The multiGSEA
package was designed to run a robust GSEA-based pathway
enrichment for multiple omics layers. The enrichment is calculated for each
omics layer separately and aggregated p-values are calculated afterwards to
derive a composite multi-omics pathway enrichment.
Pathway definitions can be downloaded from up to eight different pathway
databases by means of the graphite
Bioconductor package [@graphite:2018].
Feature mapping for transcripts and proteins is supported towards Entrez Gene
IDs, Uniprot, Gene Symbol, RefSeq, and Ensembl IDs. The mapping is accomplished
through the AnnotationDbi
package [@AnnotationDbi:2019] and currently
supported for 11 different model organisms including human, mouse, and rat. ID
conversion of metabolite features to Comptox Dashboard IDs (DTXCID, DTXSID),
CAS-numbers, Pubchem IDs (CID), HMDB, KEGG, ChEBI, Drugbank IDs, or common
metabolite names is accomplished through the AnnotationHub package
. This package provides a comprehensive ID mapping for more
than 1.1 million entries.
This vignette covers a simple example workflow illustrating how the multiGSEA
package works. The omics data sets that will be used throughout the example
were originally provided by Quiros et al. [@Quiros:2017]. In their publication
the authors analyzed the mitochondrial response to four different toxicants,
including Actinonin, Diclofenac, FCCB, and Mito-Block (MB), within the
transcriptome, proteome, and metabolome layer. The transcriptome data can be
downloaded from NCBI
GEO, the proteome
data from the ProteomeXchange
and the non-targeted metabolome raw data can be found in the online supplement.
There are two different ways to install the multiGSEA
First, the multiGSEA
package is part of
Hence, the best way to install the package is via BiocManager
. Start R
(>=4.0.0) and run the following commands:
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager") # The following initializes usage of Bioc devel BiocManager::install(version='devel') BiocManager::install("multiGSEA")
Alternatively, the multiGSEA
package is hosted on our github page and can be installed via the
install.packages("devtools") devtools::install_github("")
Once installed, just load the multiGSEA
package with:
A common workflow which is exemplified in this vignette is typically separated in the following steps:
package, and omics data sets.At first, we need to load the necessary packages to run the multi-omics
enrichment analysis. In our example data we have to deal with omics data that
has been measured in human cell lines. We therefore need the
package [@CarlsonHs:2019] for transcript and protein mapping. In case the
omics data was measured in mouse or rat, we would need the packages
[@CarlsonMm:2019] and
library( "")
In principle, multiGSEA
is able to deal with 11 different model organisms.
A summary of supported organisms, their naming format within multiGSEA
their respective AnnotationDbi
package is shown in Table
caption <- "Supported organisms, their abbreviations being used in `multiGSEA`, and mapping database that are needed for feature conversion. Supported abbreviations can be seen with `getOrganisms()`" df <- data.frame( Organisms = c( "Human", "Mouse", "Rat", "Dog", "Cow", "Pig", "Chicken", "Zebrafish", "Frog", "Fruit Fly", "C.elegans"), Abbreviations = c( "hsapiens", "mmusculus", "rnorvegicus", "cfamiliaris", "btaurus", "sscrofa", "ggallus", "drerio", "xlaevis", "dmelanogaster", "celegans"), Mapping = c( "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "")) knitr::kable( df, caption = caption)
To run the analysis of this vignette, load the installed version of
library( multiGSEA) library( magrittr)
Load the omics data for each layer where an enrichment should be calculated. The example data is provided within the package and already preprocessed such that we have log2 transformed fold changes and their associated p-values.
# load transcriptomic features data( transcriptome) # load proteomic features data( proteome) # load metabolomic features data( metabolome)
This example involves preprocessed omics data from public
repositories, which means that the data might look different when you
download and pre-process it with your own workflow. Therefore, we put
our processed data as an example data in the R package. We here sketch
out the pipeline described in the multiGSEA
paper. We will not focus
on the pre-processing steps and how to derive the necessary input
format for the multi-omics pathway enrichment in terms of
differentially expression analysis, since this is highly dependent on
your experiment and analysis workflow.
However, the required input format is quite simple and exactly the same for each input omics layer: A data frame with 3 mandatory columns, including feature IDs, the log2-transformed fold change (logFC), and the associated p-value.
