Man pages for QUALIFIER
Quality Control of Gated Flow Cytometry Experiments

getQAStatsGet statistics from gated data for QA check.
initDBInitializes the data environment
ITNQASTUDYThe example QA data included in the package
outlierFunctionsoutliers detection functions
plot-methodsplot the statistics for a particular cell population of a...
qaCheck-methodsPerform the quality assessment for the qaTask object
qaPreprocessPreprocessing for QA check
qaReportcreate quality assessment report
qaTask-classa class for storing important information of flow cytometry...
QUALIFIER-packageQUALIFIER: A package that provides automated flow data...
read.qaTaskLoading 'qaTask's from a csv file
save_dbsave/load the data environment to/from disk
saveToDBSave the gating set and annotation data into the data...
QUALIFIER documentation built on Oct. 31, 2019, 3:24 a.m.