
### R code from vignette source 'pplacerDemo.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: pplacerDemo.Rnw:55-57
  figdir <- 'figs'
  dir.create(figdir, showWarnings=FALSE)

### code chunk number 2: data

expand <- function(fname){
  orig.dir <- getwd()
  destdir <- tempdir()
  archive <- system.file('extdata','vaginal_16s.refpkg.tar.gz', package='clstutils')
  system(sprintf('tar --no-same-owner -xzf "%s"', archive))
  file.path(destdir, fname)

refpkg <- expand('vaginal_16s.refpkg')
placefile <- system.file('extdata','merged.json', package='clstutils')
distfile <- system.file('extdata','merged.distmat.bz2', package='clstutils')

### code chunk number 3: treeDists
treedists <- treeDists(distfile=distfile, placefile=placefile)

### code chunk number 4: taxonomyFromRefpkg
taxdata <- taxonomyFromRefpkg(refpkg, seqnames=rownames(treedists$dmat), lowest_rank='species')

### code chunk number 5: pplacerDemo.Rnw:141-142
placetab <- data.frame(at=49, edge=5.14909e-07, branch=5.14909e-07)

### code chunk number 6: pplacerDemo.Rnw:151-153
cdata <- classifyPlacements(taxdata, treedists, placetab)

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clstutils documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:23 p.m.