## ----setup, include=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_knit$set(root.dir = tempdir())
## ----getPackage, eval=FALSE---------------------------------------------------
# if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE))
# install.packages("BiocManager")
# BiocManager::install("Rcwl")
## ----getDevel, eval=FALSE-----------------------------------------------------
# BiocManager::install("hubentu/Rcwl")
## ----Load, message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
input1 <- InputParam(id = "sth")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "echo", inputs = InputParamList(input1))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo$sth <- "Hello World!"
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
r1 <- runCWL(echo, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
e1 <- InputParam(id = "flag", type = "boolean", prefix = "-f")
e2 <- InputParam(id = "string", type = "string", prefix = "-s")
e3 <- InputParam(id = "int", type = "int", prefix = "-i")
e4 <- InputParam(id = "file", type = "File", prefix = "--file=", separate = FALSE)
echoA <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "echo",
inputs = InputParamList(e1, e2, e3, e4),
stdout = "output.txt")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echoA$flag <- TRUE
echoA$string <- "Hello"
echoA$int <- 1
tmpfile <- tempfile()
write("World", tmpfile)
echoA$file <- tmpfile
r2 <- runCWL(echoA, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
a1 <- InputParam(id = "A", type = "string[]", prefix = "-A")
a2 <- InputParam(id = "B",
type = InputArrayParam(items = "string",
prefix="-B=", separate = FALSE))
a3 <- InputParam(id = "C", type = "string[]", prefix = "-C=",
itemSeparator = ",", separate = FALSE)
echoB <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "echo",
inputs = InputParamList(a1, a2, a3))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echoB$A <- letters[1:3]
echoB$B <- letters[4:6]
echoB$C <- letters[7:9]
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
r3 <- runCWL(echoB, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
zzfil <- file.path(tempdir(), "sample.R.gz")
zz <- gzfile(zzfil, "w")
cat("sample(1:10, 5)", file = zz, sep = "\n")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
ofile <- "sample.R"
z1 <- InputParam(id = "uncomp", type = "boolean", prefix = "-d")
z2 <- InputParam(id = "out", type = "boolean", prefix = "-c")
z3 <- InputParam(id = "zfile", type = "File")
o1 <- OutputParam(id = "rfile", type = "File", glob = ofile)
gz <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "gzip",
inputs = InputParamList(z1, z2, z3),
outputs = OutputParamList(o1),
stdout = ofile)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
gz$uncomp <- TRUE
gz$out <- TRUE
gz$zfile <- zzfil
r4 <- runCWL(gz, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
z1 <- InputParam(id = "zfile", type = "File")
o1 <- OutputParam(id = "rfile", type = "File", glob = ofile)
Gz <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "gzip",
arguments = list("-d", "-c"),
inputs = InputParamList(z1),
outputs = OutputParamList(o1),
stdout = ofile)
Gz$zfile <- zzfil
r4a <- runCWL(Gz, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pfile <- "$(inputs.zfile.path.split('/').slice(-1)[0].split('.').slice(0,-1).join('.'))"
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
pfile <- "$(inputs.zfile.nameroot)"
o2 <- OutputParam(id = "rfile", type = "File", glob = pfile)
req1 <- list(class = "InlineJavascriptRequirement")
GZ <- cwlParam(baseCommand = c("gzip", "-d", "-c"),
requirements = list(), ## assign list(req1) if node installed.
