
Defines functions getSifInteractionCategories

Documented in getSifInteractionCategories

#' Get a list of categories of SIF interactions
#' @return a list of interactions in categories
#' @details 
#' Description of interaction types: http://www.pathwaycommons.org/pc2/formats
#' Categories provided: 
#'   BetweenProteins, 
#'   BetweenProteinsOther (often from high-throughput experiments),
#'   BetweenProteinSmallMolecule, 
#'   BetweenSmallMolecules,
#'   SignedInteractions
#' @examples 
#' sifCat <- getSifInteractionCategories()
#' sifCat[["BetweenProteins"]]
#' @concept paxtoolsr
#' @export
getSifInteractionCategories <- function() {
    protInt <- c("controls-state-change-of", "controls-expression-of", 
                 "controls-degradation-of", "controls-transport-of",
                 "catalysis-precedes", "in-complex-with")
    protOtherInt <- c("interacts-with", "neighbor-of")
    protSmMolInt <- c("consumption-controlled-by", "controls-production-of",
                      "controls-transport-of-chemical", "chemical-affects")
    smMolInt <- c("reacts-with", "used-to-produce")
    signedInt <- c("dephosphorylates", "phosphorylates", "downregulates-expression", "upregulates-expression")

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paxtoolsr documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 8:29 p.m.