
test_lapply_Producer <- function()
    vals <- split(1:47, rep(1:7, each=7, length.out=47))
    exp <- unname(lapply(vals, mean))

    ## function
    obs <- lapply(Seq(to=47, yieldSize=7), mean)
    checkIdentical(exp, obs)

    ## anonymous function
    obs <- lapply(Seq(to=47, yieldSize=7), function(x) mean(x))
    checkIdentical(exp, obs)

    ## ... args
    obs <- lapply(Seq(to=47, yieldSize=7), function(x, z) mean(z), z=1:10)
    checkIdentical(mean(1:10), unique(unlist(obs)))

    ## env
    ZZZ <- 1:10
    res <- lapply(Seq(to=47, yieldSize=7), function(x) mean(ZZZ))
    checkIdentical(mean(ZZZ), unique(unlist(res)))

    ## error
    fun <- function(x) if (x == 3) stop("x: ", x) else x
    checkException(lapply(Seq(to=5), fun), silent=TRUE)

    ## error partial results
    res <- tryCatch(sapply(Seq(to=5L), fun), error = function(err) {
    checkIdentical(1:2, res)

    ## trigger re-allocation
    ## res <- lapply(Seq(to=4096*4),
    ##               function(x) { if (x %% 1000 == 0) message(x); x })

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Streamer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:53 p.m.