#' @title Import Various NGS-related log files
#' @description Imports NGS-related log files such as those generated from
#' stderr \lifecycle{maturing}
#' @details Imports one or more log files as output by tools such as:
#' \code{bowtie}, \code{bowtie2}, \code{featureCounts}, \code{Hisat2},
#' \code{STAR}, \code{picard MarkDuplicates}, \code{cutadapt}, \code{flagstat},
#' \code{Adapter Removal}, \code{trimmomatic} \code{quast} or \code{busco}.
#' \code{autoDetect} can be used to detect the log type by parsing the file.
#' The featureCounts log file corresponds to the \code{counts.out.summary},
#' not the main \code{counts.out} file.
#' Whilst most log files return a single tibble, some are more complex
#' with multiple modules.
#' \code{adapterRemoval} can return one of four modules (which = 1:4),.
#' When calling by name, the possible values are sequences, settings,
#' statistics or distribution.
#' Partial matching is implemented.
#' \code{cutadapt} can return one of five modules (which = 1:5).
#' When calling by name the possible modules are summary, adapter1, adapter2,
#' adapter3 or overview.
#' Note that adapter2/3 may be missing from these files depending on the nature
#' of your data.
#' If cutadapt log files are obtained using \code{report=minimal}, all supplied
#' log files must be of this format and no modules can be returned.
#' \code{duplicationMetrics} will return either the metrics of histogram.
#' These can be requested by setting which as 1 or 2, or naming either module.
#' @param x \code{character}. Vector of filenames. All log files must be of the
#' same type. Duplicate file paths will be silently ignored.
#' @param type \code{character}. The type of file being imported. Can be one of
#' \code{bowtie}, \code{bowtie2}, \code{hisat2}, \code{star}, \code{flagstat},
#' \code{featureCounts}, \code{duplicationMetrics}, \code{cutadapt},
#' \code{adapterRemoval}, \code{quast} or \code{busco}.
#' Defaults to \code{type = "auto"} which will automatically detect the file
#' type for all implemented types.
#' @param which Which element of the parsed object to return. Ignored in all
#' file types except when \code{type} is set to duplicationMetrics, cutadapt or
#' adapterRemoval. See details for possible values
#' @param stripPaths logical(1). Remove paths from the Filename column
#' @return A \code{tibble}.
#' Column names are broadly similar to the text in supplied files,
#' but have been modified for easier handling under R naming conventions.
#' @examples
#' f <- c("bowtiePE.txt", "bowtieSE.txt")
#' bowtieLogs <- system.file("extdata", f, package = "ngsReports")
#' df <- importNgsLogs(bowtieLogs, type = "bowtie")
#' @importFrom lubridate dminutes dhours dseconds parse_date_time
#' @importFrom tidyselect contains everything starts_with ends_with
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_trim str_remove_all str_extract
#' @export
importNgsLogs <- function(x, type = "auto", which, stripPaths = TRUE) {
x <- unique(x) # Remove any duplicates
stopifnot(length(x) > 0) # Fail on empty vector
stopifnot(file.exists(x)) # Check they all exist
## Check for a valid filetype
possTypes <- c(
type <- match.arg(type, c("autoDetect", possTypes))
## Sort out the which argument
if (missing(which)) {
which <- 1L
if (type == "adapterRemoval") {
message("Defaulting to the statistics module for Adapter Removal")
which <- 3L
## Load the data
data <- suppressWarnings(lapply(x, readLines))
if (stripPaths) x <- basename(x)
names(data) <- x
## adding auto detect
if (type == "autoDetect") {
type <- unlist(lapply(data, .getToolName, possTypes = possTypes))
type <- unique(type)
## Change to title case for easier parsing below
type <- stringr::str_split_fixed(type, pattern = "", n = nchar(type))
type[1] <- stringr::str_to_upper(type[1])
type <- paste(type, collapse = "")
## Check validity using the helpers defined as private functions
vFun <- paste0(".isValid", type, "Log")
validLogs <- vapply(data, eval(parse(text = vFun)), logical(1))
if (any(!validLogs)) {
failed <- names(validLogs)[!validLogs]
stop(paste("Incorrect file structure for:", failed , collapse = "\n"))
## The two types of cutadapt output also need to be checked for consistency
if (type == "Cutadapt") {
ln <- vapply(data, length, integer(1))
nMinimal <- sum(ln == 2) # nLines for a minimal report
if (!nMinimal %in% c(0, length(data))) stop(
"Some, but not all, reports are minimal format.\n",
"Please load different format reports separately"
## Parse the data using the helpers defined as private functions
if (is.character(which)) which <- paste0("'", which, "'")
pFun <- paste0(".parse", type, "Logs(data, which = ", which, ")")
df <- eval(parse(text = pFun))
## Return a tibble
#' @title Identify tool name
#' @description Identify tool name for log files after
#' reading in using readLines.
