## extractTags.R
## 2015-08-05
## functions to parse wiki text form SNPedia
##' Extract information form downloaded SNPedia pages.
##' SNPedia pages usually have a table in the right hand side which summarizes
##' most relevant information in the page.
##' This functions help extracting this kind of information for the given tags
##' or rows.
##' \code{extractTags} is a general purpose function aimed to work at any page.
##' \code{extractSnpTags} calls \code{extractTags} with a set of predefined
##' tags suitable for SNP pages.
##' \code{extractGenotypeTags} does the same for genotype pages.
##' This functions take a character vector of length one
##' but return a vector with as many values as the tag list provided.
##' They are devised to be used with \code{sapply} functions.
##' Notice that in SNPedia
##' not all information presented in the HTML table
##' is available in the JSON format retrieved by the R package.
##' Risk information for instance needs to be collected from the genotype pages
##' as it is not available in the JSON version of the SNP pages.
##' @param x a wiki page (single character vector)
##' @param tags character vector of tags (row names) to be collected.
##' @usage
##' extractTags (x, tags)
##' extractSnpTags (x, tags)
##' extractGenotypeTags (x, tags)
##' @return A character vector with the value of each of the tags if available
##' in the page and NA otherwise.
##' @examples
##' res <- getPages (c ("Rs1234", "Rs53576"))
##' t (sapply (res, extractSnpTags))
##' extractTags (res[[1]], tags = c("rsid", "Chromosome", "position"))
##' res <- getPages (c ("Rs1234(A;A)", "Rs1234(A;C)","Rs1234(C;C)"))
##' t (sapply (res, extractGenotypeTags))
##' getPages (c ("Rs1234(A;A)", "Rs1234(A;C)","Rs1234(C;C)"),
##' wikiParseFunction = extractGenotypeTags)
##' getPages (c ("Rs1234(A;A)", "Rs1234(A;C)","Rs1234(C;C)"),
##' wikiParseFunction = extractGenotypeTags,
##' tags = c("rsid", "allele1", "allele2"))
##' @aliases extractSnpTags extractGenotypeTags
##' @seealso getPages, getCategoryElements
##' @import RCurl jsonlite
##' @export
extractTags <- function(x, tags) {
##format tags
N <- length(tags)
tagsP <- paste0("\\|", tags, "=")
## split lines
x <- unlist(strsplit(x, "\n"))
res <- rep(NA, times = N)
names(res) <- tags
for (i in 1:N) {
s <- sub(tagsP[i], "", grep(tagsP[i], x, value = TRUE))
suppressWarnings(try(res[i] <- s, silent = TRUE))
## I am not sure this is the best way
## sometimes the end of the _table_ "}}"
## is after the tag instead of being in a newline
## see example:
res <- sub("}}$", "", res)
## output
##' @export
extractSnpTags <- function(x, tags) {
if (missing(tags)) {
tags <- c("rsid", "Chromosome", "position", "Orientation", "GMAF",
"Assembly", "GenomeBuild", "dbSNPBuild", "geno1", "geno2",
"geno3", "StabilizedOrientation", "Status", "Merged",
"Gene", "Gene_s", "Summary")
## "Gene", "Gene_s" sometimes are duplicated just the first one is used
## "alias" is created form rsid in the web site
res <- extractTags(x=x, tags=tags)
## output
##' @export
extractGenotypeTags <- function(x, tags) {
if (missing(tags)) {
tags <- c("rsid", "allele1", "allele2", "repute",
"magnitude", "summary")
res <- extractTags(x=x, tags=tags)
## output
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