
# modification on git from copied files
#.optimoverPriorsLN <- function(x, estimation, replicates, groups, libsizes, equalDispersions, lensameFlag, zeroML, consensus, disp)
#    {
#      x <- x[-1]
#      likelnDisp <- function(vars, x, replicates, libsizes) {
#        disp <- rep(vars[1], length(x)) 
#        means <- rep(vars[-1], sapply(levels(replicates), function(rep) sum(replicates == rep)))
#        if(any(disp < 0)) return(NA)
#        sum(dnorm(x, mean = means * libsizes, sd = disp, log = TRUE))
#      }
#      likelnMeans <- function(mean, disp, x, libsizes) {
#        if(any(disp < 0)) return(NA)
#        sum(dnorm(x, mean = mean * libsizes, sd = disp, log = TRUE))
#      }
#      if(equalDispersions) {
#        disp <- optim(par = c(0.1, 1, 1), fn = likelnDisp, x = x, replicates = replicates, control = list(fnscale = -1), libsizes = libsizes)$par[1]
#        groupness <- lapply(groups, function(group)
#                            lapply(levels(group), function(gg)                                   
#                                   c(disp, optimise(likelnMeans, interval = c(min(x / libsizes) - 5, max(x / libsizes) + 5), x = x[group == gg], disp = disp, libsizes = libsizes[group == gg], maximum = TRUE)[[1]]))
#                            )
#      } else {
#        groupness <- lapply(groups, function(group)
#                            lapply(levels(group), function(gg) {
#                              disp <- optim(par = c(0.1, rep(1, length(unique(replicates[group == gg])))), fn = likelnDisp, x = x[group == gg], replicates = replicates[group == gg], libsizes = libsizes[group == gg], control = list(fnscale = -1))$par[1]
#                              c(disp, optimise(likelnMeans, interval = c(min(x / libsizes) - 1, max(x / libsizes) + 1), x = x[group == gg], disp = disp, maximum = TRUE)[[1]])
#                            }))
#      }
#      groupness
#    }
#.optimoverPriorsGamma <- function(x, estimation, replicates, groups, libsizes, equalDispersions, lensameFlag, zeroML, consensus, disp)
#    {
#      x <- x[-1]
#      print(x)
#      likelnShape <- function(vars, x, replicates, libsizes) {
#        shape <- rep(vars[1], length(x)) 
#        scale <- rep(vars[-1], sapply(levels(replicates), function(rep) sum(replicates == rep)))
#        if(any(vars < 0)) return(NA)
#        sum(dgamma(x, shape = shape, scale = scale * libsizes, log = TRUE))
#      }
#      likelnMeans <- function(scale, shape, x, libsizes) {
#        if(any(shape < 0) | any(scale < 0)) return(NA)
#        sum(dgamma(x, shape = shape, scale = scale * libsizes, log = TRUE))
#      }
#      if(equalDispersions) {
#        shape <- optim(par = c(1, 1, 1), fn = likelnShape, x = x, replicates = replicates, control = list(fnscale = -1), libsizes = libsizes)$par[1]
#        groupness <- lapply(groups, function(group)
#                            lapply(levels(group), function(gg)                                   
#                                   c(shape, optimise(likelnMeans, interval = c(0, max(x) * 10 + 1), x = x[group == gg], shape = shape, libsizes = libsizes[group == gg], maximum = TRUE)[[1]]))
#                            )
#      } else {
#        groupness <- lapply(groups, function(group)
#                            lapply(levels(group), function(gg) {
#                              shape <- optim(par = c(1, rep(1, length(unique(replicates[group == gg])))), fn = likelnShape, x = x[group == gg], replicates = replicates[group == gg], control = list(fnscale = -1))$par[1]
#                              c(shape, optimise(likelnMeans, interval = c(0, max(x) * 10 + 1), x = x[group == gg], shape = shape, maximum = TRUE)[[1]])
#                            }))
#      }
#      groupness
#    }
#.optimoverPriorsEXP <- function(x, estimation, replicates, groups, libsizes, equalDispersions, lensameFlag, zeroML, consensus, disp)
#    {
#      x <- x[-1]
#      likelnExp <- function(vars, x, libsizes) {
#        mean <- rep(vars[1], length(x)) 
#        if(any(mean <= 0)) return(NA)
#        z <- sum(dexp(x, rate = 1 / (mean * libsizes), log = TRUE))
#        z
#      }
#      groupness <- lapply(groups, function(group)
#                          lapply(levels(group), function(gg)                                   
#                                 c(optimise(likelnExp, interval = c(0, 1 + max(x) * 5), x = x[group == gg], libsizes = libsizes[group == gg], maximum = TRUE)[[1]])))
#      groupness
#    }
#`.getPriors.Dist` <-
#function (cD, distribution = c("normal", "exponential", "negative-binomial", "gamma"), samplesize = 1e5, samplingSubset = NULL, equalDispersions = TRUE, estimation = "QL", verbose = TRUE, zeroML = FALSE, consensus = FALSE, cl, ...)