inputs = InputParamList(z1),
outputs = OutputParamList(o2),
stdout = pfile)
GZ$zfile <- zzfil
r4b <- runCWL(GZ, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
a <- InputParam(id = "a", type = InputArrayParam(items = "string"))
b <- OutputParam(id = "b", type = OutputArrayParam(items = "File"), glob = "*.txt")
touch <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "touch", inputs = InputParamList(a), outputs = OutputParamList(b))
touch$a <- c("a.txt", "b.gz", "c.txt")
r5 <- runCWL(touch, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
d1 <- InputParam(id = "rfile", type = "File")
req1 <- list(class = "DockerRequirement",
dockerPull = "r-base")
doc <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "Rscript",
inputs = InputParamList(d1),
stdout = "output.txt",
hints = list(req1))
doc$rfile <- r4$output
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# r6 <- runCWL(doc)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
r6a <- runCWL(doc, docker = FALSE, outdir = tempdir(),
cwlArgs = "--preserve-entire-environment")
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# library(BiocParallel)
# sth.list <- as.list(LETTERS)
# names(sth.list) <- LETTERS
# ## submit with mutlicore
# result1 <- runCWLBatch(cwl = echo, outdir = tempdir(), inputList = list(sth = sth.list),
# BPPARAM = MulticoreParam(26))
# ## submit with SGE
# result2 <- runCWLBatch(cwl = echo, outdir = tempdir(), inputList = list(sth = sth.list),
# BPPARAM = BatchtoolsParam(workers = 26, cluster = "sge",
# resources = list(queue = "all.q")))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
d1 <- InputParam(id = "rfile", type = "File")
Rs <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "Rscript",
inputs = InputParamList(d1))
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Rs$rfile <- r4$output
tres <- runCWL(Rs, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
i1 <- InputParam(id = "cwl_zfile", type = "File")
o1 <- OutputParam(id = "cwl_cout", type = "File", outputSource = "Compile/output")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cwl <- cwlStepParam(inputs = InputParamList(i1),
outputs = OutputParamList(o1))
s1 <- Step(id = "Uncomp", run = GZ,
In = list(zfile = "cwl_zfile"))
s2 <- Step(id = "Compile", run = Rs,
In = list(rfile = "Uncomp/rfile"))
cwl <- cwl + s1 + s2
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cwl$cwl_zfile <- zzfil
r7 <- runCWL(cwl, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
i2 <- InputParam(id = "cwl_rfiles", type = "File[]")
o2 <- OutputParam(id = "cwl_couts", type = "File[]", outputSource = "Compile/output")
req1 <- list(class = "ScatterFeatureRequirement")
cwl2 <- cwlStepParam(requirements = list(req1),
inputs = InputParamList(i2),
outputs = OutputParamList(o2))
s1 <- Step(id = "Compile", run = Rs,
In = list(rfile = "cwl_rfiles"),
scatter = "rfile")
cwl2 <- cwl2 + s1
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
cwl2$cwl_rfiles <- c(r4b$output, r4b$output)
r8 <- runCWL(cwl2, outdir = tempdir())
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
e1 <- InputParam(id = "flag", type = "boolean",
prefix = "-f", doc = "boolean flag")
e2 <- InputParam(id = "string", type = "string", prefix = "-s")
e3 <- InputParam(id = "option", type = "string", prefix = "-o")
e4 <- InputParam(id = "int", type = "int", prefix = "-i", default = 123)
e5 <- InputParam(id = "file", type = "File",
prefix = "--file=", separate = FALSE)
e6 <- InputParam(id = "array", type = "string[]", prefix = "-A",
doc = "separated by comma")
mulEcho <- cwlParam(baseCommand = "echo", id = "mulEcho",
label = "Test parameter types",
inputs = InputParamList(e1, e2, e3, e4, e5, e6),
stdout = "output.txt")
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# inputList <- list(option = c("option1", "option2"))
# app <- cwlShiny(mulEcho, inputList, upload = TRUE)
# runApp(app)
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
fun1 <- function(x)x*2
testFun <- function(a, b){
cat(fun1(a) + b^2, sep="\n")
assign("fun1", fun1, envir = .GlobalEnv)
assign("testFun", testFun, envir = .GlobalEnv)
p1 <- InputParam(id = "a", type = "int", prefix = "a=", separate = F)
p2 <- InputParam(id = "b", type = "int", prefix = "b=", separate = F)
o1 <- OutputParam(id = "o", type = "File", glob = "rout.txt")
TestFun <- cwlParam(baseCommand = testFun,
inputs = InputParamList(p1, p2),
outputs = OutputParamList(o1),
stdout = "rout.txt")
TestFun$a <- 1
TestFun$b <- 2
r1 <- runCWL(TestFun, cwlArgs = "--preserve-entire-environment")
## ---- eval=FALSE--------------------------------------------------------------
# BiocManager::install("hubentu/RcwlPipelines")
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.