# helper functions --------------------------------------------------------
# These are internal functions to re-use for report generation so I am am not
# sticking to the naming convention with a 'ct' prefix, which is used for API.
#' Add formatted timestamp and extension to a file name
#' @param name character
#' @param ext character - extension including a ".".
#' @keywords internal
#' @return character
appendDateAndExt <- function(name, ext) {
format(Sys.time(), "_%b_%d_%Y_%H.%M.%S"),
#' Internal wrapper to generate html markdown reports from existing templates
#' @param reportNameBase character - name of the report's file.
#' @param templateName character - name of the rmarkdown template file in the
#' standard location. Passed through to \code{template} argument of the
#' \code{\link[rmarkdown]{draft}}.
#' @param rmdParamList list of named report parameters. Passed through to
#' \code{params} argument of the \code{\link[rmarkdown]{render}}.
#' @param outdir An optional character string indicating the directory in which to
#' generate the report. If \code{NULL}, a temporary directory will be automatically generated.
#' @keywords internal
#' @return character with a path to html report in the temporary directory.
renderReport <- function(reportNameBase,
outdir = NULL) {
# use a temp directory to make a draft
dir.create(outdir <- tempfile())
} else {
if (!is.character(outdir)) {
stop("`outdir` must be path to a directory used ot save results")
outdir.created <- initOutDir(outdir) #True/false indicating whether the directory was created
outdir <- normalizePath(outdir)
file = file.path(outdir, reportNameBase),
create_dir = TRUE,
template = templateName,
package = "gCrisprTools",
edit = FALSE
params = rmdParamList
# ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
##' @title Generate a full experimental report from a pooled CRISPR screen
##' @description This is a function to generate an html report for a CRISPR screen, incorporating information about a specified contrast.
##' The report contains a combination of experiment-level and contrast-specific analyses, largely collected from other functions in
##' \code{gCrisprTools}. It is designed to be used 'as-is', and analysts interested in using different functionalities of the various
##' functions should do that outside of this wrapper script.
##' @param fit An object of class \code{MArrayLM} containing, at minimum, a \code{coefficents} slot with coefficients from the comparison,
##' and a \code{stdev.unscaled} slot with the corresponding standard deviation of the coefficent estimates. The \code{row.names} attribute
##' should ideally match that which is found in \code{annotation}, but this will be checked internally.
##' @param eset An ExpressionSet object containing, at minimum, a matrix of gRNA abundances extractable with the \code{exprs()} function and some named
##' phenodata extractable with \code{pData()}.
##' @param sampleKey A sample key, supplied as an ordered factor linking the samples to experimental
##' variables. The \code{names} attribute should exactly match those present in \code{eset}, and the control set is assumed to be
##' the first \code{level}.
##' @param annotation An annotation object for the experiment. See the man page for \code{ct.prepareAnnotation()} for details and example format.
##' @param results A data.frame summarizing the results of the screen, returned by the function \code{\link{ct.generateResults}}.
##' @param aln A numeric alignment matrix, where rows correspond to "targets", "nomatch", "rejections", and "double_match", and where columns
##' correspond to experimentasl samples.
##' @param outdir A directory in which to generate the report; if \code{NULL}, a temporary directory will be automatically generated.
##' The report will be located in a subdirectory whose name is internally generated (see below). The path to the report itself is returned by the function.
##' @param contrast.term A parameter passed to \code{ct.preprocessFit} in the event that the fit object contains data from multiple contrasts. See
##' that man page for further details.
##' @param identifier A character string to name the report and corresponding subdirectories. If provided, the final report will be called
##' '\code{identifier}.html' and will be located in a directory called \code{identifier} in the \code{outdir}. If \code{NULL}, a generic name
##' including the timestamp will be generated.
##' @return The path to the generated html report.
##' @author Russell Bainer
##' @examples
##' data('fit')
##' data('es')
##' ##' #Build the sample key
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), "ControlReference")
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' data('ann')
##' data('resultsDF')
##' data('aln')
##' path2report <- ct.makeReport(fit, es, sk, ann, resultsDF, aln, outdir = ".")
##' @export
ct.makeReport <- function(fit, eset, sampleKey, annotation, results, aln, outdir = NULL, contrast.term = NULL, identifier = NULL){
if(!methods::is(fit, "MArrayLM")){
stop("the provided fit does not appear to be a MArrayLM object.")
if(ncol(fit$coefficients) > 1){
stop("The fit object contains multiple coefficients. Please specify a contrast.term.")
fit <- ct.preprocessFit(fit, contrast.term)
#filter the annotation file as necessary for downstream processes
annotation <- ct.prepareAnnotation(annotation, fit, throw.error = FALSE)
if(!is.matrix(aln) | !setequal(row.names(aln), c("targets", "nomatch", "rejections", "double_match"))){
stop("I don't think that the provided alignment matrix is actually an alignment matrix.")
stop("Execution halted.")
