date generated: r Sys.Date()
Mitch performs unidimensional and multidimensional gene set enrichment analysis. The concept behind this dates to work by Cox and Mann ( This implementation is suited to R based workflows of multi-omics datasets. This software was developed by Antony Kaspi and Mark Ziemann. Learn more about Mitch at the website:
Here is the first few lines of the input profile.
suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library("echarts4r") library("dplyr") library("tibble") library("gtools") library("gplots") library("beeswarm") library("reshape2") library("ggplot2") library("GGally") library("pkgload") })
res <- readRDS(DATANAME) # capture the dimensionality of the data d=ncol(res$input_profile) # if working with >5 dimensions, then substitute the dimension (colnames) names with a number if ( d>5 ) { mydims<-data.frame(seq_len(d)) mydims$colnames<-attributes(res)$profile_dimensions colnames(mydims)<-c("dimension","contrast_name") print(kable( mydims, caption = "Profile dimensions" )) colnames(res$input_profile)<- paste("d",seq_len(d),sep="") colnames(res$ranked_profile)<- paste("d",seq_len(d),sep="") ss<-res$ranked_profile } head(res$input_profile)
Here are some metrics about the input data profile:
if (d==1) { formatted<-t($analysis_metrics[ c(1,2,3,4,5 ) ])) } else if (d==2) { unformatted<-t($analysis_metrics[ c(2,3,4,5,11,12 ) ])) formatted<-unformatted formatted[1:4]<-as.character(round(as.numeric(unformatted[1:4]) , digits=0)) formatted[5:6]<-as.character(round(as.numeric(unformatted[5:6]) , digits=5)) } else if (d>2) { formatted<-t($analysis_metrics[ c(2,3,4,5 ) ])) } colnames(formatted)="Profile metrics" kable( formatted, caption = "Profile metrics" )
Here is a plot of the input profiles. Note the dynamic ranges.
if ( d==1 ) { par(mfrow=c(2,1)) hist(res$input_profile[,1],breaks=50,main="Distribution of DE scores",xlab=paste("DE score for ",colnames(res$input_profile))) plot(res$input_profile,xlab=paste("DE score for ",colnames(res$input_profile)), pch="|",frame.plot=FALSE) UPS=length(which(res$input_profile>0)) DNS=length(which(res$input_profile<0)) TOTAL=nrow(res$input_profile) mtext(paste(TOTAL,"genes in total,",UPS,"trending up-regulated,",DNS,"trending down-regulated")) } else if ( d<3 ) { plot(res$input_profile, pch=19, col=rgb(red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0.15), main="Input profiles" ) } else { ggpairs_points_plot <- function(data ,mapping, ...){ p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + geom_point(alpha=0.05) + geom_vline(xintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + geom_hline(yintercept=0,linetype="dashed") } p<-ggpairs($input_profile), title="Scatterplot of all genes" , lower = list(continuous = ggpairs_points_plot )) print( p + theme_bw() ) }
Here is the contour plot of the profile including all detected genes.
