## Function to search by modules (groups) of genes with similar profiles of
## expression
## Parameters: data -> object of maiges class
## gNameID -> Identification of gene name label ID.
## sLabelID -> Label identification to be used
## samples -> a list with character vectors specifying
## the groups that must be compared
## usePaths -> logical specifying if the Paths must also
## be used, defaults to FALSE
## cutExp -> real number specifying the cuttoff for
## expression levels (to discretize the expression)
## cutPhiper -> p-value cutoff to select significant gene groups
## adjP -> type of p-value adjustment. May be
## "Bonferroni", "Holm", "Hochberg",
## "SidakSS", "SidakSD", "BH",
## "BY" or "none". Defaults to "none"
## Gustavo H. Esteves
## 27/05/07
activeMod <- function(data=NULL, gNameID="GeneName", samples=NULL,
usePaths=FALSE, sLabelID="Classification", adjP="none", cutExp=1,
cutPhiper=0.05) {
## Making some basic initial tests...
stop("You MUST specify a valid 'data' object.")
if(cutExp < 0)
stop("You must specify a cutExp parameter greater than 0.")
if(!is.element(adjP, c("Bonferroni", "Holm", "Hochberg", "SidakSS",
"SidakSD", "BH", "BY", "none")))
stop("Incorrect value for par. adjP see help pages for 'mt.rawp2adjp'")
## Geting gene and sample labels
samples <- getLabels(data, sLabelID)
else {
tmp <- getLabels(data, sLabelID)
idxF <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(samples)) {
idxTmp <- which(is.element(tmp, samples[[i]]))
tmp[idxTmp] <- names(samples)[i]
idxF <- c(idxF, idxTmp)
samples <- tmp[idxF]
## Picking only the samples specified
data <- data[, idxF]
## Joining paths to GeneGrps, if specified
if(usePaths) {
oldNames <- colnames(data@GeneGrps)
for(i in 2:length(data@Paths)) {
idxPath <- getLabels(data, data@Paths[[1]], FALSE) %in%
data@GeneGrps <- cbind(data@GeneGrps, idxPath)
colnames(data@GeneGrps) <- c(oldNames, names(data@Paths)[-1])
## Removing NAs from table
goodIdx <- (apply(, 1, sum) == 0)
data <- data[goodIdx, ]
## Removing eventual groups wiht less than one gene...
idxTmp <- (apply(data@GeneGrps, 2, sum) >= 1)
data@GeneGrps <- data@GeneGrps[, idxTmp]
## Geting colnames of GeneGrps slot as modules
modules <- colnames(data@GeneGrps)
table <- calcW(data)
genes <- getLabels(data, gNameID, FALSE)
genes[data@BadSpots] <- paste(genes[data@BadSpots], "(*)")
nGenes <- length(table[, 1]) ## Number of Genes
nArrays <- length(table[1, ]) ## Number of Arrays
nModules <- length(modules) ## Number of modules (gene groups)
for (i in 1:nGenes)
table[i, ] <- table[i, ]-mean(table[i, ])
## Defining the number of genes induced and repressed in each array...
## defining the matrix of induced (repressed) genes
tableIR <- matrix(0, nrow=nGenes, ncol=nArrays)
for (i in 1:nGenes) {
idxTmp1 <- table[i, ] <= -cutExp
idxTmp2 <- table[i, ] >= cutExp
tableIR[i, idxTmp1] <- -1
tableIR[i, idxTmp2] <- 1
## Counting the number of genes induced in each module for each
## array
arrayVSmoduleIR <- matrix(0, nrow=nArrays, ncol=nModules)
for (j in 1:nArrays) {
inducedA <- sum(tableIR[, j] == 1) ## induced at array j
repressedA <- sum(tableIR[, j] == -1) ## repressed at array j
pValueI <- NULL
pValueR <- NULL
inducedG <- NULL
repressedG <- NULL
nG <- NULL
for (i in 1:nModules) {
nG <- c(nG, sum(data@GeneGrps[, i])) ## number of genes at ith group
idxTmp <- data@GeneGrps[, i]
## induced at array j restricted at group i
inducedG <- c(inducedG, sum(tableIR[idxTmp,j] == 1))
## repr at array j restricted at group i
repressedG <- c(repressedG, sum(tableIR[idxTmp,j] == -1))
pValueI <- c(pValueI, dhyper(inducedG[i], inducedA,
(nGenes-inducedA), nG[i])+phyper(inducedG[i], inducedA,
(nGenes-inducedA), nG[i], lower.tail=FALSE))
pValueR <- c(pValueR, dhyper(repressedG[i], repressedA,
(nGenes-repressedA), nG[i])+phyper(repressedG[i], repressedA,
(nGenes-repressedA), nG[i], lower.tail=FALSE))