#' @details Checks for all the required fields in the lines provided
#' @param x Character vector as output when readLines to a supplied log file
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.getToolName <- function(x, possTypes){
logiList <- lapply(possTypes, function(types){
## Change to title case for easier parsing below
types <- stringr::str_split_fixed(types, pattern = "", n = nchar(types))
types[1] <- stringr::str_to_upper(types[1])
types <- paste(types, collapse = "")
vFun <- paste0(".isValid", types, "Log(x)")
validLogs <- eval(parse(text = paste0(vFun)))
logi <- unlist(logiList)
type <- possTypes[logi]
## added for autodetect purposes
if (all(c("hisat2", "bowtie2") %in% type)) type <- "bowtie2"
#' @title Check for correct structure of supplied Bowtie log files
#' @description Check for correct structure of supplied Bowtie log files after
#' reading in using readLines.
#' @details Checks for all the required fields in the lines provided
#' @param x Character vector as output when readLines to a supplied log file
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidBowtieLog <- function(x){
nLines <- length(x)
fields <- c(
"Time loading forward index",
"Time loading mirror index:",
"Seeded quality full-index search:",
"# reads processed:",
"# reads with at least one reported alignment:",
"# reads that failed to align:",
"Time searching:",
"Overall time:"
chk <- vapply(fields, function(f){any(grepl(f, x))}, logical(1))
#' @title Check for a valid Hisat2 log
#' @description Checks internal structure of the parsed log file
#' @param x Character vector containing parsed log file using the function
#' readLines
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidHisat2Log <- function(x){
n <- length(x)
chkLen <- length(x) > 0
firstLine <- grepl("reads; of these:$", x[1])
lastLine <- grepl("overall alignment rate$", x[n])
noAln <- sum(grepl("aligned 0 times$", x)) == 1
alnExact <- sum(grepl("aligned exactly 1 time$", x)) == 1
alnG1 <- sum(grepl("aligned >1 times$", x)) == 1
all(c(chkLen, firstLine, lastLine, noAln, alnExact, alnG1))
.isValidBowtie2Log <- .isValidHisat2Log
#' @title Check for a valid Star Alignment log
#' @description Checks internal structure of the parsed log file
#' @param x Character vector containing parsed log file using the function
#' readLines
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidStarLog <- function(x){
## Just check for the key fields
chkStart <- grepl("Started job on", x[1])
chkUniq <- any(grepl("UNIQUE READS:", x))
chkMulti <- any(grepl("MULTI-MAPPING READS:", x))
chkUnmapped <- any(grepl("UNMAPPED READS:", x))
all(chkStart, chkUniq, chkMulti, chkUnmapped)
#' @title Check for a valid Duplication Metrics log
#' @description Checks internal structure of the parsed log file
#' @param x Character vector containing parsed log file using the function
#' readLines
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidDuplicationMetricsLog <- function(x){
## Check the METRICS CLASS data
metricsHeader <- grep("METRICS CLASS\tpicard.sam.DuplicationMetrics", x)
if (length(metricsHeader) == 1) { # Must appear only once
## Check the column names in the log match the expected columns
checkMetCols <-
all(names(.splitByTab(x[metricsHeader + 1])) == metricCols)
## Check the HISTOGRAM data
histHeader <- grep("HISTOGRAM\tjava.lang.Double", x)
stopifnot(length(histHeader) == 1) # Must appear only once
histCols <- c("BIN", "VALUE")
checkHistCols <- all(names(.splitByTab(x[histHeader + 1])) == histCols)
all(checkMetCols, checkHistCols)
} else FALSE #give false value if missing
#' @title Check for a valid AdapterRemoval log
#' @description Checks internal structure of the parsed log file
#' @param x Character vector containing parsed log file using the function
#' readLines
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidAdapterRemovalLog <- function(x){