#  distributions <- c("normal", "exponential", "negative-binomial", "gamma")
#  distribution <- distributions[pmatch(distribution, distributions)]
#  if(distribution == "negative-binomial")
#    return(getPriors.NB(cD = cD, samplesize = samplesize, samplingSubset = samplingSubset, equalDispersion = equalDispersions, estimation = estimation, verbose = verbose, zeroML = zeroML, consensus = consensus, cl = cl))
#  if(distribution == "normal") {
#    optimFunction <- .optimoverPriorsLN
#    estimation = "ML"
#  }
#  if(distribution == "exponential") {
#    optimFunction <- .optimoverPriorsEXP
#    estimation = "ML"
#  }
#  if(distribution == "gamma") {
#    optimFunction <- .optimoverPriorsGamma
#    estimation = "ML"
#  }
#  if(!inherits(cD, what = "countData"))
#    stop("variable 'cD' must be of or descend from class 'countData'")
#  if(length(cD@libsizes) == 0)
#    {
#      warning("'@libsizes' slot empty; inferring libsizes using default settings")
#      cD@libsizes <- getLibsizes(cD)
#    }
#  if(verbose) message("Finding priors...", appendLF = FALSE)          
#  if(!is.null(cl))
#    {
#      getPriorsEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
#      environment(optimFunction) <- getPriorsEnv
#    }
#  if(any(sapply(cD@groups, class) != "factor"))
#    {
#      cD@groups <- lapply(cD@groups, as.factor)
#      warning("Not all members of the '@groups' slot were factors; converting now.")
#    }
#  if(class(cD@replicates) != "factor")
#    {
#      cD@replicates <- as.factor(cD@replicates)
#      warning("The '@replicates' slot is not a factor; converting now.")
#    }
#  if(is.null(samplingSubset))
#    samplingSubset <- 1:nrow(cD)
#  samplingSubset <- samplingSubset[rowSums(do.call("cbind", lapply(cD@groups, function(x) do.call("cbind", lapply(levels(x), function(rep) rowSums(is.na(cD@data[samplingSubset,which(x == rep),drop = FALSE])) == length(which(x == rep))))))) == 0]
#  sD <- cD[samplingSubset,]
#  libsizes <- as.double(sD@libsizes)
#  groups <- sD@groups
#  replicates <- as.factor(sD@replicates)
#  if(nrow(sD@seglens) > 0) seglens <- sD@seglens[,,drop = TRUE] else seglens <- rep(1, nrow(sD@data))
#  if(is.vector(seglens)) lensameFlag <- TRUE else lensameFlag <- FALSE
#  tupData <- cbind(sD@data, seglens)
#  ordData <- do.call(order, as.data.frame(tupData))
#  if(length(ordData) > 1) {
#    dups <- c(1, which(rowSums(tupData[ordData[-1],, drop = FALSE] == (tupData)[ordData[-length(ordData)],, drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE) != rowSums(!is.na(tupData[ordData[-1],, drop=FALSE]))) + 1)
#  } else dups <- 1  
#  if(length(dups) <= samplesize) {
#    y <- sD@data[ordData[dups],,drop = FALSE]
#    copies <- diff(c(dups, nrow(sD@data) + 1))
#    sampled <- (1:nrow(sD))[ordData]
#    sy <- cbind(sampled = sampled, representative = rep(1:length(copies), copies))
#    weights <- rep(1, nrow(sy))
#    if(lensameFlag) seglensy <- seglens[ordData[dups]] else seglensy <- seglens[ordData[dups],]
#  } else {
#    sampData <- colSums(t(sD@data/seglens) / sD@libsizes, na.rm = TRUE) / ncol(sD)
#    if(zeroML) nzSD <- sampData[sampData > 0] else nzSD <- sampData
#    sqnum <- length(nzSD) / 1000
#    squant <- quantile(nzSD, 1:sqnum / sqnum, na.rm = TRUE)
#    sqdup <- c(1, which(diff(squant) > min(1 / libsizes) / 10))
#    z <- cbind(as.numeric(squant[sqdup]), c(as.numeric(squant[sqdup[-1]]), max(nzSD, na.rm = TRUE)))
#    if(zeroML) z[1,1] <- 0 else z[1,1] <- -Inf
#    sy <- do.call("rbind",
#                  lapply(1:nrow(z), function(ii) {
#                    w <- z[ii,]
#                    inbetweener <- which(sampData > w[1] & sampData <= w[2])
#                    samplenum <- min(length(inbetweener), ceiling(samplesize / nrow(z)), na.rm = TRUE)
#                    cbind(sample(inbetweener, size = samplenum, replace = FALSE), length(inbetweener) / samplenum)})
#                )
#    weights <- sy[,2]
#    sy <- sy[,1]
#    y <- sD@data[sy,,drop = FALSE]
#    if(lensameFlag) seglensy <- seglens[sy] else seglensy <- seglens[sy,,drop = FALSE]
#    ordData <- do.call(order, as.data.frame(cbind(y, seglensy)))
#    y <- y[ordData,, drop = FALSE]
#    weights <- weights[ordData]
#    if(lensameFlag) seglensy <- seglensy[ordData] else seglensy <- seglensy[ordData,,drop = FALSE]
#    dups <- c(1, which(rowSums((cbind(y,seglensy))[-1,] == (cbind(y, seglensy))[-nrow(y),], na.rm = TRUE) != rowSums(is.na(cbind(y,seglensy)[-1,]))) + 1)
#    copies <- diff(c(dups, nrow(y) + 1))
#    sy <- cbind(sampled = sy[ordData], representative = rep(1:length(copies), copies))
#    y <- y[dups,, drop = FALSE]
#    if(lensameFlag) seglensy <- seglensy[dups] else seglensy <- seglensy[dups,, drop = FALSE]
#    if(any(sampData == 0) & zeroML)
#      {
#        sy <- rbind(sy, cbind(sampled = which(sampData == 0), representative = nrow(y) + 1))
#        y <- rbind(y, rep(0, ncol(y)))
#        if(lensameFlag) seglensy <- c(seglensy, 1) else seglensy <- rbind(seglensy, rep(1, ncol(seglensy)))
#        weights <- c(weights, rep(1, sum(sampData == 0)))
#      }
#  }
#  z <- cbind(seglensy, y)  
#  LNpar <- list()
#  if(is.null(cl)) {
#    parEach <- apply(z, 1, optimFunction, estimation = estimation, replicates = replicates, groups = groups, libsizes = libsizes, equalDispersions = equalDispersions, lensameFlag = lensameFlag, zeroML = zeroML)
#  } else {
#    parEach <- parApply(cl, z, 1, optimFunction, estimation = estimation, replicates = replicates, groups = groups, libsizes = libsizes, equalDispersions = equalDispersions, lensameFlag = lensameFlag, zeroML)