## Adjusting p-values if specified by the user.
if(adjP != "none") {
tmp1 <- multtest::mt.rawp2adjp(pValueI, proc=adjP)
tmp2 <- multtest::mt.rawp2adjp(pValueR, proc=adjP)
pValueI <- tmp1$adjp[order(tmp1$index), 2]
pValueR <- tmp2$adjp[order(tmp2$index), 2]
for (i in 1:nModules) {
if ((pValueI[i] <= cutPhiper) & (pValueR[i] > cutPhiper) &
(inducedG[i]/nG[i] > inducedA/nGenes))
arrayVSmoduleIR[j, i] <- inducedG[i]/nG[i]
if ((pValueR[i] <= cutPhiper) & (pValueI[i] > cutPhiper) &
(repressedG[i]/nG[i] > repressedA/nGenes))
arrayVSmoduleIR[j, i] <- -repressedG[i]/nG[i]
if ((pValueI[i] <= cutPhiper) & (pValueR[i] <= cutPhiper) &
(inducedG[i]/nG[i] > inducedA/nGenes) &
(repressedG[i]/nG[i] > repressedA/nGenes))
arrayVSmoduleIR[j, i] <- NA
rownames(arrayVSmoduleIR) <- samples
colnames(arrayVSmoduleIR) <- modules
## Counting the number of arrays by tissue type that present alterations...
conditions <- unique(samples)
nConditions <- length(conditions)
## Calculating changes by chi-square distribution...
##tableFinal <- NULL
##for (j in 1:nModules) {
##chi <- 0
##inducedAll <- sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] > 0)
##repressedAll <- sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] < 0)
##neutralAll <- sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] == 0)
##for (i in 1:nConditions) {
## idxTmp <- is.element(samples, conditions[i])
## nC <- sum(idxTmp)
## inducedC.obs <- sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[idxTmp, j] > 0)
## repressedC.obs <- sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[idxTmp, j] < 0)
## neutralC.obs <- sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[idxTmp, j] == 0)
## inducedC.exp <- (inducedAll/nArrays)*nC
## repressedC.exp <- (repressedAll/nArrays)*nC
## neutralC.exp <- (neutralAll/nArrays)*nC
## if(inducedC.exp != 0 & repressedC.exp != 0 & neutralC.exp != 0)
## chi <- chi+((inducedC.obs-inducedC.exp)^2)/inducedC.exp+
## ((repressedC.obs-repressedC.exp)^2)/repressedC.exp+
## ((neutralC.obs-neutralC.exp)^2)/neutralC.exp
##Pvalue <- pchisq(chi, df=(2*(nConditions-1)), lower.tail=FALSE)
##tableFinal <- c(tableFinal, Pvalue)
## Calculating the changes by hipergeometric distribution...
tableFinal <- matrix(0, nrow=nConditions, ncol=nModules)
for (i in 1:nConditions) {
idxTmp <- is.element(samples, conditions[i])
nC <- sum(idxTmp)
inducedAll <- NULL
repressedAll <- NULL
inducedC <- NULL
repressedC <- NULL
pValueI <- NULL
pValueR <- NULL
for (j in 1:nModules) {
inducedAll <- c(inducedAll, sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] > 0,
repressedAll <- c(repressedAll, sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] < 0,
inducedC <- c(inducedC, sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[idxTmp, j] > 0,
repressedC <- c(repressedC, sum(arrayVSmoduleIR[idxTmp, j] < 0,
pValueI <- c(pValueI, dhyper(inducedC[j], inducedAll[j],
(nArrays-inducedAll[j]), nC)+phyper(inducedC[j], inducedAll[j],
(nArrays-inducedAll[j]), nC, lower.tail=FALSE))
pValueR <- c(pValueR, dhyper(repressedC[j], repressedAll[j],
(nArrays-repressedAll[j]), nC)+phyper(repressedC[j],
repressedAll[j], (nArrays-repressedAll[j]), nC, lower.tail=FALSE))