## Check the first line begins with AdapterRemoval
checkAR <- grepl("AdapterRemoval", x[[1]])
## This should contain four modules, all of which are contained
## between square brackets
modNames <- c(
"[Adapter sequences]",
"[Adapter trimming]",
"[Trimming statistics]",
"[Length distribution]"
checkModNames <- stringr::str_subset(x[[1]], "^\\[.+") == modNames
all(checkAR, checkModNames)
#' @title Check for a valid cutadapt log
#' @description Checks internal structure of the parsed log file
#' @param x Character vector containing parsed log file using the function
#' readLines
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidCutadaptLog <- function(x){
## These can take two forms, minimal & full
## The minimal report is like a tab-delimited data.frame
## whilst the full report has a more complex structure
isMinimal <- length(x) == 2
reqCols <- c(
"status", "in_reads", "in_bp", "too_short", "too_long",
"too_many_n", "out_reads", "w/adapters", "qualtrim_bp", "out_bp"
if (isMinimal) {
## As this is essentially a df, just check the columns
df <- tryCatch(.splitByTab(x))
chkCols <- all(reqCols %in% colnames(df))
## Check the complete file
chkCutAdapt <- grepl("cutadapt", x[[1]])
chkCols <- list(
status = any(grepl("Finished in", x)),
in_reads = any(grepl("Total (reads|read pairs) processed", x)),
in_bp = any(grepl("Total basepairs processed", x)),
too_short = any(grepl("(Reads|Pairs) that were too short", x)),
## Too long may not be in the file
too_many_n = any(grepl("(Reads|Pairs) with too many N", x)),
out_reads = any(
grepl("(Reads|Pairs) written \\(passing filters\\)", x)
`w/adapters` = any(grepl("Read.+ with adapter", x)),
out_bp = any(grepl("Total written \\(filtered\\)", x))
chkCols <- unlist(chkCols)
all(c(chkCutAdapt, chkCols))
#' @title Check for a valid featureCounts Summary
#' @description Checks internal structure of the parsed file
#' @param x Character vector containing parsed log file using the function
#' readLines
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidFeatureCountsLog <- function(x){
if (all(grepl("\t", x))){ ### check all lines have a tab,
## required by .splitbyTab
## Check the Status column
x <- .splitByTab(x)
chkCol1 <- colnames(x)[[1]] == "Status"
chkTypes <- FALSE
if (chkCol1) {
## We can only do this if the Status column checks out
vals <- c(
chkTypes <- all(vals %in% x[["Status"]])
all(chkTypes, chkCol1)
else FALSE ## print false if not
#' @title Check for correct structure of supplied BUSCO log files
#' @description Check for correct structure of supplied BUSCO log files after
#' reading in using readLines.
#' @details Checks for all the required fields in the lines provided
#' @param x Character vector as output when readLines to a supplied log file
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidBuscoLog <- function(x){
fields <- c(
"# BUSCO version is:",
"# The lineage dataset is:",
"# To reproduce this run:",
"# Summarized benchmarking in BUSCO notation for file ",
"# BUSCO was run in mode:"
chk <- vapply(fields, function(f){any(grepl(f, x))}, logical(1))
#' @title Check for correct structure of supplied Trimmomatic log files
#' @description Check for correct structure of supplied Trimmomatic log files
#' after reading in using readLines.
#' @details Checks for all the required fields in the lines provided
#' @param x Character vector as output when readLines to a supplied log file
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidTrimmomaticLog <- function(x){
n <- length(x)
checkL1 <- grepl("Trimmomatic[PS]E: Started with arguments", x[[1]])
checkMain <- grepl("Input.+ Surviving.+ Dropped.+", x[[n - 1]])
checkLast <- grepl("Trimmomatic[PS]E: Completed successfully", x[[n]])
all(checkL1, checkMain, checkLast)
#' @title Check for correct structure of supplied Quast log files
#' @description Check for correct structure of supplied Quast log files after
#' reading in using readLines.
