#' @title Reads Coverage Using 5-end Base
#' @description
#' Reads coverage in single base pair resolution using only 5-prime end
#' of BAM file records. Coverages are reported for forward and reverse
#' strands separately. Options for customized filtering of BAM records
#' are provided.
#' @param bam The path to a BAM file, which is sorted and indexed.
#' @param chroms NULL or a vector of chromosome names that compatible with
#' the provided BAM file. Reads coverage will be generated for these
#' chromosomes. Default (NULL) will use all chromosomes in BAM file.
#' @param mapq A non-negative integer specifying the minimum mapping
#' quality to include. BAM records with mapping qualities less
#' than \code{mapq} are discarded.
#' @param duplicate A logical vector which, when FALSE (Default), returns
#' maximum coverage of 1 for every base pair. Reads that start at the same
#' position but on different strands are not treated as duplicates.
#' @param flag A returned object by \code{Rsamtools::scanBamFlag}.
#' Additional options for BAM records filtering.
#' @return A list of two objects by \code{GenomicRanges::coverage}
#' \item{fwd}{Coverage object for forward strand.}
#' \item{rev}{Coverage object for reverse strand.}
#' @import GenomeInfoDb
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import IRanges
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand
#' @importFrom Rsamtools BamFile
#' @importFrom Rsamtools scanBamFlag
#' @importFrom Rsamtools ScanBamParam
#' @importFrom GenomicAlignments readGAlignments
#' @export
#' @examples
#' bam <- system.file("extdata", "chipseq.bam", package="gcapc")
#' read5endCoverage(bam)
read5endCoverage <- function(bam,chroms=NULL,mapq=30L,duplicate=FALSE,
baminfo <- seqinfo(BamFile(bam))
if(!is.null(chroms)) {
if(sum(!(chroms %in% seqlevels(baminfo)))>0)
stop("chromosome names not compatible with bam files")
gal <- readGAlignments(bam,param=ScanBamParam(what = "mapq",
flag = flag, mapqFilter = mapq,
which = GRanges(baminfo)[chroms]))
gr <- granges(gal)
seqlevels(gr, pruning.mode="coarse") <- chroms
gal <- readGAlignments(bam,param=ScanBamParam(what = "mapq",
flag = flag, mapqFilter = mapq))
gr <- granges(gal)
grf <- resize(gr[strand(gr)=="+"],1)
grr <- resize(gr[strand(gr)=="-"],1)
covf <- coverage(grf)
covr <- coverage(grr)
if(!duplicate) {
runValue(covf)[runValue(covf)>1] <- 1
runValue(covr)[runValue(covr)>1] <- 1
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