
.checkStream <- function(s, yield=list())
    checkIdentical(yield, s$yield())

test_Stream_producer <- function()
    ## Stream() should produce a stream with only a producer
    p <- getRefClass("Producer")$new()

test_Stream_consumer <- function()
    ## Stream() should error with only a consumer (?)
    DEACTIVATED("should error with only a consumer (?)")
    c <- getRefClass("Consumer")$new()

test_Stream_producer_consumer <- function()
    ## Stream should succeed with producer / consumer in any order
    p <- getRefClass("Producer")$new()
    c <- getRefClass("Consumer")$new()
    .checkStream(s1 <- Stream(c, p))

    p <- getRefClass("Producer")$new()
    c <- getRefClass("Consumer")$new()
    .checkStream(s2 <- Stream(p, c))

    checkEquals(s1, s2)

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Streamer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:53 p.m.