The header of the data frame can be seen in Table \@ref(tab:omicsTable):
caption <- "Structure of the necessary omics data. For each layer (here: transcriptome), feature IDs, log2FCs, and p-values are needed." knitr::kable( transcriptome %>% dplyr::arrange( Symbol) %>% dplyr::slice( 1:6), caption = caption )
works with nested lists where each sublist represents an
omics layer. The function rankFeatures
calculates the pre-ranked
features, that are needed for the subsequent calculation of the
enrichment score. rankFeatures
calculates the a local statistic ls
based on the direction of the fold change and the magnitude of its
\begin{equation} ls = sign( log_2(FC)) * log_{10}( p-value) \end{equation}
# create data structure omics_data <- initOmicsDataStructure( layer = c("transcriptome", "proteome", "metabolome")) ## add transcriptome layer omics_data$transcriptome <- rankFeatures( transcriptome$logFC, transcriptome$pValue) names( omics_data$transcriptome) <- transcriptome$Symbol ## add proteome layer omics_data$proteome <- rankFeatures(proteome$logFC, proteome$pValue) names( omics_data$proteome) <- proteome$Symbol ## add metabolome layer ## HMDB features have to be updated to the new HMDB format omics_data$metabolome <- rankFeatures(metabolome$logFC, metabolome$pValue) names( omics_data$metabolome) <- metabolome$HMDB names( omics_data$metabolome) <- gsub( "HMDB", "HMDB00", names( omics_data$metabolome))
The first elements of each omics layer are shown below:
omics_short <- lapply( names( omics_data), function( name){ head( omics_data[[name]]) }) names( omics_short) <- names( omics_data) omics_short
Now we have to select the databases we want to query and the omics layer we are interested in before pathway definitions are downloaded and features are mapped to the desired format.
databases <- c( "kegg", "reactome", "biocarta") layers <- names( omics_data) pathways <- getMultiOmicsFeatures( dbs = databases, layer = layers, returnTranscriptome = "SYMBOL", returnProteome = "SYMBOL", returnMetabolome = "HMDB")
The first two pathway definitions of each omics layer are shown below:
pathways_short <- lapply( names( pathways), function( name){ head( pathways[[name]], 2) }) names( pathways_short) <- names( pathways) pathways_short
At this stage, we have the ranked features for each omics layer and the
extracted and mapped features from external pathway databases. In the following
step we can use the multiGSEA
function to calculate the enrichment for all
omics layer separately.
# use the multiGSEA function to calculate the enrichment scores # for all omics layer at once. enrichment_scores <- multiGSEA( pathways, omics_data)
The enrichment score data structure is a list containing sublists named
, proteome
, and metabolome
. Each sublist represents the
complete pathway enrichment for this omics layer.
Making use of the Stouffers Z-method to combine multiple p-values that have been
derived from independent tests that are based on the same null hypothesis. The
function extractPvalues
creates a simple data frame where each row represents
a pathway and columns represent omics related p-values and adjusted p-values.
This data structure can then be used to calculate the aggregated p-value. The
subsequent calculation of adjusted p-values can be achieved by the function
provided three different methods to aggregate p-values. These
methods differ in their way how they weight either small or large p-values. By
default, combinePvalues
will apply the Z-method or Stouffer's method
[@Stouffer:1949] which has no bias towards small or large p-values. The widely
used Fisher's combined probability test [@Fisher:1932] can also be applied but
is known for its bias towards small p-values. Edgington's method goes the
opposite direction by favoring large p-values [@Edgington:1972]. Those methods
can be applied by setting the parameter method
to "fisher" or "edgington".
df <- extractPvalues( enrichmentScores = enrichment_scores, pathwayNames = names( pathways[[1]])) df$combined_pval <- combinePvalues( df) df$combined_padj <- p.adjust( df$combined_pval, method = "BH") df <- cbind( data.frame( pathway = names( pathways[[1]])), df)
Finally, print the pathways sorted based on their combined adjusted p-values. For displaying reasons, only the adjusted p-values are shown in Table \@ref(tab:resultTable).
caption <- "Table summarizing the top 15 pathways where we can calculate an enrichment for all three layers . Pathways from KEGG, Reactome, and BioCarta are listed based on their aggregated adjusted p-value. Corrected p-values are displayed for each omics layer separately and aggregated by means of the Stouffer's Z-method." knitr::kable( df %>% dplyr::arrange( combined_padj) %>% dplyr::filter( ! ) %>% dplyr::select( c( pathway, transcriptome_padj, proteome_padj, metabolome_padj, combined_pval)) %>% dplyr::slice( 1:15), caption = caption )
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