#' @details Checks for all the required fields in the lines provided
#' @param x Character vector as output when readLines to a supplied log file
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidQuastLog <- function(x){
fields <- c(
"# contigs",
"Largest contig",
"Total length",
"# N's per 100 kbp"
chk <- vapply(fields, function(f){any(grepl(f, x))}, logical(1))
#' @title Check for correct structure of supplied flagstat
#' @description Check for correct structure of supplied flagstat files
#' @details Checks for all the required fields in the lines provided
#' @param x Character vector as output when readLines to a supplied file
#' @return logical(1)
#' @keywords internal
.isValidFlagstatLog <- function(x){
## Every line must have a '+' symbol
nLines <- length(x)
allPlus <- sum(grepl("\\+", x)) == nLines
## Check for required text in the first line
firstLine <- grepl("QC-passed reads", x[[1]])
all(allPlus, firstLine)
#' @title Parse data from Bowtie log files
#' @description Parse data from Bowtie log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseBowtieLogs <- function(data, ...){
## This will have already been through the validity checks
df <- lapply(data, function(x){
x <- gsub("# ", "", x)
## Treat the line containing the total reads separately
total <- grep("Reported .* alignments", x = x, value = TRUE)
x <- setdiff(x, total)
## Split the remaining lines into a nx2 matrix,
## then change to titles and remove spaces/dashes
x <- stringr::str_split_fixed(x, pattern = ": ", 2)
x[,1] <- stringr::str_to_title(x[,1])
x[,1] <- gsub("( |-)", "_", x[,1])
## Remove those percentages from some of the fields
x[,2] <- gsub("(.+) \\(.+\\)", "\\1", x[,2])
## Return a data.frame
df <- structure(as.list(x[,2]), names = x[,1])
df <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)
## Some colnames may have a flag from the original bowtie code
## This line will correct that after the title case conversion above
names(df) <- gsub("__(.)", "_-\\L\\1", names(df), perl = TRUE)
## Reformat the columns as integers and durations
timeCols <- grepl("(Time|Full_Index_Search)", names(df))
df[!timeCols] <- suppressWarnings(lapply(df[!timeCols], as.integer))
df[timeCols] <- lapply(df[timeCols], function(x){
x <- stringr::str_split_fixed(x, ":", 3)
x <- as.numeric(x)
x <- matrix(x, ncol = 3)
dhours(x[,1]) + dminutes(x[,2]) + dseconds(x[,3])
## Add the filename, reorder the columns & return a tibble
df$Filename <- names(data)
df, "Filename", contains("Reads"), contains("Time"), everything()
#' @title Parse data from HISAT2 log files
#' @description Parse data from HISAT2 log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseHisat2Logs <- function(data, ...){
df <- lapply(data, function(x){
x <- stringr::str_trim(x)
paired <- grepl("were paired", x[2])
totReads <- gsub("([0-9]*) reads; of these:", "\\1", x[1])
## Now find each category then extract the numbers
noAln <- x[grep("aligned 0 times$", x)]
noAln <- gsub("([0-9]*) .+ aligned 0 times", "\\1", noAln)
uniq <- x[grep("aligned exactly 1 time$", x)]
uniq <- gsub("([0-9]*) .+ aligned exactly 1 time", "\\1", uniq)
mult <- x[grep("aligned >1 times", x)]
mult <- gsub("([0-9]*) .+ aligned >1 times", "\\1", mult)
## Get the paired only fields
pairReads <- uniqPairs <- multPairs <- uniqDiscord <- 0
if (paired) {
pairReads <- x[grep("were paired; of these:$", x)]
pairReads <- gsub("([0-9]*) .+ of these:", "\\1", pairReads)
uniqPairs <- x[grep("aligned concordantly exactly 1 time$", x)]
uniqPairs <- gsub("([0-9]*) .+ exactly 1 time", "\\1", uniqPairs)
multPairs <- x[grep("aligned concordantly >1 times$", x)]
multPairs <- gsub("([0-9]*) .+ >1 times", "\\1", multPairs)
uniqDiscord <- x[grep("aligned discordantly 1 time$", x)]
uniqDiscord <- gsub("([0-9]*) .+ 1 time", "\\1", uniqDiscord)
out <- list(
Total_Reads = totReads,
Not_Aligned = noAln,
Unique_Unpaired = uniq,
Multiple_Unpaired = mult,
Paired_Reads = pairReads,
Unique_In_Pairs = uniqPairs,
Multiple_In_Pairs = multPairs,
Unique_Discordant_Pairs = uniqDiscord
## Set all values as integers
out <- lapply(out, as.integer)
## Bind all reults together
df <- bind_rows(df)
## Add a final column
df$Alignment_Rate <-
1 - df$Not_Aligned / (df$Total_Reads + df$Paired_Reads)
df$Filename <- names(data)
.parseBowtie2Logs <- .parseHisat2Logs
#' @title Parse data from STAR log files
#' @description Parse data from STAR log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
.parseStarLogs <- function(data, ...){
## Reformat as a data.frame / tibble
df <- lapply(data, function(x){
## Split on '|\t'
x <- stringr::str_split_fixed(x, pattern = "\\|\t", n = 2)
## Remove whitespace
x <- apply(x, MARGIN = 2, stringr::str_trim)
## Remove blank rows
x <- x[rowSums(x == "") == 0,]
## Tidy up the percent signs & brackets
x[, 1] <- gsub("%", "Percent", x[,1])
x <- apply(x, 2, stringr::str_remove_all, "[%\\(\\)]")
## Define the column names
cols <- stringr::str_to_title(x[,1])
cols <- gsub("[ :,]+", "_", cols)
cols <-
gsub("([ACGTacgt]{2}/[ACGTacgt]{2})", "\\U\\1", cols, perl = TRUE)
## Form a list then tibble
out <- as.list(x[,2])
names(out) <- cols
## Using tibble here preserves column names in a nicer format
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)
## Reformat the time columns
timeCols <- grepl("On$", names(df))
df[timeCols] <-
lapply(df[timeCols], parse_date_time, orders = "b! d! HMS")
## Reformat the integer columns
intCols <- grepl("Number", names(df))
df[intCols] <- lapply(df[intCols], as.integer)
## Set the remaining columns as numeric
df[!intCols & !timeCols] <- lapply(df[!intCols & !timeCols], as.numeric)
## Add the filename & additional columns
df$Filename <- names(data)
df$Mapping_Duration <- df$Finished_On - df$Started_Mapping_On
totMapped <-
df$Uniquely_Mapped_Reads_Number +
df$Total_Mapped_Percent <- 100*totMapped / df$Number_Of_Input_Reads
## Return the output
#' @title Parse data from Picard duplicationMetrics log files
#' @description Parse data from Picard duplicationMetrics log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param which which element of the log file to return.
