PolyWarp <- function(ref, sample, beta) {
ncoef <- length(beta)
m <- max(length(ref), length(sample))
# Divide by m to avoid too large numbers (when we take the cube for example)
time <- (1:m)/m
# We need to adapt beta with our change
a <- beta * m^(0:(ncoef - 1)) # polynomial coefficients
B <- matrix(time, nrow = m, ncol = ncoef) # B = t^k
B <- t(apply(B, 1, cumprod))/B
rms_old <- 0
da <- 0 # update the coefficients
for (it in 1:40) {
# I do it here to avoir incrementing a at the last iteration
a <- a + da
# Compute warping function, w
w <- B %*% a
# Warp template x by linear interpolation, to give z = x(w(x)) and its derivative
# g
interp.out <- Interpol(w, sample)
z <- interp.out$f
sel <- interp.out$s
g <- interp.out$g
# Compute residuals and check convergence
r <- ref[sel] - z
rms <- sqrt(mean(r * r, na.rm = TRUE))
drms <- abs((rms - rms_old)/(rms + 1e-10))
if (drms < 1e-06) {
rms_old <- rms
# Improve coeffcients with linear regression
G <- kronecker(matrix(1, nrow = 1, ncol = ncoef), g)
Q <- G * B[sel, ]
da <- qr.solve(Q, r)
## back-transform into beta coefficients
a <- a/m^(0:(ncoef - 1))
# ptw::interpol(w, sample)
list(w = w, sel = sel, beta = a, warped = z)
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