# Import point mutations data to build the count matrix to extract mutatational signatues.
### @examples
### data(ssm560_reduced)
### library("BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5")
### bsg = BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5
### data(mutation_categories)
### imported_data =,bsg=bsg,mutation_categories=mutation_categories)
### data(imported_data)
### head(imported_data)
# @title
# @param input either a data.frame/data.table object or a file with 5 columns: sample name, chromosome, position, ref, alt.
# @param bsg a BSgenome object for the reference genome. Chromosome names have to match the input table.
# @param mutation_categories array with the 96 mutational categories to be considered. It is provided along with the package
# by data(mutation_categories).
# @return A count matrix to extract mutatational signatues
# @export
# @importFrom data.table data.table fread dcast .N
# @importFrom Biostrings DNAStringSet complement reverseComplement subseq
# @import GenomicRanges
# @import IRanges
# @import GenomeInfoDb
# @import BSgenome.Hsapiens.1000genomes.hs37d5
# @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
"" <- function(input, bsg, mutation_categories) {
# # check that input is a data frame or data table
# if (!("data.frame" %in% class(input))) {
# if (file.exists(input)) {
# input <- fread(input, header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)
# } else {
# stop("Input is neither a file nor a loaded data frame.")
# }
# }
# # set column names
# colnames(input) <- c("sample", "chrom", "pos", "ref", "alt")
# # convert input to GRanges
# inp <- GRanges(input$chrom, IRanges(start=input$pos-1, width=3), ref=DNAStringSet(input$ref), alt=DNAStringSet(input$alt), sample=input$sample)
# # filter input: recognized bases only
# bad <- which(!(inp$ref %in% c("A", "T", "C", "G") & inp$alt %in% c("A", "T", "C", "G")))
# if(length(bad)>0){
# warning(paste0("Removing ", length(bad), " entries containing nonstandard bases. \n"))
# inp <- inp[inp$ref %in% c("A", "T", "C", "G") & inp$alt %in% c("A", "T", "C", "G")]
# }
# # check that bsg is a bsgenome object
# if(is.null(bsg)|class(bsg) != "BSgenome") {
# stop("The bsg parameter needs to be a BSgenome object.")
# }
# # check that all chromosomes match bsg
# if(length(setdiff(seqnames(inp), GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(bsg)))>0) {
# warning(paste0("Check chromosome names -- not all match ", bsg, " object.\n"))
# inp[seqnames(inp) %in% GenomeInfoDb::seqnames(bsg)]
# }
# # find context for each mutation
# inp$context <- getSeq(bsg, inp)
# # check for mismatches with BSgenome context
# if(any(subseq(inp$context,2,2)!=inp$ref)) {
# warning("Check ref bases -- not all match context.\n ")
# }
# # get complements and reverse complements
# inp$cref <- complement(inp$ref)
# inp$calt <- complement(inp$alt)
# inp$rccontext <- reverseComplement(inp$context)
# # identify motif
# inp$cat <- ifelse(inp$ref %in% c("C", "T"),
# paste0(subseq(inp$context,1,1), "[", inp$ref, ">", inp$alt, "]", subseq(inp$context, 3, 3)),
# paste0(subseq(inp$rccontext,1,1), "[", inp$cref, ">", inp$calt, "]", subseq(inp$rccontext, 3, 3)))
# # count number of mutations per sample, category
# counts <- merge(mutation_categories[, .(cat)], data.table(sample=inp$sample, cat=inp$cat)[, .N, by=.(sample, cat)], by="cat", all=TRUE)
# counts <- dcast(counts, sample~cat, value.var = "N")
# counts <- counts[!]
# counts[] <- 0
# # make count marix
# countMatrix <- as.matrix(counts[, 2:ncol(counts)])
# rownames(countMatrix) <- counts$sample
# # order matrix columns alphabetically
# countMatrix <- countMatrix[,order(colnames(countMatrix))]
# # identify samples with <100 mutations
# if(!is.null(nrow(countMatrix))){
# bad <- names(rowSums(countMatrix) <= 100)
# }else{
# bad <- (sum(countMatrix) <= 100)
# }
# if (length(bad) > 0) {
# warning(paste("Some samples have fewer than 100 mutations:\n ", paste(bad, collapse = ", "), sep = " "))
# }
# # return matrix
# return(countMatrix)
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