#  }
#  LNpar <- lapply(1:length(groups), function(gg)
#                  lapply(1:length(levels(groups[[gg]])), function(ii)
#                         do.call("rbind", lapply(parEach, function(x) x[[gg]][[ii]]))))
#  if(verbose) message("done.")
#  sy[,1] <- samplingSubset[sy[,1]]
#  names(LNpar) <- names(groups)
#  LNpar <- list(sampled = sy, weights = weights, priors = LNpar)
#  new(class(cD), cD, priorType = distribution, priors = LNpar)
#`.getLikelihoods.Dist` <-
#function(cD, distribution = c("normal", "exponential", "negative-binomial", "gamma"), prs, pET = "BIC", marginalise = FALSE, subset = NULL, priorSubset = NULL, bootStraps = 1, conv = 1e-4, nullData = FALSE, returnAll = FALSE, returnPD = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, discardSampling = FALSE, cl)
#  {
#    distributions <- c("normal", "exponential", "negative-binomial", "gamma")
#    distribution <- distributions[pmatch(distribution, distributions)]
#    if(distribution == "negative-binomial")
#      return(getLikelihoods.NB(cD = cD, prs, pET = "BIC", marginalise = marginalise, subset = subset, priorSubset = priorSubset, bootStraps = bootStraps, conv = conv, nullData = nullData, returnAll = returnAll, returnPD = returnPD, verbose = verbose, discardSampling = discardSampling, cl = cl))
#    if(distribution == "normal") {
#      distFunctionConsensus <- function(cts, priors, libsizes, seglens) {
#        matrix(dnorm(rep(cts, each = nrow(priors)),
#                     sd = priors[,1],
#                     mean = rep(libsizes * seglen, each = nrow(priors)) * priors[,2]
#                     , log = TRUE),
#               ncol = length(cts))
#      }
#      distFunction <- function(cts, selcts, nzWts, prior, libsizes, seglen) {
#        dnorm(rep(cts[selcts], each = sum(nzWts)),
#              sd = prior[nzWts,1],
#              mean = rep(libsizes[selcts] * seglen[selcts], each = sum(nzWts)) * prior[nzWts,2], log = TRUE)
#      }
#    }
#    if(distribution == "exponential") {
#      distFunctionConsensus <- function(cts, priors, libsizes, seglens) {
#        matrix(dexp(rep(cts, each = nrow(priors)),
#                    rate = 1 / (priors[,1] * libsizes * seglen) , log = TRUE),
#               ncol = length(cts))
#      }
#      distFunction <- function(cts, selcts, nzWts, prior, libsizes, seglen) {
#        dexp(rep(cts[selcts], each = sum(nzWts)),
#             rate = 1 / (prior[nzWts,1] * libsizes * seglen), log = TRUE)
#      }
#    }
#    if(distribution == "gamma") {
#      distFunctionConsensus <- function(cts, priors, libsizes, seglens) {
#        matrix(dgamma(rep(cts, each = nrow(priors)),
#                      shape = priors[,1], scale = priors[,2] * libsizes * seglen , log = TRUE),
#               ncol = length(cts))
#      }
#      distFunction <- function(cts, selcts, nzWts, prior, libsizes, seglen) {
#        dgamma(rep(cts[selcts], each = sum(nzWts)),
#               shape = prior[nzWts,1], scale = prior[nzWts,2] * libsizes * seglen, log = TRUE)
#      }
#    }
#    constructWeights <- function(withinCluster = FALSE, consensus = FALSE)
#      {
#        priorWeights <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii)
#                               lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj)
#                                      {                                      
#                                        samplings <- numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]]
#                                        samplings <- samplings[order(samplings[,2]),]
#                                        if(consensus) intervals <- findInterval(1:nrow(LNpriors) - 0.5, samplings[,2]) + 1 else intervals <- findInterval(1:nrow(LNpriors[[ii]][[jj]]) - 0.5, samplings[,2]) + 1
#                                        intlens <- diff(c(intervals, nrow(samplings) + 1))                                                                       
#                                        weights <- c()
#                                        weights[intlens == 1] <- samplings[intervals[intlens == 1],3]
#                                        if(any(intlens > 1))
#                                          weights[which(intlens > 1)] <- sapply(which(intlens > 1), function(kk)
#                                                                                sum(samplings[intervals[kk] + 0:(intlens[kk] - 1),3]))