palette <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "yellow","orange" ,"red","darkred","black")) #Contour of all the data ss<-res$ranked_profile if (d==1) { message("Contour plot does not apply to unidimensional analysis.") } else if (d==2) { xmin=min(ss[,1]) xmax=max(ss[,1]) ymin=min(ss[,2]) ymax=max(ss[,2]) ss<-res$ranked_profile k<-MASS:::kde2d(ss[,1],ss[,2]) X_AXIS=paste("Rank in contrast",colnames(ss)[1]) Y_AXIS=paste("Rank in contrast",colnames(ss)[2]) filled.contour(k, xlim=c(xmin,xmax),ylim=c(ymin,ymax), color=palette , plot.title={ abline(v=0,h=0,lty=2,lwd=2,col="blue") title( main="Rank-rank plot of all genes",xlab=X_AXIS,ylab=Y_AXIS ) } ) } else if (d>2) { #pairs contour plot function ggpairs_func <- function(data, mapping, ...){ p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + stat_density2d(aes(fill=..density..), geom="tile", contour = FALSE) + geom_vline(xintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + geom_hline(yintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=palette(25)) p } #pairs contour plot p<-ggpairs(, title="Contour plot of all genes after ranking" , lower=list(continuous=ggpairs_func), diag=list(continuous=wrap("barDiag", binwidth=nrow(ss)/100))) print( p + theme_bw() ) #subset contour plot ggpairs_contour_limit_range <- function(data ,mapping, ...){ p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + stat_density2d(aes(fill=..density..), geom="tile", contour = FALSE) + geom_vline(xintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + geom_hline(yintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=palette(25)) + scale_x_continuous( limits = range(min(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[1]))]),max(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[1]))])) ) + scale_y_continuous( limits = range(min(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[2]))]),max(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[2]))])) ) p } #subset points plot ggpairs_points_limit_range <- function(data ,mapping, ...){ p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + geom_point(alpha=0.1) + geom_vline(xintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + geom_hline(yintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + scale_x_continuous( limits = range(min(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[1]))]),max(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[1]))])) ) + scale_y_continuous( limits = range(min(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[2]))]),max(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[2]))])) ) p } }
Here are some metrics about the gene sets used:
ORIGINFILE=attributes(res$input_genesets)$originfile cat(paste("GMT file of genesets:",ORIGINFILE,"<br>")) unformatted<-t($analysis_metrics[c(1,6,7)])) formatted< unformatted[1:3]) ) rownames(formatted)=rownames(unformatted) colnames(formatted)="Gene sets metrics" kable( formatted , col.names = "Gene sets metrics" ,caption = "Gene sets metrics" )
par(mfrow=c(3,1)) geneset_counts<-res$analysis_metrics$geneset_counts boxplot(geneset_counts$count,horizontal=TRUE,frame=FALSE,main="Gene set size",xlab="number of member genes included in profile") hist(geneset_counts$count,100,xlab="geneset size",main="Histogram of geneset size") hist(geneset_counts$count,100,xlim=c(0,500),xlab="geneset size",main="Trimmed histogram of geneset size") if ( d==2 ) { uu=length(which(res$input_profile[,1]>0 & res$input_profile[,2]>0)) ud=length(which(res$input_profile[,1]>0 & res$input_profile[,2]<0)) dd=length(which(res$input_profile[,1]<0 & res$input_profile[,2]<0)) du=length(which(res$input_profile[,1]<0 & res$input_profile[,2]>0)) a<,ud,dd,du)) rownames(a)=c("top-right","bottom-right","bottom-left","top-left") colnames(a)="a" par(mfrow=c(1,1)) xx<-barplot(a$a,names.arg=rownames(a),main="number of genes in each quadrant") text(x = xx, y = a$a, label = a$a , pos = 1, cex = 1) } else if (d>2) { if (d<6) { sig<-sign(ss) sector_count<-aggregate(seq_len(nrow(sig)) ~ ., sig, FUN = length) colnames(sector_count)[ncol(sector_count)]<-"Count" kable(sector_count ,caption = "Genes by sector" ,row.names=TRUE) } }
if (d<2) { nsig=length(which(res$enrichment_result$p.adjustANOVA<0.05)) } else { nsig=length(which(res$enrichment_result$p.adjustMANOVA<0.05)) } if (d==1) { cat("<h2>Differential pathway expression</h2><br>") par(mfrow=c(1,1)) sig<-subset(res$enrichment_result,p.adjustANOVA<=0.05) plot(res$enrichment_result$s.dist,-log10(res$enrichment_result$pANOVA), xlab="s score",ylab="-log10(p-value)", main="volcano plot of gene set enrichments",pch=19,cex=0.8) points(sig$s.dist,-log10(sig$pANOVA),pch=19,cex=0.85,col="red") TOTAL=nrow(res$enrichment_result) SIG=nrow(sig) UP=length(which(sig$s.dist>0)) DN=length(which(sig$s.dist<0)) SUBHEADER=paste(TOTAL,"gene sets in total,",UP,"upregulated and ",DN,"downregulated (FDR<=0.05)") mtext(SUBHEADER) } if (d==2) { cat("<h2>Gene sets by quadrant</h2><br>") cat(paste("Number of significant gene sets (FDR<0.05)=", res$analysis_metrics$num_sets_significant,"<br>" )) a<-res$analysis_metrics[14] a<,','))),stringsAsFactors=FALSE) rownames(a)=c("top-right","bottom-right","bottom-left","top-left") colnames(a)="a" xx<-barplot(a$a,names.arg=rownames(a),main="number of genesets FDR<0.05") text(x = xx, y = a$a, label = a$a , pos = 1, cex = 1) } if ( nsig > 0 ) { if ( d>2 ) { if ( d<6 ) { cat(paste("Number of significant gene sets (FDR<0.05)=", res$analysis_metrics$num_sets_significant,"<br>" )) cat("<h2>Gene sets by sector</h2><br>") sig<-sign(res$enrichment_result[which(res$enrichment_result$p.adjustMANOVA<0.05),4:(4+d-1)]) sector_count<-aggregate(seq_len(nrow(sig)) ~ ., sig, FUN = length) colnames(sector_count)[ncol(sector_count)]<-"Count" kable(sector_count ,caption = "Gene sets by sector" ,row.names=TRUE) } } }
if (d==1) { numsets=nrow(subset(res$enrichment_result,p.adjustANOVA<0.05)) p=NULL if (numsets==0){ message("No significant enrichments found.") } else { # volcano with echarts4r cat("Significance is calculated by -log10(p-value). All points shown are FDR<0.05.<br>") myres2<-subset(res$enrichment_result,p.adjustANOVA<0.05) myres2$significance<--log10(myres2$pANOVA) myres2$set<-sub(",","",myres2$set) XCOL=colnames(myres2)[4] YCOL=colnames(myres2)[6] colnames(myres2)[4]<-"xx" colnames(myres2)[6]<-"yy" p2<-myres2 %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("model") %>% dplyr::mutate(set = paste(set, setSize, p.adjustANOVA , sep = ",")) %>% e_charts(x = xx) %>% e_legend(show = FALSE) %>% e_x_axis(name = XCOL) %>% # add x axis name e_y_axis(name = YCOL) %>% # add y axis name e_scatter( serie = yy , bind = set , symbolSize = 10 ) %>% e_tooltip(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS(" function(params){ var vals =',') return('<strong>' + vals[0] + '</strong><br />s.x-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[0]).toFixed(2) + '<br />s.y-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[1]).toFixed(2)) + '<br />setSize: ' + vals[1] + '<br />p-adjust ANOVA: ' + Number(vals[2]).toPrecision(2) }")) } p2 } if (d==1) { resrows=length(res$detailed_sets) if (resrows>1) { myres2<-head(res$enrichment_result,resrows) myres2$significance<--log10(myres2$pANOVA) myres2$set<-sub(",","",myres2$set) XCOL=colnames(myres2)[4] YCOL=colnames(myres2)[6] colnames(myres2)[4]<-"xx" colnames(myres2)[6]<-"yy" p2<-myres2 %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("model") %>% mutate(set = paste(set, setSize, p.adjustANOVA , sep = ",")) %>% e_charts(x = xx) %>% e_legend(show = FALSE) %>% e_x_axis(name = XCOL) %>% # add x axis name e_y_axis(name = YCOL) %>% # add y axis name e_scatter( serie = yy , bind = set , symbolSize = 10 ) %>% e_tooltip(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS(" function(params){ var vals =',') return('<strong>' + vals[0] + '</strong><br />s.x-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[0]).toFixed(2) + '<br />s.y-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[1]).toFixed(2)) + '<br />setSize: ' + vals[1] + '<br />p-adjust ANOVA: ' + Number(vals[2]).toPrecision(2) }")) cat("Significance is calculated by -log10(p-value). Top N sets shown irrespective of FDR.<br>") } p2 } ```r echartscatter<-function(i){ my_x=plan[i,1] my_y=plan[i,2] XCOL=colnames(myres)[3+my_x] YCOL=colnames(myres)[3+my_y] myres$set<-sub(","," ",as.character(myres$set)) colnames(myres)[3+my_x]<-"xx" colnames(myres)[3+my_y]<-"yy" p2 <- myres %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("model") %>% mutate(set = paste(set, setSize, p.adjustMANOVA , s.dist , sep = ",")) %>% e_charts(x = xx , height = 300 ) %>% e_legend(show = FALSE) %>% e_x_axis(name = XCOL) %>% # add x axis name e_y_axis(name = YCOL) %>% # add y axis name e_scatter( serie = yy , bind = set , symbolSize = 10 ) %>% e_tooltip(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS(" function(params){ var vals =',') return('<strong>' + vals[0] + '</strong><br />s.x-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[0]).toFixed(2) + '<br />s.y-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[1]).toFixed(2)) + '<br />setSize: ' + vals[1] + '<br />p-adjust MANOVA: ' + Number(vals[2]).toPrecision(2) + '<br />s.dist: ' + Number(vals[3]).toPrecision(2) }")) p2 } if (d!=1) { cat("All sets with FDR<0.05. Try hovering over the points.<br>") numsets=nrow(subset(res$enrichment_result,p.adjustMANOVA<0.05)) p=NULL if (numsets<1){ message("No significant enrichments found.") p2<-list() } else { myres<-subset(res$enrichment_result,p.adjustMANOVA<0.05) if ( d<3 ) { myres2<-myres[,c(1,which(names(myres) %in% "p.adjustMANOVA"),2, 4:(4+d-1) , which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist") )] myres2$set<-sub(",","",myres2$set) XCOL=colnames(myres2)[4] YCOL=colnames(myres2)[5] colnames(myres2)[4]<-"xx" colnames(myres2)[5]<-"yy" p2 <- myres2 %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("model") %>% mutate(set = paste(set, setSize, p.adjustMANOVA , s.dist , sep = ",")) %>% e_charts(x = xx) %>% e_legend(show = FALSE) %>% e_x_axis(name = XCOL) %>% # add x axis name e_y_axis(name = YCOL) %>% # add y axis name e_scatter( serie = yy , bind = set , symbolSize = 10 ) %>% e_tooltip(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS(" function(params){ var vals =',') return('<strong>' + vals[0] + '</strong><br />s.x-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[0]).toFixed(2) + '<br />s.y-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[1]).toFixed(2)) + '<br />setSize: ' + vals[1] + '<br />p-adjust MANOVA: ' + Number(vals[2]).toPrecision(2) + '<br />s.dist: ' + Number(vals[3]).toPrecision(2) }")) } else { plan<-combinations(n = d, r = 2, v = seq_len(d), repeats.allowed = FALSE) myres<-myres[,c(1, which(names(myres) %in% "p.adjustMANOVA") ,2,4:(4+d-1), which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist") ), which(names(myres) %in% "SD")] p2<-list() p2<-lapply( seq_len(nrow(plan)) , echartscatter) } } htmltools::tagList(p2) } if (d!