## Adjusting p-values if specified by the user.
if(adjP != "none") {
tmp1 <- multtest::mt.rawp2adjp(pValueI, proc=adjP)
tmp2 <- multtest::mt.rawp2adjp(pValueR, proc=adjP)
pValueI <- tmp1$adjp[order(tmp1$index), 2]
pValueR <- tmp2$adjp[order(tmp2$index), 2]
for (j in 1:nModules) {
if ((pValueI[j] <= cutPhiper) & (pValueR[j] > cutPhiper) &
(inducedC[j]/nC > inducedAll[j]/nArrays))
tableFinal[i, j] <- inducedC[j]/nC
if ((pValueR[j] <= cutPhiper) & (pValueI[j] > cutPhiper) &
(repressedC[j]/nC > repressedAll[j]/nArrays))
tableFinal[i, j] <- -repressedC[j]/nC
if ((pValueI[j] <= cutPhiper) & (pValueR[j] <= cutPhiper) &
(inducedC[j]/nC > inducedAll[j]/nArrays) &
(repressedC[j]/nC > repressedAll[j]/nArrays))
tableFinal[i, j] <- NA
rownames(tableFinal) <- conditions
colnames(tableFinal) <- modules
## from here, we calculate the score of the genes...
## Calculating the (global) score of each gene (for all tissue types)...
score <- list()
for (j in 1:nModules) {
scoreTable <- NULL
arrayI <- unname(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] > 0)
arrayR <- unname(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] < 0)
for (n in which(data@GeneGrps[, j])) {
idxTmp <- n
scoreTmp <- 0
mu <- 0
sigma2 <- 0
for (i in 1:nArrays) {
if(is.finite(arrayI[i]) & arrayI[i] &
(mean(tableIR[idxTmp,i])== 1))
scoreTmp <- scoreTmp-log(abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j]))
if(is.finite(arrayR[i]) & arrayR[i] & (mean(tableIR[idxTmp,i])
== -1))
scoreTmp <- scoreTmp-log(abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j]))
if(is.finite(arrayI[i]) & is.finite(arrayR[i]))
if(arrayI[i] | arrayR[i]) {
mu <- mu-abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j])*
(log(abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j])))
sigma2 <- sigma2+abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j])*
(1-abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j]))*
((log(abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j])))^2)
if(sigma2 != 0)
pValue <- pnorm(((scoreTmp-mu)/sqrt(sigma2)),
pValue <- pnorm(0, lower.tail=FALSE)
scoreTable <- rbind(scoreTable, c(Score=scoreTmp,
score[[j]] <- scoreTable
rownames(score[[j]]) <- genes[data@GeneGrps[, j]]
names(score) <- modules
## Calculating the score of each gene (by module) independently for each
## tissue type...
scoreByTissue <- list()
for (j in 1:nModules) {
listTmp <- array(0, c(sum(data@GeneGrps[, j]), 2,
length(unique(samples))), list(genes[data@GeneGrps[, j]],
c("Score","P.value"), unique(samples)))
arrayI <- unname(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] > 0)
arrayR <- unname(arrayVSmoduleIR[, j] < 0)
for (k in 1:length(unique(samples))) {
idxTmp.A <- which(is.element(samples, unique(samples)[k]))
scoreTable <- NULL
for (n in which(data@GeneGrps[, j])) {
idxTmp <- n
scoreTmp <- 0
mu <- 0
sigma2 <- 0
for (i in idxTmp.A) {
if(is.finite(arrayI[i]) & arrayI[i] &
(mean(tableIR[idxTmp, i]) == 1))
scoreTmp <- scoreTmp-log(abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j]))
if(is.finite(arrayR[i]) & arrayR[i] &
(mean(tableIR[idxTmp, i]) == -1))
scoreTmp <- scoreTmp-log(abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j]))
if(is.finite(arrayI[i]) & is.finite(arrayR[i]))
if(arrayI[i] | arrayR[i]) {
mu <- mu-abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i,j])*
sigma2 <- sigma2+abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j])*
(1-abs(arrayVSmoduleIR[i, j]))*
if(sigma2 != 0)
pValue <- pnorm(((scoreTmp-mu)/sqrt(sigma2)),
pValue <- pnorm(0, lower.tail=FALSE)
scoreTable <- rbind(scoreTable, c(scoreTmp, pValue))
listTmp[, , k] <- scoreTable
scoreByTissue[[j]] <- listTmp
names(scoreByTissue) <- modules
## Picking R and packages version information
tmp <- sessionInfo()
vInfo <- list()
vInfo$R.version <- tmp$R.version$version.string
vInfo$BasePacks <- tmp$basePkgs
tmp1 <- NULL
for (i in 1:length(tmp$otherPkgs))
tmp1 <- c(tmp1, paste(tmp$otherPkgs[[i]]$Package, "version",
vInfo$AddPacks <- tmp1
## Defining the object to return
result <- new("maigesActMod", modBySamp=arrayVSmoduleIR,
modByCond=tableFinal, globalScore=score, Date=date(),
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