#'Virtual functions for MolecularPermutationClassifier hierarchy
#'The following functions establish an organized framework for
#'MolecularPermutationClassifier subclasses data processing. In this context,
#'the later are supposed to be implemented with respective responsibilities.
#'In particular, once the class is created the user has to:
#' \item{filtrate:}{Removes, from the exprs matrix, subjects not required
#' by the classification algorithm.}
#' \item{classify:}{Generates subject classification according to
#' subclass implementations (PAM50, etc.).}
#' \item{permute:}{Obtains subject classification based on the null
#' correlation distribution by means permutation simulation.}
#' \item{subtype:}{Obtaind the new classification using permutation
#' results.}
#' \item{subjectReport:}{A friendly report for physician treatment
#' decision support.}
#' \item{databaseReport:}{A pdf with all subjectReports, if a database is
#' available.}
#'@param object MolecularPermutationClassifier child class object
#'@param verbose should the user feedback be displayed? By default value
#' is "verbose" global option parameter, if present, or FALSE otherwise.
#'@param nPerm integer with number of permutations. Default: 1e4L.
#'@param pCutoff numeric with p-value or fdr cutoff used, i.e.,
#' variable<pCutoff. Default: 0.01.
#'@param where character with significant value used. Default value is "fdr".
#'@param keep should null distribution simulation values be kept?.
#' Default: FALSE
#'@param seed integer to use as random seed. Default: 1234567890.
#'@param BPPARAM an optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the
#'parallel back-end to be used during evaluation, or a list of
#'BiocParallelParam instances, to be applied in sequence for nested calls to
#'bplapply. Default=bpparam().
#'@param subject integer to select the appropriate subject to report.
#'@param fileName character with the name of the pdf report file to save.
#'@param ... additional parameters for future implementations.
#'@return A MolecularPermutationClassifier child according to the actual
#'object class.
#'@seealso \code{\link{PAM50}} for a complete example.
#'@include MolecularPermutationClassifierClass.R
#'@exportMethod filtrate
#'@docType methods
#'@name filtrate
#'@rdname MolecularPermutationClassifierGenerics
#'@aliases filtrate-methods
#'@family MolecularPermutationClassifier PAM50
#'@author Cristobal Fresno \email{}, German A. Gonzalez
#' \email{}, Andrea S. Llera
#' \email{} and Elmer Andres Fernandez
#' \email{}
#'##Using pam50centroids package example data
#'pam50centroids<-filtrate(pam50centroids, verbose=TRUE)
#'pam50centroids<-classify(pam50centroids, std="none", verbose=TRUE)
#'##Let's run a quick example with 100 permutations. It is recommended at
#'##least 10.000
#'pam50centroids<-permutate(pam50centroids, nPerm=100, pCutoff=0.01,
#'corCutoff=0.1, verbose=TRUE)
setGeneric(name="filtrate", def=function(object, verbose=getOption("verbose",
#'@name classify
#'@exportMethod classify
#'@rdname MolecularPermutationClassifierGenerics
#'@inheritParams filtrate
#'@aliases classify-methods
setGeneric(name="classify", def=function(object, ...,
verbose=getOption("verbose", default=FALSE)){
#'@name permutate
#'@exportMethod permutate
#'@rdname MolecularPermutationClassifierGenerics
#'@inheritParams filtrate
#'@importFrom BiocParallel bplapply bpparam bpprogressbar<-
#'@aliases permutate-methods
setGeneric(name="permutate", def=function(object, nPerm=1e4L, pCutoff=0.01,
where="fdr", keep=FALSE, ... , seed=1234567890, BPPARAM=bpparam(),
verbose=getOption("verbose", default=TRUE)){
#'@name subtypes
#'@exportMethod subtypes
#'@rdname MolecularPermutationClassifierGenerics
#'@inheritParams filtrate
#'@aliases subtypes-methods
setGeneric(name="subtypes", def=function(object, pCutoff=0.01, ...,
where=c("fdr", "pvalue")[1]){
#'@name subjectReport
#'@exportMethod subjectReport
#'@rdname MolecularPermutationClassifierGenerics
#'@inheritParams filtrate
#'@aliases subjectReport-methods
setGeneric(name="subjectReport", def=function(object, subject){
#'@name databaseReport
#'@exportMethod databaseReport
#'@rdname MolecularPermutationClassifierGenerics
#'@inheritParams filtrate
#'@aliases databaseReport-methods
setGeneric(name="databaseReport", def=function(object, fileName, ...,
verbose=getOption("verbose", default=TRUE)){
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