#' @title Plot Overrepresented Kmers
#' @description Plot Overrepresented Kmers
#' @details As the Kmer Content module present in FastQC reports is relatively
#' uninformative, and omitted by default in later versions of FastQC, these
#' are rudimentary plots.
#' Plots for \code{FastqcData} objects replicate those contained in a FastQC
#' report, whilst the heatmap generated from \code{FastqcDataList} objects
#' simply show the location and abundance of over-represented Kmers.
#' @param x Can be a \code{FastqcData}, \code{FastqcDataList} or file paths
#' @param n \code{numeric}. The number of Kmers to show.
#' @param labels An optional named vector of labels for the file names.
#' All filenames must be present in the names.
#' File extensions are dropped by default.
#' @param usePlotly \code{logical} Default \code{FALSE} will render using
#' ggplot. If \code{TRUE} plot will be rendered with plotly
#' @param ... Used to pass various potting parameters to theme.
#' Can also be used to set size and colour for box outlines.
#' @param lineWidth Passed to \code{geom_line(size = lineWidth)}
#' @param pal The colour palette. If the vector supplied is less than n,
#' \code{grDevices::colorRampPalette()} will be used
#' @param pwfCols Object of class \code{\link{PwfCols}} to give colours for
#' pass, warning, and fail values in the plot
#' @param cluster \code{logical} default \code{FALSE}. If set to \code{TRUE},
#' fastqc data will be clustered using hierarchical clustering
#' @param dendrogram \code{logical} redundant if \code{cluster} is \code{FALSE}
#' if both \code{cluster} and \code{dendrogram} are specified as \code{TRUE}
#' then the dendrogram will be displayed.
#' @param heatCol Colour palette used for the heatmap. Default is \code{inferno}
#' from the package \code{viridris}
#' @return A standard ggplot2 object or an interactive plotly object
#' @examples
#' # Get the files included with the package
#' packageDir <- system.file("extdata", package = "ngsReports")
#' fl <- list.files(packageDir, pattern = "", full.names = TRUE)
#' # Load the FASTQC data as a FastqcDataList object
#' fdl <- FastqcDataList(fl)
#' plotKmers(fdl[[1]])
#' @docType methods
#' @importFrom dplyr desc
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import tibble
#' @name plotKmers
#' @rdname plotKmers-methods
#' @export
setGeneric("plotKmers", function(x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, ...){
#' @rdname plotKmers-methods
#' @export
setMethod("plotKmers", signature = "ANY", function(
x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, ...){
#' @rdname plotKmers-methods
#' @export
setMethod("plotKmers", signature = "character", function(
x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, ...){
x <- FastqcDataList(x)
if (length(x) == 1) x <- x[[1]]
plotKmers(x, usePlotly, labels, ...)
#' @rdname plotKmers-methods
#' @export
setMethod("plotKmers", signature = "FastqcData", function(
x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, n = 6, ..., lineWidth = 0.5,
pal = c("red", "blue", "green", "black", "magenta", "yellow")){
## Get the basic data frame
df <- getModule(x, "Kmer_Content")
if (!length(df)) {
kMerPlot <- .emptyPlot("No Kmer_Content Module Detected")
if (usePlotly) kMerPlot <- ggplotly(kMerPlot, tooltip = "")
## Drop the suffix, or check the alternate labels
labels <- .makeLabels(x, labels, ...)
labels <- labels[names(labels) %in% df$Filename]
df$Filename <- labels[df$Filename]
## Get the top kMers
o <- order(df$PValue, 1/df$Count)
allK <- unique(df$Sequence)
n <- tryCatch(as.integer(n))
n <- min(length(allK), n)
topK <- unique(df$Sequence[o])[seq_len(n)]
## Tidy up the data
df <- dplyr::filter(df, Sequence %in% topK)
colnames(df) <- gsub("Max_Obs/Exp_Position", "Base", colnames(df))
colnames(df) <- gsub("Obs/Exp_Max", "Value", colnames(df))
df$Position <- gsub("([0-9]*)-[0-9]*", "\\1", df$Base)
df$Position <- as.integer(df$Position)
df <- df[c("Filename", "Sequence", "Value", "Position")]