#' Can be 1:2, "metrics" or "histogram"
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
.parseDuplicationMetricsLogs <- function(data, which = 1){
if (is.character(which))
which <- match.arg(which, c("metrics", "histogram"))
if (is.numeric(which)) stopifnot(which %in% c(1, 2))
## Collect the metrics from all files as a tibble
metrics <- lapply(data, function(x){
## Find the library name
libName <- grep(
"picard.sam.markduplicates.MarkDuplicates.+INPUT=", x, value = TRUE
libName <- gsub(".+INPUT=\\[(.+)\\] OUTPUT.+", "\\1", libName[[1]])
## Find the header. The next two rows will be the colnames + data
metHeader <- grep("METRICS CLASS\tpicard.sam.DuplicationMetrics", x)
df <- .splitByTab(x[seq(metHeader + 1, by = 1, length.out = 2)])
df$LIBRARY <- libName
metrics <- dplyr::bind_rows(metrics)
## Now ensure the correct types
intCols <- setdiff(colnames(metrics), c("LIBRARY", "PERCENT_DUPLICATION"))
metrics[intCols] <- lapply(metrics[intCols], as.integer)
metrics <- as_tibble(metrics)
## Collect the histogram data from all files as a tibble
histData <- lapply(data, function(x){
## Find the library name
libName <- grep(
"picard.sam.markduplicates.MarkDuplicates.+INPUT=", x, value = TRUE
libName <- gsub(".+INPUT=\\[(.+)\\] OUTPUT.+", "\\1", libName[[1]])
## Find the header then remove up until that line
histHeader <- grep("HISTOGRAM\tjava.lang.Double", x)
x <- x[-seq_len(histHeader)]
## Remove any blank lines (this is the last line)
x <- x[!grepl("^$", x)]
df <- .splitByTab(x)
df$LIBRARY <- libName
dplyr::select(df, "LIBRARY", everything())
histData <- dplyr::bind_rows(histData)
## Ensure the correct types
histData$BIN <- as.integer(histData$BIN)
histData$VALUE <- as.numeric(histData$VALUE)
histData <- as_tibble(histData)
## Setup the output, then format the column names
out <- list(metrics = metrics, histogram = histData)
lapply(out, function(x){
colnames(x) <- stringr::str_replace_all(colnames(x), "_", " ")
colnames(x) <- stringr::str_to_title(colnames(x))
#' @title Parse data from Adapter Removal log files
#' @description Parse data from Adapter Removal log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param which which element of the log file to return.
#' Can be 1:4, "sequences", "settings", "statistics" or "distribution"
