Man pages for UMI4Cats
UMI4Cats: Processing, analysis and visualization of UMI-4C chromatin contact data

addGroupingAdd grouping of UMI-4C samples
addSteppingAdd stepping for plotting genes
alignmentUMI4CUMI4C alignment
calculateAdaptativeTrendAdaptative smoothing of normalized trend
calculateDomainogramCreate Domainogram
contactsUMI4CUMI4C Contacts Processing
counterUMI4CUMI counting
createGeneAnnotationCreate gene annotation object
createStatsTableCreate stats table
darkenDarken colors
demultiplexFastqDemultiplex FASTQ files using fastq-multx
deseq2UMI4CDDS object to UMI4Cats object.
differentialNbinomWaldTestUMI4CDifferential UMI4C contacts using DESeq2 Wald Test
digestGenomeDigest reference genome
dot-getCacheGet BiocFileCache object
dot-getSummaryBamSummarize BAM file
dot-singleAlignmentUMI4CAlign split fastq file
dot-singleCounterUMI4CCount UMIs for a given bam file.
dot-singlePrepUMI4CPrepar fastq files at a given barcode.
dot-singleSplitUMI4CSplit fastq files at a given restriction site.
dot-smoothMonotoneMonotone smoothing of the VST counts
downloadUMI4CexampleDataDownload UMI4Cats example datasets
ex_ciita_umi4cContacs with CIITA promoter
fisherUMI4CDifferential UMI4C contacts using Fisher's Exact test
formatPlotsUMI4CFormat plots for UMI4C
geoMeanCoordinatesGet geometric mean of given coordinates
getColorsGet default colors
getFactorsGet factors fro plotting
getNormalizationMatrixGet normalization matrix
getViewpointCoordinatesGet viewpoint coordinates
groupSamplesUMI4CGroup UMI4C samples
nbinomWaldTestUMI4CDifferential UMI4C contacts using DESeq2 Wald Test
pipePipe operator
plotDifferentialPlot differential contacts
plotDomainogramPlot domainogram
plotGenesPlot genes
plotTrendPlot adaptative smoothen trend
plotUMI4CPlot UMI4C data
prepUMI4CPrepare UMI4C data
smoothMonotoneUMI4CMonotone smoothing of the DDS object VST counts
splitUMI4CSplit UMI4C reads
statsUMI4CStatistics UMI4C
themeXblankTheme X blank
themeXYblankTheme Y blank
themeYblankTheme Y blank
UMI4C2ddsUMI4Cats object to DDS object.
UMI4CatsUMI4Cats: A package for analyzing UMI-4C chromatin contact...
UMI4C-methodsUMI4C class methods
vstUMI4CVariance stabilizing transformation
UMI4Cats documentation built on Dec. 31, 2020, 2:01 a.m.