#Set up the path and folder for writing (heavily based on code from multiGSEA):
if (is.null(outdir)) {
outdir.created <- FALSE
noutdir <- character()
} else {
if (!is.character(outdir)) {
stop("`outdir` must be path to a directory used ot save results")
outdir.created <- initOutDir(outdir) #True/false indicating whether the directory was created
noutdir <- normalizePath(outdir)
#make the sample names and build the parameter list for the rmd.
if(ct.inputCheck(sampleKey, eset)){
sampleKey <- sampleKey[order(sampleKey)]
rmdParamList <- list(fit= fit,
eset= eset,
sampleKey= sampleKey,
results = results,
annotation = annotation,
aln = aln)
#make the name of the rmd & output, and render it in the location of interest.
if(!is.character(identifier) | length(identifier) != 1){
stop("identifier must be a character string of length 1.")
namebase <- identifier
namebase <- paste0("CrisprReport", format(Sys.time(), "_%b_%d_%Y_%H.%M.%S"))
rmdname <- file.path(noutdir, paste0(namebase, '.Rmd'))
outname <- file.path(noutdir, namebase, paste0(namebase, '.html'))
render(draft(rmdname, template = 'CRISPR_report', package = "gCrisprTools", edit = FALSE), params = rmdParamList)
##' @title Generate a QC report from a pooled CRISPR screen
##' @description This is a function to generate an html QC report for a CRISPR
##' screen, focusing on experiment-level and library-level analyses collected
##' from other functions in \code{gCrisprTools}. It is designed to be used
##' 'as-is', and analysts interested in using different functionalities of the
##' various functions should do that outside of this wrapper script.
##' @param eset An ExpressionSet object containing, at minimum, a matrix of gRNA
##' abundances extractable with the \code{exprs()} function and some named
##' phenodata extractable with \code{pData()}.
##' @param trim The number of gRNAs to be trimmed from the top of the
##' distribution before estimating the abundance range. Empirically, this
##' usually should be equal to about 2 to 5 percent of the guides in the
##' library.
##' @param log2.ratio Maximum abundance of contaminant gRNAs, expressed on the
##' log2 scale from the top of the trimmed range of each sample. That is,
##' \code{log2.ratio = 4} means to discard all gRNAs whose abundance is
##' (1/2)^4 of the trimmed maximum.
##' @param sampleKey A sample key, supplied as an ordered factor linking the
##' samples to experimental variables. The \code{names} attribute should
##' exactly match those present in \code{eset}, and the control set is assumed
##' to be the first \code{level}.
##' @param annotation An annotation object for the experiment. See the man page
##' for \code{ct.prepareAnnotation} for details and example format.
##' @param aln A numeric alignment matrix, where rows correspond to "targets",
##' "nomatch", "rejections", and "double_match", and where columns correspond
##' to experimentasl samples.
##' @param identifier A character string to name the report and corresponding
##' subdirectories. If provided, the final report will be called
##' '\code{identifier}.html' and will be located in a directory called
##' \code{identifier}. If \code{NULL}, a generic name including the timestamp
##' will be generated.
##' @param lib.size An optional vector of voom-appropriate library size adjustment factors, usually calculated with \code{\link[edgeR]{calcNormFactors}}
##' and transformed to reflect the appropriate library size. These adjustment factors are interpreted as the total library sizes for each sample,
##' and if absent will be extrapolated from the columnwise count sums of the \code{exprs} slot of the \code{eset}.
##' @param geneSymb The \code{geneSymbol} identifier(s) in \code{annotation}
##' that corresponds to gRNAs to be plotted on the curves. Passed through to
##' \code{\link{ct.gRNARankByReplicate}}, \code{\link{ct.viewControls}} and
##' \code{\link{ct.prepareAnnotation}} (as \code{controls} argument if it's
##' not \code{NULL}). Default \code{NULL}.
##' @param outdir An optional character string indicating the directory in which
##' to generate the report. If \code{NULL}, a temporary directory will be
##' automatically generated.
##' @return The path to the generated html report.
##' @author Russell Bainer, Dariusz Ratman
##' @examples
##' data('es')
##' data('ann')
##' data('aln')
##' ##' #Build the sample key
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- ordered(relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), "ControlReference"))
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' path2report <- ct.makeQCReport(es, trim = 1000, log2.ratio = 0.0625, sk, ann, aln, identifier = NULL, lib.size = NULL, geneSymb = 'NoTarget', outdir = ".")