#                                        weights
#                                      }))
#        if(withinCluster) {
#          assign("priorWeights", priorWeights, envir = .GlobalEnv)
#          return(invisible(NULL))
#        } else return(priorWeights)
#      }
#    LNbootStrap <- function(us, libsizes, groups, lensameFlag, consensus = FALSE, differentWeights = differentWeights) {
#      `logsum` <-
#        function(x)
#          max(x, max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + log(sum(exp(x - max(x, na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE)), na.rm = TRUE)
#      PDgivenr.LNConsensus <- function (number, cts, seglen, libsizes, priors, groups, priorWeights, numintSamp, differentWeights)
#        {
#          dnorms <- distFunctionConsensus(cts, prior, libsizes, seglens)                           
#          if(differentWeights)
#            {
#              ld <- sapply(1:length(groups), function(grpnum) {
#                group <- groups[[grpnum]]
#                wts <- priorWeights[[grpnum]]
#                sampInfo <- numintSamp[[grpnum]]
#                sum(sapply(1:length(levels(group)), function(gg) {
#                  selcts <- group == levels(group)[gg] & !is.na(group)
#                  weightings <- wts[[gg]]
#                  nzWts <- weightings != 0
#                  wsInfo <- which(sampInfo[[gg]][,1] == number)
#                  weightings[sampInfo[[gg]][wsInfo,2]] <- weightings[sampInfo[[gg]][wsInfo,2]] - sampInfo[[gg]][wsInfo,3]
#                  logsum(rowSums(dnorms[nzWts,selcts,drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE) + log(weightings[nzWts])) - log(sum(weightings[nzWts]))
#                }))
#              })
#            } else {
#              weightings <- priorWeights[[1]][[1]]
#              wsInfo <- which(numintSamp[[1]][[1]][,1] == number)
#              weightings[numintSamp[[1]][[1]][wsInfo,2]] <- weightings[numintSamp[[1]][[1]][wsInfo,2]] - numintSamp[[1]][[1]][wsInfo,3]
#              nzWts <- weightings != 0            
#              dnorms <- dnorms[nzWts,,drop = FALSE]
#              lweight <- log(weightings[nzWts])
#              lsumweight <- log(sum(weightings[nzWts]))
#              ld <- sapply(1:length(groups), function(grpnum) {
#                group <- groups[[grpnum]]
#                sum(sapply(1:length(levels(group)), function(gg) {
#                  selcts <- which(group == levels(group)[gg] & !is.na(group))
#                  logsum(rowSums(dnorms[,selcts,drop = FALSE], na.rm = TRUE) + lweight) - lsumweight
#                })) 
#              })
#            }
#          ld
#        }
#      PDgivenr.LN <- function (number, cts, seglen, libsizes, priors, group, wts, sampInfo, differentWeights)
#        {
#          if(length(seglen) == 1 & length(cts) > 1)
#            seglen <- rep(seglen, length(cts))
#          sum(
#              sapply(1:length(levels(group)), function(gg) {
#                selcts <- group == levels(group)[gg] & !is.na(group)
#                prior <- priors[[gg]]
#                weightings <- wts[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]]
#                nzWts <- weightings != 0
#                wsInfo <- which(sampInfo[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]][,1] == number)
#                weightings[sampInfo[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]][wsInfo,2]] <- weightings[sampInfo[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]][wsInfo,2]] - sampInfo[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]][wsInfo,3]
#                logsum(
#                  rowSums(
#                    matrix(distFunction(cts, selcts, nzWts, prior, libsizes, seglen), ncol = sum(selcts)), na.rm = TRUE) + log(weightings[nzWts])) - log(sum(weightings[nzWts]))                       
#              })
#              )
#        }
#      number <- us[1]
#      us <- us[-1]
#      if(lensameFlag)
#        {
#          cts <- us[-1]
#          seglen <- us[1]
#        } else {
#          cts <- us[-(1:(length(us) / 2))]
#          seglen <- us[1:(length(us) / 2)]
#        }
#      if(consensus) {
#        PDgivenr.LNConsensus(number, cts, seglen = seglen, libsizes = libsizes, priors = LNpriors, groups = groups, priorWeights = priorWeights, numintSamp = numintSamp, differentWeights = differentWeights)
#      } else {      
#        