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opts_chunk$set( echo=input$report_echo, error = TRUE # to continue generating the report )
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Following objects were provided to the initial call of the function:
dds_obj res_obj head(annotation_obj) head(countmatrix) expdesign
The data provided was used to construct the following objects
head(values$countmatrix) values$expdesign values$dds_obj values$res_obj head(values$annotation_obj)
design(values$dds_obj) values$cur_species input$idtype # load according annotation package? use annospecies_df if(!is.null(mcols(values$dds_obj)$dispGeneEst)) plotDispEsts(values$dds_obj) if(!is.null(values$dds_obj)) paste0(nrow(values$dds_obj), " genes - ",ncol(values$dds_obj)," samples") if(!is.null(values$annotation_obj)) paste0(nrow(values$annotation_obj), " genes - ",ncol(values$annotation_obj)," ID types") DEregu <- sum(values$res_obj$padj < input$FDR & values$res_obj$log2FoldChange != 0, na.rm = TRUE) if(!is.null(values$res_obj)) paste0(DEregu, " DE genes - out of ",nrow(values$res_obj),"")
if(input$countstable_unit=="raw_counts") cur_mat <- counts(values$dds_obj,normalized=FALSE) if(input$countstable_unit=="normalized_counts") cur_mat <- counts(values$dds_obj,normalized=TRUE) if(input$countstable_unit=="vst_counts") cur_mat <- vst(values$dds_obj) if(input$countstable_unit=="log10_counts") cur_mat <- log10(1 + counts(values$dds_obj,normalized=TRUE)) input$countstable_unit head(cur_mat)
t1 <- rowSums(counts(values$dds_obj)) t2 <- rowMeans(counts(values$dds_obj,normalized=TRUE)) thresh_rowsums <- input$threshold_rowsums thresh_rowmeans <- input$threshold_rowmeans abs_t1 <- sum(t1 > thresh_rowsums) rel_t1 <- 100 * mean(t1 > thresh_rowsums) abs_t2 <- sum(t2 > thresh_rowmeans) rel_t2 <- 100 * mean(t2 > thresh_rowmeans) cat("Number of detected genes:\n") cat(abs_t1,"genes have at least a sample with more than",thresh_rowsums,"counts\n") cat(paste0(round(rel_t1,3),"%"), "of the",nrow(values$dds_obj), "genes have at least a sample with more than",thresh_rowsums,"counts\n") cat(abs_t2,"genes have more than",thresh_rowmeans,"counts (normalized) on average\n") cat(paste0(round(rel_t2,3),"%"), "of the",nrow(values$dds_obj), "genes have more than",thresh_rowsums,"counts (normalized) on average\n") cat("Counts are ranging from", min(counts(values$dds_obj)), "to",max(counts(values$dds_obj)))
if(!is.null(values$res_obj)) { print(design_factors()) print(input$choose_expfac) fac1 <- input$choose_expfac nrl <- length(levels(colData(values$dds_obj)[,fac1])) print(input$fac1_c1) print(input$fac1_c2) print(values$res_obj) print(sub(".*p-value: (.*)","\\1",mcols(values$res_obj, use.names=TRUE)["pvalue","description"])) print(summary(values$res_obj,alpha = input$FDR)) cur_res <- values$res_obj if(!is.null(values$annotation_obj)) { cur_res$symbol <- values$annotation_obj$gene_name[match(rownames(cur_res), rownames(values$annotation_obj))] } }
if(!is.null(values$res_obj)) { res_df <-$res_obj) res_df <- dplyr::filter(res_df, ! p1 <- ggplot(res_df, aes_string("pvalue")) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, boundary = 0) + theme_bw() # for visual estimation of the false discovery proportion in the first bin alpha <- binw <- input$FDR pi0 <- 2*mean(res_df$pvalue > 0.5) p1 <- p1 + geom_hline(yintercept = pi0 * binw * nrow(res_df), col = "steelblue") + geom_vline(xintercept = alpha, col = "red") p1 <- p1 + ggtitle( label = "p-value histogram", subtitle = paste0( "Expected nulls = ", pi0 * binw * nrow(res_df), " - #elements in the selected bins = ", sum(res_df$pvalue < alpha) )) print(p1) res_df <- mutate( res_df, stratum = cut(baseMean, include.lowest = TRUE, breaks = signif(quantile(baseMean, probs = seq(0,1, length.out = 10)),2))) p2 <- ggplot(res_df, aes_string("pvalue")) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.01, boundary = 0) + facet_wrap(~stratum) + theme_bw() p2 <- p2 + ggtitle( label = "p-value histogram", subtitle = "stratified on the different value classes