
A description of example files in this package.

txt files in inst/extdata/groups_picard

This folder contains txt files from four cohorts. i.e. cohort_1, _2, _3 and _4. All of the txt files were generated by the collectInsertSize tool in PICARD tools using cfDNA shallow whole genome sequencing of human blood samples as input.

The sequencing data used as example here was published in this paper by Mouliere et al 2018:

Sequencing data for this study are deposited in the EGA database (accession number EGAS00001003258).

txt files in inst/extdata/step6/example

This folder contains one txt files were generated by the collectInsertSize tool in PICARD tools using cfDNA shallow whole genome sequencing of blood sample as input.

The sequencing data used as example here was published in this paper by Mouliere et al 2018:

Sequencing data for this study are deposited in the EGA database (accession number EGAS00001003258).

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cfDNAPro documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:49 p.m.