##' @export
ct.makeQCReport <-
identifier = NULL,
geneSymb = NULL,
outdir = NULL) {
# check and preprocess inputs
if (!is.null(sampleKey)) {
ct.inputCheck(sampleKey, eset)
sampleKey <- sampleKey[order(sampleKey)]
annotation <- ct.prepareAnnotation(
ann = annotation,
object = eset,
controls = ifelse(is.null(geneSymb), TRUE, geneSymb),
throw.error = FALSE
# prepare params
if (missing(identifier) | is.null(identifier)) {
reportNameBase <- appendDateAndExt(name = "CRISPR_QC_report",
ext = ".Rmd")
} else {
(is.character(identifier) & length(identifier) == 1) ||
stop("Identifier must be a character string of length 1.")
reportNameBase <- identifier
rmdParamList <- list(
eset = eset,
sampleKey = sampleKey,
trim = trim,
log2.ratio = log2.ratio,
annotation = annotation,
aln = aln,
lib.size = lib.size,
geneSymb = geneSymb
# render and return the path to report
reportNameBase = reportNameBase,
templateName = 'CRISPR_QC_report',
rmdParamList = rmdParamList,
outdir = outdir
##' @title Generate a Contrast report from a pooled CRISPR screen
##' @description This is a function to generate an html Contrast report for a
##' CRISPR screen, focusing on contrast-level analyses collected from other
##' functions in \code{gCrisprTools}. It is designed to be used 'as-is', and
##' analysts interested in using different functionalities of the various
##' functions should do that outside of this wrapper script.
##' @param eset An ExpressionSet object containing, at minimum, a matrix of gRNA
##' abundances extractable with the \code{exprs()} function and some named
##' phenodata extractable with \code{pData()}.
##' @param fit A fit object for the contrast of interest, usually generated with
##' \code{lmFit}.
##' @param sampleKey A sample key, supplied as an ordered factor linking the
##' samples to experimental variables. The \code{names} attribute should
##' exactly match those present in \code{eset}, and the control set is assumed
##' to be the first \code{level}.
##' @param results A data.frame summarizing the results of the screen, returned
##' by the function \code{\link{ct.generateResults}}.
##' @param annotation An annotation object for the experiment. See the man page
##' for \code{ct.prepareAnnotation()} for details and example format.
##' @param character with a name of the comparison.
##' @param identifier A character string to name the report and corresponding
##' subdirectories. If provided, the final report will be called
##' '\code{identifier}.html' and will be located in a directory called
##' \code{identifier} in the \code{outdir}. If \code{NULL}, a generic name
##' @param contrast.subset character vector containing the sample
##' labels to be used in the analysis; all elements must be contained in the
##' \code{colnames} of the specified \code{eset}. including the timestamp will
##' be generated. Default: \code{colnames(eset)}.
##' @param outdir An optional character string indicating the directory in which to
##' generate the report. If \code{NULL}, a temporary directory will be automatically
##' generated.
##' @return The path to the generated html report.
##' @author Russell Bainer, Dariusz Ratman
##' @examples
##' data('es')
##' data('fit')
##' data('ann')
##' data('resultsDF')
##' ##' #Build the sample key
##' library(Biobase)
##' sk <- ordered(relevel(as.factor(pData(es)$TREATMENT_NAME), "ControlReference"))
##' names(sk) <- row.names(pData(es))
##' path2report <- ct.makeContrastReport(es, fit, sk, resultsDF, ann, = NULL, outdir = ".")
##' @export
ct.makeContrastReport <-
contrast.subset = colnames(eset),
outdir = NULL
) {
# check and preprocess inputs
annotation <- ct.prepareAnnotation(annotation, throw.error = FALSE)
if (!is.null(sampleKey)) {
ct.inputCheck(sampleKey, eset)
sampleKey <- sampleKey[order(sampleKey)]
stop("Execution halted.")
# prepare params
if (missing(identifier)) {
reportNameBase <- appendDateAndExt(name = "CRISPR_contrast_report",
ext = ".Rmd")
} else {
(is.character(identifier) & length(identifier) == 1) ||
stop("Identifier must be a character string of length 1.")
reportNameBase <- identifier
rmdParamList <- list(
eset = eset,
fit = fit,
sampleKey = sampleKey,
results = results,
contrast.subset = contrast.subset, =,
annotation = annotation
# render and return the path to report
reportNameBase = reportNameBase,
templateName = 'CRISPR_contrast_report',
rmdParamList = rmdParamList,
outdir = outdir
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