=1) { cat("Top N sets irrespective of FDR. Try hovering over the points.<br>") resrows=length(res$detailed_sets) p=NULL if (resrows<1){ message("No results found.") } else { myres<-head(res$enrichment_result,resrows) if ( d<3 ) { myres2<-myres[,c(1,which(names(myres) %in% "p.adjustMANOVA"),2, 4:(4+d-1) , which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist") )] myres2$set<-sub(",","",myres2$set) XCOL=colnames(myres2)[4] YCOL=colnames(myres2)[5] colnames(myres2)[4]<-"xx" colnames(myres2)[5]<-"yy" p2<-myres2 %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("model") %>% mutate(set = paste(set, setSize, p.adjustMANOVA , s.dist , sep = ",")) %>% e_charts(x = xx) %>% e_legend(show = FALSE) %>% e_x_axis(name = XCOL) %>% # add x axis name e_y_axis(name = YCOL) %>% # add y axis name e_scatter( serie = yy , bind = set , symbolSize = 10 ) %>% e_tooltip(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS(" function(params){ var vals =',') return('<strong>' + vals[0] + '</strong><br />s.x-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[0]).toFixed(2) + '<br />s.y-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[1]).toFixed(2)) + '<br />setSize: ' + vals[1] + '<br />p-adjust MANOVA: ' + Number(vals[2]).toPrecision(2) + '<br />s.dist: ' + Number(vals[3]).toPrecision(2) }")) } else { plan<-combinations(n = d, r = 2, v = seq_len(d), repeats.allowed = FALSE) myres<-myres[,c(1, which(names(myres) %in% "p.adjustMANOVA") ,2,4:(4+d-1), which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist") ), which(names(myres) %in% "SD")] p<-list() #p <- lapply( seq_len(nrow(plan)) , echartscatter) lapply( seq_len(nrow(plan)) , echartscatter) } } htmltools::tagList(p) htmltools::tagList(p2) }
if (d!=1) { if (resrows>2) { cat("<h2> A heatmap of S values for top results</h2><br>") hmapx<-head( res$enrichment_result[,4:(4+d-1)] ,resrows) rownames(hmapx)<-head(res$enrichment_result$set,resrows) colnames(hmapx)<-gsub("^s.","",colnames(hmapx)) my_palette <- colorRampPalette(c("blue", "white", "red"))(n = 25) if(resrows<25){ CEXROW=1 } else if (resrows<51) { CEXROW=0.8 } else if (resrows<76) { CEXROW=0.6 } else if (resrows<101) { CEXROW=0.4 } else { CEXROW=0.25 } heatmap.2(as.matrix(hmapx),scale="none",margin=c(10, 25),cexRow=CEXROW,trace="none",cexCol=1,col=my_palette) } }
if (d!=1) { cat('<h2> A plot of effect size versus significance</h2><br>') cat('Significance is the -log2(p.adjustMANOVA) and effect size is the s.dist which is the hypotenuse of the s scores.<br>') colnames(myres)<-gsub("\\.","_",colnames(myres)) myres<-res$enrichment_result myres$significance<--log2(myres$p.adjustMANOVA) myres$set<-sub(",","",myres$set) XCOL=colnames(myres)[ncol(myres)-3] YCOL=colnames(myres)[ncol(myres)] colnames(myres)[ncol(myres)-3]<-"xx" colnames(myres)[ncol(myres)]<-"yy" p2<-myres %>% tibble::rownames_to_column("model") %>% mutate(set = paste( set , setSize , p.adjustMANOVA , sep = ",")) %>% e_charts( x = xx) %>% e_legend(show = FALSE) %>% e_x_axis(name = XCOL) %>% # add x axis name e_y_axis(name = YCOL) %>% # add y axis name e_scatter( serie = yy , bind = set , symbolSize = 10 ) %>% e_tooltip(formatter = htmlwidgets::JS(" function(params){ var vals =',') return('<strong>' + vals[0] + '</strong><br />s.x-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[0]).toFixed(2) + '<br />s.y-axis: ' + parseFloat(params.value[1]).toFixed(2)) + '<br />setSize: ' + vals[1] + '<br />p-adjust MANOVA: ' + Number(vals[2]).toPrecision(2) }")) p2 }
