
setMethod(DAGParam, "missing",
    function(x, ...)

setMethod(DAGParam, "graphNEL",
    function(x, ...)
    topology <- suppressWarnings(tsort(x))
    if (length(nodes(x)) > 1L && !length(topology))
        stop("'x' is not a directed acyclic graph")
    .DAGParam$new(dag=x, ...)

setMethod(DAGParam, "matrix",
    function(x, W = NULL, V = NULL, ...)
    dag <- ftM2graphNEL(x, W=W, V=V, edgemode="directed")
    DAGParam(dag, ...)

setMethod(DAGParam, "data.frame",
    function(x, ...)
    nms <- c("From", "To", "W", "V")
    if (!all(c("From", "To") %in% names(x)))
        stop("'x' must have columns 'From', 'To'")
    ft <- cbind(x$From, x$To)
    DAGParam(ft, W=x$W, V=x$V, ...)

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Streamer documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 5:53 p.m.