
### R code from vignette source 'Rcade.Rnw'

### code chunk number 1: style

### code chunk number 2: Rcade.Rnw:84-86
dir <- file.path(system.file("extdata", package="Rcade"), "STAT1")

### code chunk number 3: Rcade.Rnw:92-93

### code chunk number 4: Rcade.Rnw:114-115
DE <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "DE.csv"))

### code chunk number 5: Rcade.Rnw:120-122
DElookup <- list(GeneID="ENSG", logFC="logFC", B="B",
"Genes.Location", "Symbol")

### code chunk number 6: Rcade.Rnw:132-133
dir(dir, pattern = ".bam")

### code chunk number 7: Rcade.Rnw:149-151
targets <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "targets.csv"), = TRUE)

### code chunk number 8: Rcade.Rnw:165-169
anno <- read.csv(file.path(dir, "anno.csv"))

anno <- anno[order(anno$chromosome_name),]
colnames(anno) <- c("ENSG","chr","start","end","str")

### code chunk number 9: Rcade.Rnw:174-186 (eval = FALSE)
## library(biomaRt)
## anno <- getBM(
## 		attributes= c("ensembl_gene_id", "chromosome_name",
## 			"transcript_start", "transcript_end", "strand"),
## 		mart= useDataset("hsapiens_gene_ensembl", useMart("ensembl"))
## 	)
## ##order, to reduce size of ChIPannoZones object later
## anno <- anno[order(anno$chromosome_name),]
## ##use appropriate column names
## colnames(anno) <- c("ENSG","chr","start","end","str")

### code chunk number 10: Rcade.Rnw:191-192
ChIPannoZones <- defineBins(anno, zone=c(-1500, 1500), geneID="ENSG")

### code chunk number 11: Rcade.Rnw:205-208
DE.prior = 0.01
prior.mode = "keepChIP"
prior = c("D|C" = 0.05, "D|notC" = 0.005)

### code chunk number 12: Rcade.Rnw:220-222 (eval = FALSE)
## library(parallel)
## cl <- makeCluster(4, "SOCK")

### code chunk number 13: Rcade.Rnw:227-228
cl <- NULL

### code chunk number 14: Rcade.Rnw:233-238
Rcade <- RcadeAnalysis(DE, ChIPannoZones, annoZoneGeneidName="ENSG",
	ChIPtargets=targets, ChIPfileDir = dir,
	cl=cl, DE.prior=DE.prior, prior.mode=prior.mode, prior=prior,

### code chunk number 15: Rcade.Rnw:242-243
x <- getDE(Rcade)

### code chunk number 16: Rcade.Rnw:247-248
x <- getChIP(Rcade)

### code chunk number 17: Rcade.Rnw:252-253
x <- getRcade(Rcade)

### code chunk number 18: P1

### code chunk number 19: P1fig

### code chunk number 20: P2

### code chunk number 21: P2fig

### code chunk number 22: P3 (eval = FALSE)
## library(rgl)
## plotBBB(Rcade)

### code chunk number 23: Rcade.Rnw:310-311 (eval = FALSE)
## exportRcade(Rcade, directory="RcadeOutput")

### code chunk number 24: Rcade.Rnw:316-317 (eval = FALSE)
## ?exportRcade

### code chunk number 25: Rcade.Rnw:322-323 (eval = FALSE)
## exportRcade(Rcade, directory="RcadeOutput", cutoffArg=2000)

### code chunk number 26: Rcade.Rnw:327-328 (eval = FALSE)
## exportRcade(Rcade, directory="RcadeOutput", cutoffMode="B", cutoffArg=0)

### code chunk number 27: Rcade.Rnw:346-347

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Rcade documentation built on Nov. 8, 2020, 6:25 p.m.