my.df <- data.frame(
EGID = c("103", "104", "105", "106", "107"),
RPKM = c(4, 5, 3, 100, 75),
DE = factor(c("Yes", "Yes", "No", "No", "No")),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
htmlRep <- HTMLReport("testhtmlPage", reportDirectory = 'testHTMLDirectory',
title = "Test Report")
publish(my.df, htmlRep)
dataPkg <- DataPackage('testPkg', reportDirectory = 'testDataPackage',
title = "Test Data Package", author='Jonas J. Nobody <>')
csvFile <- CSVFile('testCSV', reportDirectory = 'testCSVFile')
publish(my.df, csvFile)
test_1dataPkg <- function(){
"The DataPackage reportDirectory is created.")
"The DataPackage root directory is created.")
"The DataPackage data directory is created.")
"The DataPackage man directory is created.")
test_2dataPkgContents <- function()
"The DESCRIPTION file is made.")
"The NAMESPACE file is made.")
checkEquals(dependencies(dataPkg), c('Biobase'),
"The initial dependencies list is correct")
desc <- as.list(read.dcf('testDataPackage/testPkg/DESCRIPTION')[1,])
## Make sure all required fields are present
checkTrue(all(c("Package", "Version", "License", "Description", "Title",
"Author", "Maintainer") %in% names(desc)),
"All required fields are present in the DESCRIPTION file.")
## Does the version string look like 0.0.0
checkEquals(grep('^[0-9]\\.[0-9]\\.[0-9]$', desc$Version, perl=TRUE), c(1),
"The version string is valid.")
## Make sure dependencies are the same
checkEquals(desc$Depends, paste(dependencies(dataPkg), collapse=','),
"The dependencies in the DESCRIPTION file match the dependencies in the object.")
## Make sure an e-mail address is in the maintainer field
maintainer <- as.person(desc$Maintainer)
checkTrue(!(is.null(maintainer$email) |$email) ),
"The maintainer field can be parsed by as.person")
test_3dataPkgPublish <- function()
# publish('my.df', dataPkg) # This isn't working for some reason
publish(my.df, dataPkg, objectName = 'my.df2')
# checkTrue(file.exists("testDataPackage/testPkg/data/my.df.rda"))
"The data.frame is published to the correct file.")
## Round trip on the object
checkEquals(my.df, my.df2,
"The data.frame saved is the same as the original object")
my.plot <- xyplot(1:10 ~ 1:10)
publish(my.plot, dataPkg, objectName='my.plot')
## The lattice dependency is added
checkTrue(all(dependencies(dataPkg) %in% c('Biobase', 'lattice')),
"Publishing a trellis object add lattice to the dependency list.")
## There are no extra dependencies
checkTrue(length(setdiff(dependencies(dataPkg), c('Biobase', 'lattice')))==0,
"No additional dependencies are present in the list.")
## Check the dependencies in the DESCRIPTION have updated to reflect new
## dependencies in the package
desc <- as.list(read.dcf('testDataPackage/testPkg/DESCRIPTION')[1,])
checkEquals(desc$Depends, paste(dependencies(dataPkg), collapse=','),
"Calling finish recreates the dependencies list for the DataPackage, now including lattice.")
test_4csvFile <- function(){
"The reportDirectory for the CSVFile is created.")
"The csv file is created after publication.")
my.df3 <- read.csv('testCSVFile/testCSV.csv',
colClasses=c('character', 'character','numeric','factor'),
row.names = 1)
## Need to fix this test so I can also check attributes
checkTrue(all.equal(my.df3, my.df, check.attributes=FALSE),
"Reading the csv file yields the same data as the original.")
test_5htmlRep <- function(){
checkEquals(htmlRep$shortName, "testhtmlPage",
"The name of the HTMLReport is correctly set.")
checkEquals(htmlRep$title, "Test Report",
"The title of the HTMLReport is correctly set.")
checkEquals(path(htmlRep), 'testHTMLDirectory/testhtmlPage.html',
"The URI for the HTMLReport is correctly formed.")
"The reportDirectory for the HTMLReport exists.")
"The HTML file isn't created created.")
test_6data.frames <- function(){
df4 <- data.frame(RPKM = c(1, -2/100, 3/1000000, 9.03e-4, 0, NA,NA,NA,1,
df5 <- data.frame(probeId = c (NA, "A_23_P100022", "A_23_P100056",
"A_23_P100074","A_23_P100103", "A_23_P100127",NA,"A","C","R"),
RPKM = c(1, -2/100, 3/1000000, 9.03e-4, 0, NA,NA,NA,1, 1e-44))
htmlRep2 <- HTMLReport("testhtmlPage2",
reportDirectory = 'testHTMLDirectory', title = "Test Report")
publish(df4, htmlRep2)
publish(df5, htmlRep2)
htmlRep3 <- HTMLReport("testhtmlPage3",
reportDirectory = 'testHTMLDirectory', title = "Test Report")
publish(df4, htmlRep3)
publish(df5, htmlRep3)
test_zzzcloseHTMLConnection <- function(){
"The HTML file isn't created.")
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