
### R code from vignette source 'TypeInfoNews.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: TypeInfoNews.Rnw:24-25

### code chunk number 2: oneWayAnova
oneWayAnova <- function( response, predictor ) {
    expr <- substitute( response ~ predictor )
    result <- lm( as.formula( expr ))
    anova( result )
copyOfOneWayAnova <- oneWayAnova

### code chunk number 3: analysis1
ctl <- c(4.17,5.58,5.18,6.11,4.50,4.61,5.17,4.53,5.33,5.14)
trt <- c(4.81,4.17,4.41,3.59,5.87,3.83,6.03,4.89,4.32,4.69)
group <- gl(2,10,20, labels=c("Ctl","Trt"))
weight <- c(ctl, trt)
oneWayAnova( weight, group )

### code chunk number 4: TypeInfoNews.Rnw:99-100

### code chunk number 5: TypeInfoNews.Rnw:105-111
typeInfo(oneWayAnova) <-
      response = "numeric",
      predictor = "factor"),
    returnType = "anova")

### code chunk number 6: typedFunc
oneWayAnova( weight, group )

### code chunk number 7: introspection (eval = FALSE)
## typeInfo(oneWayAnova)

### code chunk number 8: typeInfoOutupt
ngroup <- as.numeric( group )
res <- 
    tryCatch(oneWayAnova( weight, ngroup ),
             error=function(err) {
                     conditionMessage(err), "\n")

### code chunk number 9: sgroup (eval = FALSE)
## ngroup <- as.numeric( group )
## res <- try( oneWayAnova( weight, ngroup ))

### code chunk number 10: TypeInfoNews.Rnw:187-197
oneWayAnova <- copyOfOneWayAnova
typeInfo(oneWayAnova) <-
      response = "numeric",
      predictor = "factor"),
      response = "numeric",
      predictor = "numeric"),
    returnType = "anova")

### code chunk number 11: integerVals
iweight <- as.integer( weight )
oneWayAnova( iweight, group )

### code chunk number 12: strictIs (eval = FALSE)
## oneWayAnova <- copyOfOneWayAnova
## typeInfo(oneWayAnova) <-
##   SimultaneousTypeSpecification(
##     TypedSignature(
##       response = StrictIsTypeTest("numeric"),
##       predictor = InheritsTypeTest("factor")),
##     returnType = StrictIsTypeTest("anova"))
## oneWayAnova(iweight, group) # ERROR

### code chunk number 13: dynamicTypeTest (eval = FALSE)
## typeInfo(oneWayAnova) <-
##   SimultaneousTypeSpecification(
##     TypedSignature(
##       response = "numeric",
##       predictor = quote(
##         length(predictor) == 
##             length(response) &&
##         is(predictor, "factor"))),
##     returnType = StrictIsTypeTest("anova"))
## short <- weight[-1]
## oneWayAnova(short, group)   # ERROR

### code chunk number 14: IndependentTypeSpecification
oneWayAnova <- copyOfOneWayAnova
typeInfo(oneWayAnova) <-
    response = "numeric",
    predictor = c( "factor", "numeric" ))

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TypeInfo documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:40 p.m.