if ( d==1 ) { resrows=length(res$detailed_sets) myres<-head(res$enrichment_result,resrows) myres[,c(3:ncol(myres))]<-signif(myres[,c(3:ncol(myres))],3) } else if (d>1) { resrows=length(res$detailed_sets) myres<-head(res$enrichment_result,resrows) myres<-myres[,c(1:3, which(names(myres) %in% "p.adjustMANOVA"), which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist") ,4:((d*2)+3)), which(names(myres) %in% "SD")] myres[,3:ncol(myres)]<-signif(myres[,3:ncol(myres)],3) } formatted<-myres formatted[,1]<-gsub("_"," ",myres[,1]) kable( formatted , col.names = colnames(formatted) , row.names=FALSE, caption = cat(paste("Top N=",resrows,"gene sets")) ,digits=100) cat("<hr><br>")
myres<-res$enrichment_result if ( d==1 ) { myres[,c(3:ncol(myres))]<-signif(myres[,c(3:ncol(myres))],3) formatted<-myres formatted[,1]<-gsub("_"," ",myres[,1]) } else if (d>1) { myres<-myres[,c(1:3, which(names(myres) %in% "p.adjustMANOVA"), which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist") ,4:((d*2)+3)), which(names(myres) %in% "SD")] myres[,3:ncol(myres)]<-signif(myres[,3:ncol(myres)],3) formatted<-myres formatted[,1]<-gsub("_"," ",myres[,1]) formatted[,3:ncol(myres)]<-format(myres[,3:ncol(myres)],digits=3) } HEADER=paste("<br><details><summary><b>","Click HERE to show results for all gene sets","</b></summary><br><p>",sep=" " ) cat(HEADER) kable(formatted, col.names=colnames(formatted),row.names=FALSE,caption = "Complete results",digits=100) cat("<br></p></details>") cat("<hr><br>")
if (d==1) { cat("<h2>Detailed Gene set reports</h2><br>") cat('<br>') cat('\n') ss<-res$ranked_profile for ( i in seq_len(resrows) ) { mydat = NULL mydat<-t(myres[i,]) cat(paste("<b>",as.character(myres[i,1]) ,"</b><br>")) print(kable(mydat,format='markdown',caption=as.character(t(myres[i,1]))) ) cat('\n') cat("<br>") # plots sss<-res$detailed_sets[[i]] set<-names(res$detailed_sets[i]) size<-length(sss) par(mfrow=c(3,1)) beeswarm(sss,vertical = FALSE,cex=0.75,xlim=c(min(ss), max(ss)),col="darkgray",pch=19,main=set,cex.main=1.5, xlab=paste("ranked DE score in:",colnames(ss))) mtext("beeswarm plot",cex=0.8) hist(sss,xlim=c(min(ss),max(ss)),breaks=15,col="darkgray",main=NULL, border="black",xlab=paste("ranked DE score in:",colnames(ss))) mtext("histogram",cex=0.8) plot(sss,rep(1,length(sss)),type="n",xlim=c(min(ss),max(ss)), frame=FALSE,axes=FALSE,ylab="", xlab=paste("ranked DE score in:",colnames(ss))) rug(sss, ticksize = 0.9) axis(1) mtext("rugplot",cex=0.8) cat("<br>") # top gene list setSign=sign(res$enrichment_result[i,4]) if (setSign==-1) { tops<$detailed_sets[[i]][order(res$detailed_sets[[i]])]) } else if (setSign==1) { tops<$detailed_sets[[i]][order(-res$detailed_sets[[i]])]) } cat("Top enriched genes\\n") tops$GeneID<-rownames(tops) tops<-tops[,c(2,1)] colnames(tops)=c("GeneID","Gene Rank") cat("<br>") print(kable(head(tops,n=20L),col.names=colnames(tops),format="markdown",row.names=FALSE,caption="Top 20 genes",digits=100)) cat('\n') HEADER=paste("<br><details><summary><b>","Click HERE to show all gene set members","</b></summary><br><p>",sep=" " ) cat(HEADER) print(kable(tops,col.names=colnames(tops),format="markdown",row.names=FALSE,caption="All member genes",digits=100)) cat('\n') cat("<br></p></details>") cat("<br><hr>") } }
