
setGeneric("featureBlocks", signature = "anno", function(anno, ...)

setMethod("featureBlocks", "GRanges",
    function(anno, up = NULL, down = NULL, dist = c("base", "percent"), keep.strand = FALSE)
    dist <- match.arg(dist)
    .validate(anno, up, down)

    str <- as.character(strand(anno))
    f.st <- start(anno)
    f.end <- end(anno)
    wd <- width(anno)
    pos <- str == '+'

    if(all(str == '*'))
        ref.points <- round((f.st + f.end) / 2)
        ref.points <- ifelse(pos, f.st, f.end)

    if(dist == "percent")
        starts = as.numeric(ifelse(pos, ref.points - wd * up/100,
                                        ref.points - wd * down/100))
        ends = as.numeric(ifelse(pos, ref.points + wd * down/100,
                                        ref.points + wd * up/100))
    } else {
	starts = as.numeric(ifelse(pos, ref.points - up,
                                        ref.points - down))
	ends = as.numeric(ifelse(pos, ref.points + down,
                                      ref.points + up))

    regs.anno <- GRanges(seqnames(anno), IRanges(starts, ends), if(keep.strand) str else '*')
    values(regs.anno) <- values(anno)

setMethod("featureBlocks", "data.frame",
    function(anno, ...)
    featureBlocks(annoDF2GR(anno), ...)

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Repitools documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 7:52 p.m.