of mean expression values") phi <- input$FDR res_df <- mutate(res_df, rank = rank(pvalue)) m <- nrow(res_df) p3 <- ggplot(filter(res_df, rank <= 6000), aes(x = rank, y = pvalue)) + geom_line() + geom_abline(slope = phi/m, col = "red") + theme_bw() p3 <- p3 + ggtitle( label = "Schweder-Spjotvoll plot", subtitle = paste0( "Intersection point at rank ", with(arrange(res_df,rank), last(which(pvalue <= phi * rank / m)))) ) p4 <- ggplot(res_df, aes_string("log2FoldChange")) + geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.1) + theme_bw() p4 <- p4 + ggtitle("Histogram of the log2 fold changes") print(p4) mydf <-$res_obj[order(values$res_obj$padj),])#[1:500,] rownames(mydf) <- createLinkENS(rownames(mydf),species = annoSpecies_df$ensembl_db[match(input$speciesSelect,annoSpecies_df$species)]) ## TODO: check what are the species from ensembl and ## TODO: add a check to see if wanted? mydf$symbol <- createLinkGeneSymbol(mydf$symbol) datatable(mydf, escape = FALSE) }
if(!is.null(values$res_obj)) { print(plot_ma(values$res_obj,annotation_obj = values$annotation_obj)) if(!is.null(input$ma_brush)){ if(!is.null(values$annotation_obj)) print(plot_ma(values$res_obj,annotation_obj = values$annotation_obj,FDR = input$FDR) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(input$ma_brush$xmin,input$ma_brush$xmax), ylim = c(input$ma_brush$ymin,input$ma_brush$ymax)) + geom_text(aes_string(label="genename"),size=3,hjust=0.25, vjust=-0.75)) else print(plot_ma(values$res_obj,annotation_obj = values$annotation_obj,FDR = input$FDR) + coord_cartesian(xlim = c(input$ma_brush$xmin,input$ma_brush$xmax), ylim = c(input$ma_brush$ymin,input$ma_brush$ymax))) } print(plot_volcano(values$res_obj, FDR = input$FDR)) print(head(curData())) if(!(is.null(input$ma_brush)) & !is.null(values$dds_obj)) { brushedObject <- curData() selectedGenes <- as.character(brushedObject$ID) toplot <- assay(values$dds_obj)[selectedGenes,] rownames(toplot) <- values$annotation_obj$gene_name[match(rownames(toplot),rownames(values$annotation_obj))] if(input$pseudocounts) toplot <- log2(1+toplot) mat_rowscale <- function(x) { m <- apply(x, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE) s <- apply(x, 1, sd, na.rm = TRUE) return((x - m)/s) } if(input$rowscale) toplot <- mat_rowscale(toplot) mycolss <- c("#313695","#4575b4","#74add1","#abd9e9","#e0f3f8","#fee090","#fdae61","#f46d43","#d73027","#a50026") # to be consistent with red/blue usual coding pheatmap(toplot,cluster_cols = as.logical(input$heatmap_colv)) heatmaply(toplot,Colv = as.logical(input$heatmap_colv),colors = mycolss) } }
if(length(input$color_by) > 0 & (length(input$avail_symbols)>0 | length(input$avail_ids)>0) ){ if(length(input$avail_symbols)>0) { # got the symbol, look for the id mysyms <- input$avail_symbols myids <- values$annotation_obj$gene_id[match(mysyms, values$annotation_obj$gene_name)] } else { myids <- input$avail_ids # make it optional if annot is available if(!is.null(values$annotation_obj)) { mysims <- values$annotation_obj$gene_name[match(myids, values$annotation_obj$gene_id)] } else { mysims <- "" } } print(length(myids)) for(myid in myids) { p <- ggplotCounts(values$dds_obj, myid, intgroup = input$color_by,annotation_obj=values$annotation_obj) if(input$ylimZero_genefinder) p <- p + ylim(0.1, NA) print(p) } if("symbol" %in% names(values$res_obj)) { print(plot_ma(values$res_obj, intgenes = input$avail_symbols,annotation_obj = values$annotation_obj,FDR = input$FDR)) } else { print(plot_ma(values$res_obj, intgenes = input$avail_ids,annotation_obj = values$annotation_obj,FDR = input$FDR)) } if(!is.null(values$genelist_ma)) { print(values$genelist_ma) if("symbol" %in% names(values$res_obj)) { print(plot_ma(values$res_obj, intgenes = values$genelist_ma$`Gene Symbol`,annotation_obj = values$annotation_obj,FDR = input$FDR)) } } datatable(cur_combires()) } # if selected, maplot with annot plus table