twodimplot<-function(i) { ll<-res$enrichment_result[i,] size<-ll$setSize sss<-res$detailed_sets[[i]] k<-MASS:::kde2d(sss[,1],sss[,2]) filled.contour( k, color = palette, xlim=c(xmin,xmax),ylim=c(ymin,ymax), plot.title={ abline(v=0,h=0,lty=2,lwd=2,col="blue") title( main=ll$set , xlab=X_AXIS,ylab=Y_AXIS )}) plot(sss, pch=19, col=rgb(red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0.2), main=ll$set , xlim=c(xmin,xmax),ylim=c(ymin,ymax), xlab=X_AXIS,ylab=Y_AXIS) abline(v=0,h=0,lty=2,lwd=2,col="blue") sss_long<-melt(sss) p<-ggplot(ss_long,aes(Var2,value)) + geom_violin(data=ss_long,fill = "grey", colour = "grey") + geom_boxplot(data=ss_long,width=0.9,fill="grey",outlier.shape = NA) + geom_violin(data=sss_long,fill = "black", colour = "black") + geom_boxplot(data=sss_long,width=0.1,outlier.shape = NA) + labs(y = "Position in rank",title = ll[,1] ) print( p + theme_bw() + theme( axis.text=element_text(size=14), axis.title=element_text(size=15), plot.title = element_text(size = 14))) } # subset contour plot ggpairs_contour_limit_range <- function(data ,mapping, ...){ p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + stat_density2d(aes(fill=..density..), geom="tile", contour = FALSE) + geom_vline(xintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + geom_hline(yintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + scale_fill_gradientn(colours=palette(25)) + scale_x_continuous( limits = range(min(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[1]))]),max(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[1]))])) ) + scale_y_continuous( limits = range(min(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[2]))]),max(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[2]))])) ) p } # subset points plot ggpairs_points_limit_range <- function(data ,mapping, ...){ p <- ggplot(data = data, mapping = mapping) + geom_point(alpha=0.1) + geom_vline(xintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + geom_hline(yintercept=0,linetype="dashed") + scale_x_continuous( limits = range(min(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[1]))]),max(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[1]))])) ) + scale_y_continuous( limits = range(min(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[2]))]),max(ss[,gsub("~","",as.character(mapping[2]))])) ) p } ndplot<-function(i) { ll<-res$enrichment_result[i,] size<-ll$setSize ss<-res$ranked_profile sss<-res$detailed_sets[[i]] if ( d>5 ) { colnames(sss)<- paste("d",seq_len(d),sep="") } empty_cnt <- length(which(,use="pairwise.complete.obs")))) if ( empty_cnt == 0 ) { p<-ggpairs(, title=ll[,1], lower=list(continuous=ggpairs_contour_limit_range), diag=list(continuous=wrap("barDiag", binwidth=nrow(ss)/10)) ) print( p + theme_bw() ) p<-ggpairs(, title=ll[,1], lower= list(continuous = ggpairs_points_limit_range ), diag=list(continuous=wrap("barDiag", binwidth=nrow(ss)/10))) print( p + theme_bw() ) } sss_long<-melt(sss) empty_cnt <- apply(sss,2,function(x) sum(as.numeric(is.finite(x)))) empty_cnt <- length(which(empty_cnt==0)) if ( empty_cnt == 0 ) { p<-ggplot(ss_long,aes(Var2,value)) + geom_violin(data=ss_long,fill = "grey", colour = "grey") + geom_boxplot(data=ss_long,width=0.9,fill="grey",outlier.shape = NA) + geom_violin(data=sss_long,fill = "black", colour = "black") + geom_boxplot(data=sss_long,width=0.1,outlier.shape = NA) + labs(y = "Position in rank",title = ll[,1] ) print( p + theme_bw() + theme( axis.text=element_text(size=14), axis.title=element_text(size=15), plot.title = element_text(size = 