# #Given a color, returns a lighter one
# #TODO: Is there a better way to do that?
# lighter <- function(col, amount=150) {
# col <- (col2grDevices::rgbcol)+amount)/255
# col[col[,1]>1,1] <- 1
# return(grDevices::rgbt(col)))
# }
# #Helper Function
# #From:
# # segment-segment intersection code
# #
# ssi <- function(x1, x2, x3, x4, y1, y2, y3, y4){
# denom <- ((y4 - y3)*(x2 - x1) - (x4 - x3)*(y2 - y1))
# denom[abs(denom) < 1e-10] <- NA # parallel lines
# ua <- ((x4 - x3)*(y1 - y3) - (y4 - y3)*(x1 - x3)) / denom
# ub <- ((x2 - x1)*(y1 - y3) - (y2 - y1)*(x1 - x3)) / denom
# x <- x1 + ua * (x2 - x1)
# y <- y1 + ua * (y2 - y1)
# inside <- (ua >= 0) & (ua <= 1) & (ub >= 0) & (ub <= 1)
# data.frame(x = ifelse(inside, x, NA),
# y = ifelse(inside, y, NA))
# }
# kpPlot2Lines <- function(karyoplot, adata=NULL, achr=NULL, ax=NULL, ay=NULL,
# bdata=NULL, bchr=NULL, bx=NULL, by=NULL,
# ymin=NULL, ymax=NULL, data.panel=1, r0=NULL, r1=NULL,
# acol="red", bcol="blue", afill=NULL, bfill=NULL, ...) {
# app <- prepareParameters2("kpPlot2Lines", karyoplot=karyoplot, data=adata, chr=achr, x=ax, y=ay, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, r0=r0, r1=r1, data.panel=data.panel) , ...)
# bpp <- prepareParameters2("kpPlot2Lines", karyoplot=karyoplot, data=bdata, chr=bchr, x=bx, y=by, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, r0=r0, r1=r1, data.panel=data.panel) , ...)
# ccf <- karyoplot$coord.change.function
# #Define the colors
# if(is.null(afill)) afill <- lighter(acol, amount=200)
# if(is.null(bfill)) bfill <- lighter(bcol, amount=200)
# #Process separately for every chromosome
# aline <- data.frame(chr=app$chr, x=app$x, y=app$y, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# bline <- data.frame(chr=bpp$chr, x=bpp$x, y=bpp$y, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
# for(chr in karyoplot$chromosomes) {
# #Filter A data
# <- app$chr == chr
# chr.aline <- aline[,]
# a.len <- nrow(chr.aline)
# #Filter B data
# <- bpp$chr == chr
# chr.bline <- bline[,]
# b.len <- nrow(chr.bline)
# #Find the intersection points between the 2 lines
# intersections <- ssi(x1=chr.aline$x[-a.len], x2=chr.aline$x[-1], y1=chr.aline$y[-a.len], y2=chr.aline$y[-1], #<- segments defined by line A
# x3=chr.bline$x[-b.len], x4=chr.bline$x[-1], y3=chr.bline$y[-b.len], y4=chr.bline$y[-1]) # <- segments defined by line B
# intersections <- intersections[!$x),]
# intersections <- intersections[!duplicated(intersections$x),]
# if(nrow(intersections)==0) { #If there are no intersections, simply plot a single polygon filing the space between the lines
# xpol <- c(, rev(chr.bx))
# ypol <- c(chr.ay, rev(
# #decide the color
# if(mean(chr.ay)>mean( {
# fillcol <- afill
# } else {
# fillcol <- bfill
# }
# #and plot the polygon
# kpPolygon(karyoplot=karyoplot, chr=chr, x=xpol, y=ypol, col=fillcol, border=NA, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, r0=r0, r1=r1, data.panel=data.panel)
# } else {
# #If there are intersections, plot a polygon for every region they define
# na.a <- which($a$x) | is.nan(r$a$x) |$a$y) | is.nan(r$a$y))
# na.b <- which($b$x) | is.nan(r$b$x) |$b$y) | is.nan(r$b$y))
# cuts <- c(intersections$x, r$a$x[na.a], r$b$x[na.b])
# cuts <- cuts[! & !is.nan(cuts)]
# cuts <- sort(cuts)
# cuts <- cuts[!duplicated(cuts)]
# #WARNING: We are ignoring the x=NA and x=NaN
# #break the lines using the cuts
# ca <- chr.aline
# cb <- chr.bline
# ca <- ca[-na.a,]
# cb <- cb[-nb.b,]
# regions <- list()
# for(x.cut in cuts) {
# print(as.character(x.cut))
# #a line
# a.before <- which(ca$x<=x.cut)
# if(length(a.before)>0) {
# reg.aline <- ca[a.before,]
# print(paste0("ca: ", nrow(ca), " a.before=", length(a.before), " new ca:", nrow(ca[-a.before,])))
# ca <- ca[-a.before,]
# }
# b.before <- which(cb$x<=x.cut)
# if(length(b.before)>0) {
# reg.bline <- ca[b.before,]
# cb <- cb[-b.before,]
# }
# if(length(a.before)>0 | length(b.before)>0) {
# regions[[as.character(x.cut)]] <- list(a=reg.aline, b=reg.bline)
# }
# }
# regions
