disease into PsyGeNET", {
    dta <- psygenetDisease(disease = c("Nschizophrenia", "Nbipolar disorder"),
      database = "ALL", verbose = FALSE)

test_that("Query multiple and existing and non existing disease into PsyGeNET", {
    dta <- psygenetDisease(disease = c("Nschizophrenia", "bipolar disorder"),
      database = "ALL", verbose = FALSE)

test_that("Query multiple, existing and duplicated disease into PsyGeNET", {
    dta <- psygenetDisease( 
      disease  = c("schizophrenia", "bipolar disorder", "schizophrenia"),
      database = "ALL", 
      verbose  = FALSE 

Try the psygenet2r package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

psygenet2r documentation built on Jan. 31, 2021, 2 a.m.