14))) } } topgenelist<-function(i) { ss<-res$ranked_profile sss<-res$detailed_sets[[i]] if ( d>5 ) { colnames(sss)<- paste("d",seq_len(d),sep="") } tl=bl=tr=br=0 myres<-head(res$enrichment_result,resrows) myres<-myres[,c(1:3, which(names(myres) %in% "p.adjustMANOVA"), which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist") ,4:((d*2)+3)) , which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist")] myres[,3:ncol(myres)]<-signif(myres[,3:ncol(myres)],3) #select 2 strongest columns to highlight genes if( d>2 ) { cols<-(ncol(myres)-(2*d)+1):(ncol(myres)-(2*d)+d) COLS<-order(-abs(myres[i,cols]))[1:2] sss<-sss[,COLS] cols<-cols[COLS] mysx=signif(myres[i,cols[1]],3) mysy=signif(myres[i,cols[2]],3) } else { cols=c(ncol(myres)-3,ncol(myres)-2) mysx=signif(myres[i,cols[1]],3) mysy=signif(myres[i,cols[2]],3) } if ( mysy>0 ) { tl=tl+1 ; tr=tr+1 } else { bl=bl+1 ; br=br+1 } if ( mysx>0 ) { tr=tr+1 ; br=br+1 } else { tl=tl+1 ; bl=bl+1 } if (bl==2) { myquad<-sss[which(sss[,1]<0 & sss[,2]<0),,drop=FALSE] topgenes<-myquad[order(-rank(myquad[,1]*myquad[,2])),,drop=FALSE] } if (tr==2) { myquad<-sss[which(sss[,1]>0 & sss[,2]>0),,drop=FALSE] topgenes<-myquad[order(-rank(myquad[,1]*myquad[,2])),,drop=FALSE] } if (br==2) { myquad<-sss[which(sss[,1]>0 & sss[,2]<0),,drop=FALSE] topgenes<-myquad[order(rank(myquad[,1]*myquad[,2])),,drop=FALSE] } if (tl==2) { myquad<-sss[which(sss[,1]<0 & sss[,2]>0),,drop=FALSE] topgenes<-myquad[order(rank(myquad[,1]*myquad[,2])),,drop=FALSE] } cat("<br>") topgenes< topgenes$Gene<-as.character(rownames(topgenes)) topgenes<-topgenes[,c(3,1,2)] print(kable(head(topgenes,n=20L),col.names=colnames(topgenes),format="markdown",row.names=FALSE,caption="Top 20 genes",digits=100)) cat('\n') HEADER=paste("<br><details><summary><b>","Click HERE to show all gene set members","</b></summary><br><p>",sep=" " ) cat(HEADER) sss<-res$detailed_sets[[i]] print(kable(sss,format="markdown",row.names=TRUE,caption="All member genes",digits=100)) cat('\n') cat("<br></p></details>") cat("<br><hr>") } #functions end here if (d!=1) { cat("<h2> Detailed Gene set reports</h2><br>") resrows=length(res$detailed_sets) ss<-res$ranked_profile myres<-head(res$enrichment_result,resrows) myres<-myres[,c(1:3, which(names(myres) %in% "p.adjustMANOVA"), which(names(myres) %in% "s.dist") ,4:((d*2)+3)), which(names(myres) %in% "SD")] myres[,3:ncol(myres)]<-signif(myres[,3:ncol(myres)],3) palette <- colorRampPalette(c("white", "yellow","orange" ,"red","darkred","black")) ss_long<-melt(ss) if ( d<3 ) { xmin=min(ss[,1]) xmax=max(ss[,1]) ymin=min(ss[,2]) ymax=max(ss[,2]) for ( i in seq_len(resrows )) { mydat = NULL mydat$metrics<-names(myres[2:ncol(myres)]) mydat$values<-unname(t(myres[i,2:ncol(myres)])) mydat<$metrics,mydat$values)) colnames(mydat)<-c("metric","value") cat(paste("<b>",as.character(myres[i,1]) ,"</b><br>")) print(kable(mydat,format='markdown',caption=as.character(t(myres[i,1]))) ) cat('\n') cat("<br>") twodimplot(i) cat("<br>") topgenelist(i) cat("<hr><br>") } } else { for ( i in seq_len(resrows )) { mydat = NULL mydat$metrics<-names(myres[2:ncol(myres)]) mydat$values<-unname(t(myres[i,2:ncol(myres)])) mydat<$metrics,mydat$values)) colnames(mydat)<-c("metric","value") cat(paste("<b>",as.character(myres[i,1]) ,"</b><br>")) print(kable(mydat,format='markdown',digits=5,caption=as.character(t(myres[i,1])))) cat('\n') cat("<br>") ndplot(i) cat("<br>") topgenelist(i) cat("<hr><br>") } } }
Here is the session info with all the versions of packages used.
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