sapply(1:length(LNpriors), function(gg)
#               PDgivenr.LN(number = number, cts = cts, seglen = seglen, libsizes = libsizes, priors = LNpriors[[gg]], group = groups[[gg]],
#                           wts = priorWeights[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]],
#                           sampInfo = numintSamp[[c(1, gg)[differentWeights + 1]]],
#                           differentWeights = differentWeights)
#               )
#      }
#    }
#    if(!is.null(cl))
#      {
#        clustAssign <- function(object, name)
#          {
#            assign(name, object, envir = .GlobalEnv)
#            NULL
#          }
#        getLikelihoodsEnv <- new.env(parent = .GlobalEnv)
#        environment(clustAssign) <- getLikelihoodsEnv
#        environment(LNbootStrap) <- getLikelihoodsEnv
#        clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, distFunctionConsensus, "distFunctionConsensus")
#        clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, distFunction, "distFunction")
#      }
#    listPosts <- list()
#    if(!inherits(cD, what = "countData"))
#      stop("variable 'cD' must be of or descend from class 'countData'")
##    if(cD@priorType != "LN") stop("Incorrect prior type for this method of likelihood estimation")
#    if(pET %in% c("none", "iteratively"))
#      {
#        if(length(prs) != length(cD@groups)) stop("'prs' must be of same length as the number of groups in the 'cD' object")
#        if(any(prs < 0))
#          stop("Negative values in the 'prs' vector are not permitted")
#        if(!nullData & sum(prs) != 1)
#          stop("If 'nullData = FALSE' then the 'prs' vector should sum to 1.")
#        if(nullData & sum(prs) >= 1)
#          stop("If 'nullData = TRUE' then the 'prs' vector should sum to less than 1.")
#      } else if(pET %in% c("BIC"))
#        prs <- rep(NA, length(cD@groups))
#    if(!(class(subset) == "integer" | class(subset) == "numeric" | is.null(subset)))
#      stop("'subset' must be integer, numeric, or NULL")
#    if(is.null(subset)) subset <- 1:nrow(cD)
#    subset <- subset[rowSums(do.call("cbind", lapply(cD@groups, function(x) do.call("cbind", lapply(levels(x), function(rep) rowSums(is.na(cD@data[subset,which(x == rep),drop = FALSE])) == length(which(x == rep))))))) == 0]
#    if(is.null(priorSubset)) priorSubset <- subset
#    if(is.null(conv)) conv <- 0
#    if(nrow(cD@seglens) > 0) seglens <- cD@seglens else seglens <- matrix(1, ncol = 1, nrow = nrow(cD@data))
#    if(ncol(seglens) == 1) lensameFlag <- TRUE else lensameFlag <- FALSE    
#    libsizes <- as.double(cD@libsizes)
#    groups <- cD@groups
#    LNpriors <- cD@priors$priors
#    numintSamp <- cD@priors$sampled
#    weights <- cD@priors$weights    
#    if(is.matrix(LNpriors)) consensus <- TRUE else consensus <- FALSE
#    if(is.numeric(weights) & is.matrix(numintSamp) & bootStraps == 1 & !nullData)
#      {
#        differentWeights <- FALSE
#        numintSamp <- list(list(cbind(numintSamp, weights)))
#        priorWeights <- constructWeights(consensus = consensus)
#      } else {
#        differentWeights <- TRUE
#        if(discardSampling) numintSamp[,1] <- NA    
#        if(is.matrix(numintSamp))
#          numintSamp <- lapply(groups, function(x) lapply(1:length(levels(x)), function(z) numintSamp))
#        if(is.null(numintSamp))
#          numintSamp <- lapply(groups, function(x) lapply(1:length(levels(x)), function(z) cbind(sampled = rep(-1, nrow(z)), representative = 1:nrow(z))))
#        if(is.null(weights))
#          weights <- lapply(numintSamp, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) weights = rep(1, nrow(z))))
#        if(is.numeric(weights))
#          weights <- lapply(numintSamp, function(x) lapply(x, function(z) weights = weights))
#        numintSamp <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii) lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj) cbind(numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]], weights = weights[[ii]][[jj]])))
#        priorWeights <- constructWeights(consensus = consensus)
#      }
#    if(nullData)
#      {
#        ndelocGroup <- which(unlist(lapply(cD@groups, function(x) all(x[!is.na(x)] == x[!is.na(x)][1])))) 
#        if(length(ndelocGroup) == 0) stop("If 'nullData = TRUE' then there must exist some vector in groups whose members are all identical") else ndelocGroup <- ndelocGroup[1]