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom stringr str_split_fixed
.parseAdapterRemovalLogs <- function(data, which = 3){
## These are renamed for easier understanding.
## The full mapping of titles are:
## 1: sequences = Adapter sequences
## 2: settings = Adapter trimming
## 3: statistics = Trimming statistics
## 4: distribution = Length distribution
## No parsing of the version number has been implemented (1st row)
## Note that for each file, 'distribution' will return a tibble
## with nrow > 1
modNames <- c("sequences", "settings", "statistics", "distribution")
if (is.character(which)) which <- match.arg(which, modNames)
if (is.numeric(which)) stopifnot(which %in% seq_len(4))
.parseArSingle <- function(x, which){
## Remove the blank elements
x <- setdiff(x, "")
## Find where the modules start
vals2Mods <- cumsum(stringr::str_detect(x, "^\\["))
## Just do the modules manually
## Start with the sequences
sequences <- str_split_fixed(
string = x[vals2Mods == 1][-1],
pattern = ": ",
n = 2
sequences <- as_tibble(
split(sequences[,2], f = sequences[,1])
## Now the settings
settings <- str_split_fixed(
string = x[vals2Mods == 2][-1],
pattern = ": ",
n = 2
settings <- split(
x = settings[,2],
f = factor(settings[,1], levels = settings[,1])
## Convert to the correct value type
intCols <- grepl("(score |value|length|Minimum)", names(settings))
intCols <- intCols & !grepl("Maximum", names(settings))
settings[intCols] <- lapply(settings[intCols], as.integer)
numCols <- grepl("threshold", names(settings))
settings[numCols] <- lapply(settings[numCols], as.numeric)
settings <- as_tibble(settings)
settings[["RNG seed"]] <- ifelse(
settings[["RNG seed"]] == "NA",
as.integer(settings[["RNG seed"]])
## Statistics
statistics <- str_split_fixed(x[vals2Mods == 3][-1], ": ", 2)
statistics <- split(
x = statistics[,2],
f = factor(statistics[,1], levels = statistics[,1])
statistics <- lapply(statistics, as.numeric)
statistics <- as_tibble(statistics)
## Distribution
distribution <- .splitByTab(x[vals2Mods == 4][-1])
distribution <- lapply(distribution, as.integer)
distribution <- as_tibble(distribution)
## Setup the output, then format the column names
out <- list(
sequences = sequences,
settings = settings,
statistics = statistics,
distribution = distribution
arOut <- lapply(data, .parseArSingle, which = which)
arOut <- lapply(names(arOut), function(x){
x <- dplyr::mutate(arOut[[x]], Filename = x)
dplyr::select(x, Filename, everything())
## Now bind all tibbles & returns
#' @title Parse data from cutadapt log files
#' @description Parse data from cutadapt log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param which which element of the log file to return.
#' Can be summary, adapter1, adapter2, adapter3 or overview, or any integer in
#' 1:5
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate_at mutate_if
#' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all str_remove_all str_extract
.parseCutadaptLogs <- function(data, which = 1){
## Possible module names vary depending on PE/SE reads and the adapter
## configuration. The only stable name is `summary`.
## For this reason module name checking will be handled inside the
## parsing function
.parseCutAdaptSingle <- function(x, which){
## Check if it is a minimal report & return the df if TRUE
isMinimal <- length(x) == 2
if (isMinimal) {
df <- .splitByTab(x)
## Values may sometimes be > 2^31 so convert to doubles
df <- dplyr::mutate_if(df, colnames(df) != "status", as.numeric)
if (which != 1) message(
"Minimal report provided.",
"The 'which' argument will be ignored"
## Otherwise parse the modules:
## Remove the blank elements
x <- x[x != ""]
## Find where the modules start
mods <- grepl("===", x)
foundMods <- tolower(str_remove_all(x[mods],"[= ]"))
## Check the requested module
if (is.numeric(which) & which > length(foundMods)) stop(
"Invalid module selected. The maximum number is ", length(foundMods)
if (is.character(which) & sum(grepl(which, foundMods)) != 1) stop(
"Unable to determine module. Valid modules are ",
paste(foundMods, collapse = "/")
## Now split into the modules
x <- split(x, f = cumsum(mods))
names(x) <- c("header", foundMods)
## Grab the header as a list
hdr <- x[["header"]]
names(hdr) <- c("version", "params", "processing", "finished")
## Remove the first value from each now we have the intact header
x <- lapply(x, function(x){x[-1]})
## Just do the modules manually
out <- vector("list", length(x) - 1)
names(out) <- names(x)[-1]
## Start with the summary (i.e. minimal). Values then names
vals <- str_replace_all(x$summary, ".+ +([0-9,]+).+", "\\1")
vals <- str_remove_all(vals, ",")
vals <- as.numeric(vals)
nm <- str_trim(
str_replace_all(x$summary, "(.+):.+", "\\1")