# chr.aline$x
# #split the lines in contiguos regions using a) the intersection points b)the NA and NaN values
# ca <- chr.aline
# cb <- chr.bline
# <- NULL
# regions <- list()
# for(n in c(1:nrow(intersections))) {
# ix <- intersections$x[n]
# #a line
# a.before <- which(ca$x<=ix)
# if(length(a.before)>0) {
# a.cut <- a.before[length(a.before)]
# reg.aline <- ca[c(1:a.cut),]
# ca <- ca[-c(1:a.cut),]
# }
# #a line
# b.before <- which(cb$x<ix)
# if(length(b.before)>0) {
# b.cut <- b.before[length(b.before)]
# reg.bline <- cb[c(1:b.cut),]
# cb <- cb[-c(1:b.cut),]
# }
# if(length(a.before)>0 | length(b.before)>0) {
# regions[[as.character(n)]] <- list(a=reg.aline, b=reg.bline,, iafter=intersections[n,])
# }
# <- intersections[n,]
# }
# if(nrow(ca)>0 | nrow(cb)>0) {
# regions[[as.character(n+1)]] <- list(a=ca, b=cb,, iafter=NULL)
# }
# #after that, split at NA and NaN to get the real regions to plot the polygons
# final.regions <- list()
# for(n in names(regions)) {
# r <- regions[[n]]
# na.a <- which($a$x) | is.nan(r$a$x) |$a$y) | is.nan(r$a$y))
# na.b <- which($b$x) | is.nan(r$b$x) |$b$y) | is.nan(r$b$y))
# if(length(na.a)>0 | length(na.b) > 0) { #If there are NAs or NaNs, split the region as needed
# if(1 %in% na.a) { #if the first value of any of the lines is NA, forget the intersection point
# na.a <- na.a[-1]
# r$ibefore <- NULL
# }
# if(1 %in% na.b) {
# na.b <- na.b[-1]
# r$iafter <- NULL
# }
# if(length(na.a)>0 | length(na.b) > 0) { #If there are still NAs
# x.cuts <- sort(c(r$a$x[na.a-1], r$b$x[na.b-1]))
# ra <- r$a[-na.a,]
# rb <- r$b[-na.b,]
# for(i in c(1:length(x.cuts))) {
# x <- x.cuts[i]
# if( | is.nan(x)) next; #do nothing with it
# a.before <- which(ra$x <= x)
# if(length(a.before)>0) {
# a <- ra[a.before,]
# ra <- ra[-a.before]
# }
# b.before <- which(rb$x <= x)
# if(length(a.before)>0) {
# a <- ra[a.before,]
# ra <- ra[-a.before]
# }
# if(length(a)>1 & length(b)>1) { #If we cannot draw at least a 4 sided polygon, ignore the region and draw nothing (only lines)
# } #else, do nothing.
# }
# } else {
# final.regions[[n]] <- r
# }
# } else { #If there are no NAs or NaNs in the region, keep ot as is
# final.regions[[n]] <- r
# }
# }
# n <- "8"
# #First, add a finall intersection point to plot the last polygon
# intersections <- rbind(intersections, c(x=mean(c([a.len], chr.bx[b.len])), y=mean(c(chr.ay[a.len],[b.len]))))
# #kpPoints(karyoplot, chr=chr, x=intersections$x, y=intersections$y)
# #These intersection points break the lines in regions where A is above B and regions where B is above A
# #Define these regions and plot the polygons defined by the 2 lines in the correct color
# old.ix <- NULL
# old.iy <- NULL
# for(n in c(1:nrow(intersections))) {
# ix <- intersections$x[n]
# iy <- intersections$y[n]
# if(is.null(old.ix)) { #If it's the first region
# <- < ix
# <- chr.bx < ix
# } else {
# <- <= ix & >= old.ix
# <- chr.bx <= ix & >= old.ix
# }
# if(length(>0) {
# #Prepare x coordinates
# xpol <- numeric()
# if(!is.null(old.ix)) xpol <- old.ix
# xpol <- c(xpol,[], ix, rev(chr.bx[]))
# #Prepare y coordinates
# ypol <- numeric()
# if(!is.null(old.iy)) ypol <- old.iy
# ypol <- c(ypol, chr.ay[], iy, rev([]))
# #decide the color
# if(mean(chr.ay[])>mean([])) {
# fillcol <- afill
# } else {
# fillcol <- bfill
# }
# #and plot the polygon
# kpPolygon(karyoplot=karyoplot, chr=chr, x=xpol, y=ypol, col=fillcol, border=NA, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, r0=r0, r1=r1, data.panel=data.panel)
# }
# old.ix <- ix
# old.iy <- iy
# }
# }
# #And finally, plot the lines
# #Plot the line A
# kpLines(karyoplot=karyoplot, chr=app$chr, x=app$x, y=app$y, col=acol, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, r0=r0, r1=r1, data.panel=data.panel, ...)
# #Plot the line B
# kpLines(karyoplot=karyoplot, chr=bpp$chr, x=bpp$x, y=bpp$y, col=bcol, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, r0=r0, r1=r1, data.panel=data.panel, ...)
# }
# }
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