#        NZLs <- NZLpriors <- NULL
#        ndePriors <- log(LNpriors[[ndelocGroup]][[1]][,1])
#        weights <- priorWeights[[ndelocGroup]][[1]]
#        sep <- bimodalSep(ndePriors[ndePriors > -Inf], weights[ndePriors > -Inf], bQ = c(0, 0.5))
#        groups <- c(groups, groups[ndelocGroup])
#        ndenulGroup <- length(groups)
#        prs <- c(prs, 1 - sum(prs))
#        LNpriors[[ndenulGroup]] <- LNpriors[[ndelocGroup]]
#        priorWeights[[ndenulGroup]] <- priorWeights[[ndelocGroup]]
#        priorWeights[[ndenulGroup]][[1]] <- priorWeights[[ndenulGroup]][[1]] * as.numeric(ndePriors <= sep)
#        priorWeights[[ndelocGroup]][[1]] <- priorWeights[[ndelocGroup]][[1]] * as.numeric(ndePriors > sep)
#        numintSamp[[ndenulGroup]] <- numintSamp[[ndelocGroup]]
#        numintSamp[[ndelocGroup]][[1]][numintSamp[[ndelocGroup]][[1]][,2] %in% which(ndePriors <= sep),3] <- 0
#        numintSamp[[ndenulGroup]][[1]][numintSamp[[ndenulGroup]][[1]][,2] %in% which(ndePriors > sep),3] <- 0
#      }
#    posteriors <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(groups), nrow = nrow(cD@data))
#    propest <- NULL
#    converged <- FALSE
#    if(!is.null(cl)) {
#      clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, LNpriors, "LNpriors")
#    }
#    if(verbose) message("Finding posterior likelihoods...", appendLF = FALSE)
#    priorReps <- unique(unlist(sapply(numintSamp, function(x) as.integer(unique(sapply(x, function(z) z[,1]))))))
#    priorReps <- priorReps[priorReps > 0 & !is.na(priorReps)]
#    if(!all(priorReps %in% 1:nrow(cD@data)) & bootStraps > 1)
#      {
#        warning("Since the sampled values in the '@priors' slot are not available, bootstrapping is not possible.")
#        bootStraps <- 1
#      }
#    postRows <- unique(c(priorReps, priorSubset, subset))   
#    .fastUniques <- function(x){
#      if (nrow(x) > 1) {
#        return(c(TRUE, rowSums(x[-1L, , drop = FALSE] == x[-nrow(x),, drop = FALSE]) != ncol(x)))
#      } else return(TRUE)
#    }    
#    if(length(priorReps) == 0 || !any(priorReps %in% postRows))
#      {
#        orddat <- do.call("order", c(lapply(1:ncol(seglens), function(ii) seglens[postRows,ii]), lapply(1:ncol(cD@data), function(ii) cD@data[postRows,ii])))
#        whunq <- .fastUniques(cbind(seglens[postRows,], cD@data[postRows,])[orddat,,drop = FALSE])
#        postRows <- postRows
#      } else whunq <- TRUE
#    for(cc in 1:bootStraps)
#      {
#        if(cc > 1) numintSamp <- lapply(1:length(numintSamp), function(ii) lapply(1:length(numintSamp[[ii]]), function(jj) cbind(numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]][,1:2], weights = exp(posteriors[numintSamp[[ii]][[jj]][,1],ii]))))          
#        if (is.null(cl)) {
#          if(cc > 1)
#            priorWeights <- constructWeights()
#          ps <- apply(cbind(1:nrow(cD@data), seglens, cD@data)[postRows[whunq],,drop = FALSE],
#                      1, LNbootStrap, libsizes = libsizes, groups = groups, lensameFlag = lensameFlag, consensus = consensus, differentWeights = differentWeights)
#        } else {
#          