## If this is paired end, some of these will be nested and need to be
## handled correctly. The first two will be processed bp, whilst
## the next two will be written bp. Using the above code, they should
## just appear as Read 1 and Read 2 for each set.
dups <- grepl("^Read [12]$", nm)
nm[dups] <- paste(
c("processed", "written"), each = sum(dups)/2
nm <- tolower(nm)
nm <- str_remove_all(nm, "[\\(\\)]")
nm <- str_replace_all(nm, " ", "_")
names(vals) <- nm
out[["summary"]] <- as_tibble(as.list(vals))
out[["summary"]][["header"]] <- list(hdr)
out[["summary"]] <- dplyr::select(
out[["summary"]], "header", everything()
## Now the adapters
out[grep("adapter", names(out))] <- lapply(
x[grepl("adapter", names(x))],
## Avoid R CMD errors by declaring dummy variables
A <- C <- G <- `T` <- c()
main <- tibble(
sequence = str_extract(
a[grepl("Sequence", a)], "[ACGTN]+"
type = str_replace_all(
a[grepl("Type", a)],
".+Type: (.+); Length.+",
length = as.integer(
a[grepl("Length", a)],
".+Length: (.+); Trimmed.+",
A = as.numeric(
str_extract(a[grepl("A:", a)], "[0-9\\.]+")
) / 100,
C = as.numeric(
str_extract(a[grepl("C:", a)], "[0-9\\.]+")
) / 100,
G = as.numeric(
str_extract(a[grepl("G:", a)], "[0-9\\.]+")
) / 100,
`T` = as.numeric(
str_extract(a[grepl("T:", a)], "[0-9\\.]+")
) / 100,
`none/other` = round(1 - (A + C + G + `T`), 2)
overview <- .splitByTab(
a[seq(which(grepl("^Overview", a)) + 1, length(a))]
overview <- dplyr::mutate_if(
main[["overview"]] <- list(as_tibble(overview))
## Return the required module
caOut <- lapply(data, .parseCutAdaptSingle, which = which)
caOut <- lapply(names(caOut), function(x){
x <- dplyr::mutate(caOut[[x]], Filename = x)
dplyr::select(x, Filename, everything())
## Now bind all tibbles & returns
#' @title Parse data from featureCounts summary files
#' @description Parse data from featureCounts summary files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom forcats fct_inorder
#' @importFrom tidyselect ends_with
.parseFeatureCountsLogs <- function(data, ...){
out <- lapply(data, function(x){
x <- .splitByTab(x)
x <- tidyr::pivot_longer(
data = x,
cols = ends_with("bam"),
names_to = "Sample",
values_to = "Total"
x$Sample <- x$Sample
x$Total <- as.integer(x$Total)
x$Status <- fct_inorder(x$Status)
data = x,
id_cols = "Sample",
names_from = "Status",
values_from = "Total"
out <- lapply(names(data), function(x){
out[[x]]$Filename = x
dplyr::select(out[[x]], Filename, everything())
#' @title Parse data from BUSCO log files
#' @description Parse data from BUSCO log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseBuscoLogs <- function(data, ...){
## This will have already been through the validity checks
df <- lapply(data, function(x){
x <- gsub("# ", "", x)
## get numbers of each feild from lines
single <-
grep("Complete and single-copy BUSCOs \\(S\\)", x = x, value = TRUE)
single <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)\tComp.*", "\\1", single))
duplicated <-
grep("Complete and duplicated BUSCOs \\(D\\)", x = x, value = TRUE)
duplicated <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)\tComp.*", "\\1", duplicated))
fragmented <- grep("Fragmented BUSCOs \\(F\\)", x = x, value = TRUE)
fragmented <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)\tFrag.*", "\\1", fragmented))
missing <- grep("Missing BUSCOs \\(M\\)", x = x, value = TRUE)
missing <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)\tMiss.*", "\\1", missing))
total <- sum(single, duplicated, fragmented, missing)
name <- grep(
"Summarized benchmarking in BUSCO notation for file ",
x = x,
value = TRUE
name <- gsub(".*file ", "\\1", name)
df <- tibble(
name = name,
completeSingleCopy = single,
completeDuplicated = duplicated,
fragmented = fragmented,
missing = missing
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)
#' @title Parse data from trimmomatic log files
#' @description Parse data from trimmomatic log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... not used
#' @return tibble
#' @keywords internal
#' @importFrom tidyselect everything starts_with contains
.parseTrimmomaticLogs <- function(data, ...){
.parseTrimmoSingle <- function(x){
## Initialise values which may or may not be present
Input_Reads <- Input_Read_Pairs <- Surviving <- Both_Surviving <- NA
Forward_Only_Surviving <- Reverse_Only_Surviving <- NA
readType <- gsub(".+(PE|SE).+", "\\1", x[[1]])
Illumina_Clip <- ifelse(
grepl("ILLUMINACLIP", x[[2]]),
gsub(".+ILLUMINACLIP:([^ ]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]]),
Leading <- ifelse(
grepl("LEADING", x[[2]]),
as.integer(gsub(".+LEADING:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]])),
Trailing <- ifelse(
grepl("TRAILING", x[[2]]),