if(!is.null(values$res_obj)) { values$genelistUP() values$genelistDOWN() values$genelistUPDOWN() as.character(values$genelist1$`Gene Symbol`) as.character(values$genelist2$`Gene Symbol`) gplots::venn(gll()) UpSetR::upset(fromList(gll())) } # 3x5 tables if available # here only for goana if(!is.null(values$gse_up)) { mytbl <- values$gse_up rownames(mytbl) <- createLinkGO(rownames(mytbl)) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } if(!is.null(values$gse_down)) { mytbl <- values$gse_down rownames(mytbl) <- createLinkGO(rownames(mytbl)) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } if(!is.null(values$gse_updown)) { mytbl <- values$gse_updown rownames(mytbl) <- createLinkGO(rownames(mytbl)) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } if(!is.null(values$gse_list1)) { mytbl <- values$gse_list1 rownames(mytbl) <- createLinkGO(rownames(mytbl)) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } if(!is.null(values$gse_list2)) { mytbl <- values$gse_list2 rownames(mytbl) <- createLinkGO(rownames(mytbl)) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } # here only for topgo if(!is.null(values$topgo_up)) { mytbl <- values$topgo_up mytbl$GO.ID <- createLinkGO(mytbl$GO.ID) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } if(!is.null(values$topgo_down)) { mytbl <- values$topgo_down mytbl$GO.ID <- createLinkGO(mytbl$GO.ID) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } if(!is.null(values$topgo_updown)) { mytbl <- values$topgo_updown mytbl$GO.ID <- createLinkGO(mytbl$GO.ID) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } if(!is.null(values$topgo_list1)) { mytbl <- values$topgo_list1 mytbl$GO.ID <- createLinkGO(mytbl$GO.ID) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } if(!is.null(values$topgo_list2)) { mytbl <- values$topgo_list2 mytbl$GO.ID <- createLinkGO(mytbl$GO.ID) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } # similarly for goseq... if(!is.null(values$gse_updown_goseq)) { mytbl <- values$gse_updown_goseq mytbl$category <- createLinkGO(mytbl$category) datatable(mytbl,escape=FALSE) } # for the selected lines, also do heatmaps?
if(!is.null(values$gene_signatures) & !(is.null(values$vst_obj)) & !(is.null(values$anno_vec)) & !is.null(input$sig_selectsig)) { print(input$sig_selectsig) sig_sigmembers <- values$gene_signatures[[input$sig_selectsig]] id_type_data <- input$sig_id_data id_type_sigs <- input$sig_id_sigs head(values$anno_vec) sig_members <- values$gene_signatures[[input$sig_selectsig]] print(sig_members) sig_heatmap( values$vst_obj, my_signature = values$gene_signatures[[input$sig_selectsig]], res_data = values$res_obj, FDR = input$FDR, de_only = input$sig_useDEonly, annovec = values$anno_vec, # anno_colData = colData(values$vst_obj)[,input$sig_annocoldata, drop = FALSE], title = names(values$gene_signatures)[match(input$sig_selectsig,names(values$gene_signatures))], cluster_rows = input$sig_clusterrows, cluster_cols = input$sig_clustercols, center_mean = input$sig_centermean, scale_row = input$sig_scalerow ) }
is a Bioconductor package containing a Shiny application for
interactive and reproducible Differential Expression analysis.
is developed in the Bioinformatics Division (led by Harald Binder)
of the Institute of Medical Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics (IMBEI)
at the University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
is currently maintained by me, Federico Marini, at the IMBEI (
You can contact me by clicking on the button below.
is a part of the Bioconductor project (
All code for ideal
, especially for the development version, is available
on GitHub.
If you use ideal
for your analysis, please cite it as here below:
library(shiny) footertemplate <- function(){ tags$div( class = "footer", style = "text-align:center", tags$div( class = "foot-inner", list( hr(), "This report was generated with", tags$a(href="", "ideal"), br(), "ideal is a project developed by Federico Marini in the Bioinformatics division of the ", tags$a(href="","IMBEI"),br(), "Development of the pcaExplorer package is on ", tags$a(href="", "GitHub") ) ) ) }
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