environment(constructWeights) <- getLikelihoodsEnv
#          clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, numintSamp, "numintSamp")
#          #clusterCall(cl, clustAssign, priorWeights, "priorWeights")
#          clusterCall(cl, constructWeights, withinCluster = TRUE, consensus = consensus)
#          ps <- parRapply(cl[1:min(length(cl), length(postRows[whunq]))], cbind(1:nrow(cD@data), seglens, cD@data)[postRows[whunq],, drop = FALSE],
#                          LNbootStrap, libsizes = libsizes, groups = groups, lensameFlag = lensameFlag, consensus = consensus, differentWeights = differentWeights)
#        }
#        ps <- matrix(ps, ncol = length(groups), byrow = TRUE)
#        rps <- matrix(NA, ncol = length(groups), nrow = nrow(cD@data))
#        rps[postRows[whunq],] <- ps
#        if(length(priorReps) == 0 || !any(priorReps %in% postRows))
#          {
#            rps[postRows[orddat],] <- rps[postRows[orddat[rep(which(whunq), diff(c(which(whunq), length(whunq) + 1)))]],]
#          }
#        if(returnPD) {
#              if(verbose) message("done.")
#              return(rps)
#            }
#        if(pET != "none")
#          {
#            restprs <- getPosteriors(rps[priorSubset,, drop = FALSE], prs, pET = pET, marginalise = FALSE, groups = groups, priorSubset = NULL, cl = cl)$priors
#          } else restprs <- prs
#        pps <- getPosteriors(rps[union(priorReps,subset),,drop = FALSE], prs = restprs, pET = "none", marginalise = marginalise, groups = groups, priorSubset = NULL, cl = cl)
#        if(any(!is.na(posteriors)))
#          if(all(abs(exp(posteriors[union(priorReps,subset),,drop = FALSE]) - exp(pps$posteriors)) < conv)) converged <- TRUE
#        posteriors[union(priorReps, subset),] <- pps$posteriors
#        prs <- pps$priors
#        propest <- rbind(propest, prs)
#        estProps <- pps$priors
#        names(estProps) <- names(cD@groups)
#        cat(".")        
#        if(returnAll | converged | cc == bootStraps)
#          {
#            retPosts <- posteriors
#            retPosts[priorReps[!(priorReps %in% subset)],] <- NA
#            nullPosts <- matrix(ncol = 0, nrow = 0)
#            if(nullData) {
#              nullPosts <- retPosts[,ndenulGroup,drop = FALSE]
#              retPosts <- retPosts[,-ndenulGroup, drop = FALSE]
#            }
#            estProps <- apply(exp(retPosts), 2, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
#            colnames(retPosts) <- names(cD@groups)
#            listPosts[[cc]] <- (new(class(cD), cD, posteriors = retPosts, estProps = estProps, nullPosts = nullPosts))
#            listPosts[[cc]]@orderings <- makeOrderings(listPosts[[cc]])
#          }
#        if(converged)
#          break()
#      }
#    if(!is.null(cl))
#      clusterEvalQ(cl, rm(list = ls()))
#    if(verbose) message("done.")
#    if(!returnAll) return(listPosts[[cc]]) else {
#      if(length(listPosts) == 1) return(listPosts[[1]]) else return(listPosts)
#    }
#  }

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baySeq documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:43 p.m.