as.integer(gsub(".+TRAILING:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]])),
Crop <- ifelse(
grepl(" CROP", x[[2]]),
as.integer(gsub(".+ CROP:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]])),
Head_Crop <- ifelse(
grepl("HEADCROP", x[[2]]),
as.integer(gsub(".+HEADCROP:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]])),
Sliding_Window <- ifelse(
grepl("SLIDINGWINDOW", x[[2]]),
gsub(".+SLIDINGWINDOW:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]]),
Min_Len <- ifelse(
grepl("MINLEN", x[[2]]),
gsub(".+MINLEN:([0-9:]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]]),
Max_Info <- ifelse(
grepl("MAXINFO", x[[2]]),
gsub(".+MAXINFO:([^ ]+).+", "\\1", x[[2]]),
Avg_Qual <- ifelse(
grepl("AVGQUAL", x[[2]]),
as.integer(gsub(".*AVGQUAL:([0-9]+).*", "\\1", x[[2]])),
Quality_Encoding <- grep("Quality encoding", x, value = TRUE)
Quality_Encoding <-
gsub("Quality encoding detected as ", "", Quality_Encoding)
## Get the line with the summary values
valLine <- x[[length(x) - 1]]
if (readType == "SE") {
Input_Reads <- gsub("Input Reads: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
Input_Reads <- as.integer(Input_Reads)
Surviving <- gsub(".+Surviving: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
Surviving <- as.integer(Surviving)
if (readType == "PE") {
Input_Read_Pairs <-
gsub("Input Read Pairs: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
Input_Read_Pairs <- as.integer(Input_Read_Pairs)
Both_Surviving <-
gsub(".+Both Surviving: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
Both_Surviving <- as.integer(Both_Surviving)
Forward_Only_Surviving <-
gsub(".+Forward Only Surviving: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
Forward_Only_Surviving <- as.integer(Forward_Only_Surviving)
Reverse_Only_Surviving <-
gsub(".+Reverse Only Surviving: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
Reverse_Only_Surviving <- as.integer(Reverse_Only_Surviving)
Dropped <- gsub(".+Dropped: ([0-9]+).+", "\\1", valLine)
Dropped <- as.integer(Dropped)
Type = readType,
out <- lapply(data, .parseTrimmoSingle)
out <- dplyr::bind_rows(out)
out$Filename <- names(data)
## Many of the above values may be missing.
## Remove them if so using a quick tidy
value <- c() # Avoiding an R CMD check NOTE
out <- tidyr::gather(out, "key", "value", -1)
out <- dplyr::filter(out, !
out <- tidyr::spread(out, "key", "value")
## Return the final output
#' @title Parse data from BUSCO log files
#' @description Parse data from BUSCO log files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseQuastLogs <- function(data, ...){
## This will have already been through the validity checks
df <- lapply(data, function(x){
x <- gsub("# ", "", x)
## get Assembly stats from lines
totalL <- grep("Total length\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
totalL <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", totalL))
N50 <- grep("N50\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
N50 <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", N50))
N75 <- grep("N75\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
N75 <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", N75))
L50 <- grep("L50\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
L50 <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", L50))
L75 <- grep("L75\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
L75 <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", L75))
longest <- grep("Largest contig\t", x = x, value = TRUE)
longest <- as.integer(gsub(".*\t(.+)", "\\1", longest))
df <- tibble(
totalLength = totalL,
longestTig = longest,
N50 = N50,
N75 = N75,
L50 = L50,
L75 = L75
df <- dplyr::bind_rows(df)
dplyr::bind_cols(tibble(fileNames = names(data)), df)
#' @title Parse data from samtools flagstat files
#' @description Parse data from samtools flagstat files
#' @details Checks for structure will have been performed
#' @param data List of lines read using readLines on one or more files
#' @param ... Not used
#' @return data.frame
#' @keywords internal
.parseFlagstatLogs <- function(data, ...){
.parseFlagstatSingle <- function(data){
df <- gsub("([0-9]+) \\+ ([0-9]+) (.+)", "\\1\t\\2\t\\3", data)
df <- .splitByTab(df, FALSE)
colnames(df) <- c("QC-passed", "QC-failed", "flag")
df[["flag"]] <- gsub("([a-z ]+) \\(.+", "\\1", df[["flag"]])
df[["flag"]][nrow(df)] <-
paste(df[["flag"]][nrow(df)], "(mapQ>=5)")
df[["QC-passed"]] <- as.integer(df[["QC-passed"]])
df[["QC-failed"]] <- as.integer(df[["QC-failed"]])
out <- lapply(data, .parseFlagstatSingle)
out <- lapply(names(out), function(x){
out[[x]]$Filename <- x
out <- bind_rows(out)
dplyr::select(out, "Filename", everything())
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