
context("Show information about BRENDA")

brenda_txt <- system.file("extdata", "brenda_download_test.txt",
                          package = "brendaDb")
df <- ReadBrenda(brenda_txt)

test_that("Show BRENDA fields and acronyms", {
  df <- ShowFields(df)

  expect_match(unique(df$field), "^[A-Z_05]+$")
  expect_match(unique(df$acronym), "^[A-Z05]+$")

test_that("Printing brenda.query objects", {
  x <- QueryBrenda(df, EC = c("", ""),
                   n.core = 1, organisms = "Homo sapiens")
  expect_output(print(x), regexp = "list of 2.+1 regular.+1 transferred")
  expect_output(print(x, verbose = TRUE),
                regexp = "list of 2.+1 regular.+1 transferred.+\\|")

  # There should be NA and "0 rows" in the output; both are colored red
  x$``$nomenclature$reaction <- NA
  expect_output(print(x$``, full.output = TRUE),
                regexp = ".+\\b(NA).+0 rows")

  # Deprecated entries have different outputs
  expect_output(print(x$``), regexp = "^Entry.+msg: transferred")

Try the brendaDb package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

brendaDb documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:16 p.m.