## Set the x-axis for plotting
## As there will be significant gaps in this data,
## the bins used need to be obtained from another slot.
## The most complete will be Per_base_sequence_quality
## These values can then be incorporated in the final df
## for accurate plotting & labelling
refForX <- unique(getModule(x, "Per_base_sequence_quality")$Base)
refForX <- tibble(
Base = as.character(refForX),
Position = gsub("([0-9]*)-[0-9]*", "\\1", Base)
refForX$Position <- as.integer(refForX$Position)
## In order to get a line plot, zero values need to be added to the
## missing positions. The above reference scale for X will be used
## to label the missing values
## Include all files to ensure all appear in the final plot
zeros <- expand.grid(
Filename = df$Filename,
Sequence = topK,
Value = 0,
Position = refForX$Position
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## After the bind_rows, duplicate values will exist at some
## positions. Spuriously introduced zeros need to be removed
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, zeros)
df <- dplyr::arrange(df, Filename, Sequence, Position, desc(Value))
df <- dplyr::distinct(df, Filename, Sequence, Position, .keep_all = TRUE)
df <- dplyr::left_join(df, refForX, by = "Position")
## Set the Sequence as a factor based on the first position it
## appears. This way the colours will appear in order in the guide
## as well as the plot
getKLevels <- function(x){
x <- subset(x, Value > 0) # Non zero counts
## Arrange in order of position
x <- dplyr::arrange(x, Position, Sequence)
kMerLevels <- getKLevels(df)
df$Sequence <- factor(df$Sequence, levels = kMerLevels)
df <- droplevels(df)
## Set the plotting params
yMax <- max(df$Value)*1.05
## Get any arguments for dotArgs that have been set manually
dotArgs <- list(...)
allowed <- names(formals(theme))
keepArgs <- which(names(dotArgs) %in% allowed)
userTheme <- c()
if (length(keepArgs) > 0) userTheme <-, dotArgs[keepArgs])
## And the colours
if (n < length(pal)) {
pal <- pal[seq_len(n)]
else {
pal <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(pal)(n)
## Now draw the basic plots
xLab <- "Position in read (bp)"
yLab <- expression(paste(log[2], " Obs/Exp"))
kMerPlot <- ggplot(
df, aes_string("Position", "Value", colour = "Sequence")
) +
geom_line(size = lineWidth) +
facet_wrap(~Filename) +
breaks = refForX$Position,
labels = refForX$Base,
expand = c(0.02, 0)
) +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, yMax), expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_colour_manual(values = pal) +
theme_bw() +
labs(x = xLab, y = yLab, colour = c())
## Check for binned x-axis values to decied whether to rotate
## x-axis labels. This should be clear if there are more than
## 2 characters in the plotted labels
binned <- any(grepl("-", df$Base))
if (binned) {
kMerPlot <- kMerPlot +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(
angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 1
if (!is.null(userTheme)) kMerPlot <- kMerPlot + userTheme
if (usePlotly) {
yLab <- "Log2 Obs/Exp"
kMerPlot <- kMerPlot + xlab("")
kMerPlot <- suppressMessages(
widths = c(0.14,0.86)
kMerPlot <- plotly::layout(
yaxis2 = list(title = yLab),
legend = list(orientation = "v", x = 1, y = 1)
#' @rdname plotKmers-methods
#' @export
setMethod("plotKmers", signature = "FastqcDataList", function(
x, usePlotly = FALSE, labels, cluster = FALSE, dendrogram = FALSE,
pwfCols, heatCol = inferno(50), ...){
df <- getModule(x, "Kmer_Content")
if (!length(df)) {
kMerPlot <- .emptyPlot("No Overrepresented Kmers Detected")
if (usePlotly) kMerPlot <- ggplotly(kMerPlot, tooltip = "")
## Sort out the colours
if (missing(pwfCols)) pwfCols <- ngsReports::pwf
## Drop the suffix, or check the alternate labels
labels <- .makeLabels(x, labels, ...)
