##' Pathway Enrichment Analysis of a gene set.
##' Given a vector of genes, this function will return the enriched pathways
##' with FDR control.
##' @param gene a vector of entrez gene id.
##' @param organism one of "human", "rat", "mouse", "celegans", "yeast", "zebrafish", "fly".
##' @param pvalueCutoff Cutoff value of pvalue.
##' @param pAdjustMethod one of "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none"
##' @param qvalueCutoff Cutoff value of qvalue
##' @param universe background genes
##' @param minGSSize minimal size of genes annotated by Ontology term for testing.
##' @param maxGSSize maximal size of each geneSet for analyzing
##' @param readable whether mapping gene ID to gene Name
##' @return A \code{enrichResult} instance.
##' @importFrom DOSE setReadable
##' @importClassesFrom DOSE enrichResult
##' @importMethodsFrom DOSE show
##' @importMethodsFrom DOSE summary
##' @importFrom DOSE EXTID2NAME
##' @export
##' @author Guangchuang Yu \url{}
##' @seealso \code{\link{enrichResult-class}}
##' @keywords manip
##' @examples
##' gene <- c("11171", "8243", "112464", "2194",
##' "9318", "79026", "1654", "65003",
##' "6240", "3476", "6238", "3836",
##' "4176", "1017", "249")
##' yy = enrichPathway(gene, pvalueCutoff=0.05)
##' head(summary(yy))
##' #plot(yy)
enrichPathway <- function(gene,
pvalueCutoff = 0.05,
qvalueCutoff = 0.2,
readable=FALSE) {
Reactome_DATA <- get_Reactome_DATA(organism)
res <- enricher_internal(gene,
universe = universe,
minGSSize = minGSSize,
maxGSSize = maxGSSize,
USER_DATA = Reactome_DATA)
if (is.null(res))
res@keytype <- "ENTREZID"
res@organism <- organism
OrgDb <- getDb(organism)
if (readable) {
res <- setReadable(res, OrgDb)
res@ontology <- "Reactome"
## ' @importFrom DOSE TERM2NAME
## ' @importFrom reactome.db reactomePATHID2NAME
## ' @importFrom reactome.db reactome.db
## ' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi mget
## ' @importMethodsFrom AnnotationDbi mapIds
## ' @method TERM2NAME Reactome
## ' @export
## TERM2NAME.Reactome <- function(term, organism, ...) {
## pathID <- as.character(term)
## ## pathName <- mget(pathID, reactomePATHID2NAME)
## pathName <- mapIds(reactome.db, pathID, 'PATHNAME', 'PATHID')
## pathName <- pathName[!]
## ##
## ## this issue had been solve since reactome 52
## ##
## ## multiple mapping exists.
## ##
## ##
## ## > term
## ## Homo sapiens: NS1 Mediated Effects on Host Pathways
## ## "168276"
## ## Homo sapiens: 2-LTR circle formation
## ## "164843"
## ## > pathName <- unlist(mget(pathID, reactomePATHID2NAME))
## ## > pathName
## ## 1682761
## ## "Homo sapiens: NS1 Mediated Effects on Host Pathways"
## ## 1682762
## ## "Influenza A virus: NS1 Mediated Effects on Host Pathways"
## ## 1648431
## ## "Homo sapiens: 2-LTR circle formation"
## ## 1648432
## ## "Human immunodeficiency virus 1: 2-LTR circle formation"
## ## 1629061
## ## "Human immunodeficiency virus 1: HIV Infection"
## ## 1629062
## ## "Homo sapiens: HIV Infection"
## ## 1629063
## ## "Human immunodeficiency virus 2: HIV Infection"
## ## The following description contain "Homo sapiens", and report a bug.
## ## "Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Latent infection of Homo sapiens with Mycobacterium tuberculosis"
## ## To fix it, the ":" should presented in grep.
## org <- switch(organism,
## human = "Homo sapiens:",
## rat = "Rattus norvegicus:",
## mouse = "Mus musculus:",
## yeast = "Saccharomyces cerevisiae:",
## zebrafish = "Danio rerio:",
## celegans = "Caenorhabditis elegans:",
## fly = "Drosophila melanogaster:"
## )
## pathName <- sapply(pathName, function(p) p[grep(org, p)])
## pathName <- unlist(pathName)
## pathName <- sapply(pathName, function(i) unlist(strsplit(i, split=org))[2]) # splitting by ":" is risky
## pathName <- sub("^\\s+", "", pathName) # remove leading spaces
## ##
## ## BUG was reported by Jean-Christophe Aude (
## ##
## ## > get("174495", reactomePATHID2NAME)
## ## [1] "Human immunodeficiency virus 1: Synthesis And Processing Of GAG, GAGPOL Polyproteins"
## ## human genes involves, but pathway name was not labelled by "Homo sapiens".
## ## get first term of missing ID
## missID <- pathID[ ! pathID %in% names(pathName) ]
## if (length(missID) > 0 ) {
## missPathName <- unlist(sapply(mget(missID, reactomePATHID2NAME), "[[", 1))
## names(missPathName) <- missID
## } else {
## missPathName <- NA
## }
## if ( {
## res <- pathName
## } else {
## ## merge and keep input order
## res <- c(pathName, missPathName)
## res <- res[pathID]
## }
## return(res)
## }
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