
Defines functions empiricalFDR

Documented in empiricalFDR

# Function Name: 	f
# Description: 		x
# Input: 			y
# Output:			z
# Author: Yue Li

empiricalFDR <- function(pval, pvalRIP, pvalCTL)
	falseCount <- length(which(pvalCTL <= pval))
	trueCount <- length(which(pvalRIP <= pval))
	# control eFDR above pval esp. when it becomes zero (i.e. no control-RIP
	# comparison has pval as significant as the one found in RIP-control 
	eFDR <- max(falseCount / trueCount, pval)
	# if (false count)/(true count) > 1, then define the FDR as 1
	return(min(1, eFDR))

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