labels <- labels[names(labels) %in% df$Filename]
colnames(df) <- gsub("Max_Obs/Exp_Position", "Base", colnames(df))
colnames(df) <- gsub("Obs/Exp_Max", "Total", colnames(df))
df$Position <- gsub("([0-9]*)-[0-9]*", "\\1", df$Base)
df$Position <- as.integer(df$Position)
## Now simply add the kmers at each position. Not superinformative.
df <- dplyr::group_by(df, Filename, Position)
df <- dplyr::summarise(df, Total = sum(Count))
df <- dplyr::ungroup(df)
## Setup the x-axis
refForX <- unique(getModule(x, "Per_base_sequence_quality")$Base)
refForX <- tibble(
Base = as.character(refForX),
Position = gsub("([0-9]*)-[0-9]*", "\\1", Base)
refForX$Position <- as.integer(refForX$Position)
## Setup a grid of NAs for positions where no Kmer is detected
nas <- expand.grid(
Filename = unique(df$Filename),
Total = NA,
Position = unique(refForX$Position)
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
## Now remove any spurious NA values
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df, nas)
df <- dplyr::arrange(df, Filename, Position, desc(Total))
df <- dplyr::distinct(df, Filename, Position, .keep_all = TRUE)
if (dendrogram && !cluster) {
message("cluster will be set to TRUE when dendrogram = TRUE")
cluster <- TRUE
## Now define the order for a dendrogram if required
key <- names(labels)
if (cluster) {
clusterDend <- .makeDendro(df, "Filename", "Position", "Total")
key <- labels(clusterDend)
## Now set everything as factors
df$Filename <- factor(labels[df$Filename], levels = labels[key])
## join x axis ticks and df
df <- dplyr::left_join(df, refForX, by = "Position")
## Set up for geom_tile
df$End <- gsub("[0-9]*-([0-9]*)", "\\1", df$Base)
df$End <- as.integer(df$End)
df$`Middle of Bin` <- (df$Position + df$End) / 2
df$Width <- df$End - df$Position
df$Width[df$Width == 0] <- 1
## Get any arguments for dotArgs that have been set manually
dotArgs <- list(...)
allowed <- names(formals(theme))
keepArgs <- which(names(dotArgs) %in% allowed)
userTheme <- c()
if (length(keepArgs) > 0) userTheme <-, dotArgs[keepArgs])
xLab <- "Position in Read (bp)"
kMerPlot <- ggplot(
x = "`Middle of Bin`", y = "Filename",
fill = "Total", width = "Width"
)) +
geom_tile() +
labs(x = xLab) +
scale_x_continuous(expand = c(0.02, 0)) +
scale_fill_gradientn(colors = heatCol, na.value = "white") +
if (!is.null(userTheme)) kMerPlot <- kMerPlot + userTheme
if (usePlotly) {
## Clear the y axis for plotly
kMerPlot <- kMerPlot +
axis.text.y = element_blank(),
legend.position = "none"
## Get the PWF status
status <- getSummary(x)
status <- status[status$Category == "Kmer Content",]
status$Filename <- labels[status$Filename]
status$Filename <-
factor(status$Filename, levels = levels(df$Filename))
status <- dplyr::arrange(status, Filename)
sideBar <- .makeSidebar(status, key, pwfCols)
dendro <- plotly::plotly_empty()
if (dendrogram) {
dx <- ggdendro::dendro_data(clusterDend)
dendro <- .renderDendro(dx$segments)
kMerPlot <- suppressWarnings(
widths = c(0.08, 0.09,0.83),
margin = 0.001,
shareY = TRUE,
shareX = TRUE
kMerPlot <- plotly::layout(
xaxis3 = list(title = xLab),
margin = list(b = 50)
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