#' An example \code{TrioSetList} object
#' A dataset containing log R ratios and B allele frequencies for two
#' chromosomes, organized as a \code{TrioSetList}. Each element in
#' the list class is a \code{TrioSet} object. Both \code{TrioSetList}
#' and \code{TrioSet} classes are deprecated; the example data will be
#' removed in a future release.
#' @format a \code{TrioSetList}
#' @aliases trioSetList
#' @name exampleTrioSetList
#' An example \code{MinDistExperiment}
#' This dataset contains log R ratios and B allele frequencies from a
#' parent-offspring trio (three individuals). Only markers from
#' chromosomes 7 and 22 are included in this object. The
#' \code{MinDistExperiment} class extends \code{RangedSummarizedExperiment},
#' and so many of the methods defined for \code{RangedSummarizedExperiment}
#' such as \code{findOverlaps} are available through inheritance.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(oligoClasses)
#' library(VanillaICE)
#' library(data.table)
#' library(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18)
#' extdir <- system.file("extdata", package="VanillaICE")
#' features <- suppressWarnings(fread(file.path(extdir, "SNP_info.csv")))
#' fgr <- GRanges(paste0("chr", features$Chr), IRanges(features$Position, width=1),
#' isSnp=features[["Intensity Only"]]==0)
#' fgr <- SnpGRanges(fgr)
#' names(fgr) <- features[["Name"]]
#' sl <- seqlevels(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18)
#' seqlevels(fgr) <- sl[sl %in% seqlevels(fgr)]
#' seqinfo(fgr) <- seqinfo(BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg18)[seqlevels(fgr),]
#' fgr <- sort(fgr)
#' files <- list.files(extdir, full.names=TRUE, recursive=TRUE, pattern="FinalReport")
#' ## parse files
#' parsedDir <- "ParsedFiles"
#' if(!file.exists(parsedDir)) dir.create(parsedDir)
#' views <- ArrayViews(rowRanges=fgr, sourcePaths=files, parsedPath=parsedDir)
#' dat <- fread(files[1])
#' select_columns <- match(c("SNP Name", "Allele1 - AB", "Allele2 - AB",
#' "Log R Ratio", "B Allele Freq"), names(dat))
#' index_genome <- match(names(fgr), dat[["SNP Name"]])
#' scan_params <- CopyNumScanParams(index_genome=index_genome, select=select_columns,
#' cnvar="Log R Ratio",
#' bafvar="B Allele Freq",
#' gtvar=c("Allele1 - AB", "Allele2 - AB"))
#' invisible(sapply(views, parseSourceFile, param=scan_params))
#' ped_hapmap <- ParentOffspring(id = "hapmap", father="12287_03",
#' mother="12287_02",
#' offspring="12287_01",
#' parsedPath=parsedPath(views))
#' ped_list <- ParentOffspringList(pedigrees=list(
#' ParentOffspring(id = "hapmap", father="12287_03",
#' mother="12287_02",
#' offspring="12287_01",
#' parsedPath=parsedPath(views)),
#' ParentOffspring(id = "cleft",
#' father="22169_03",
#' mother="22169_02",
#' offspring="22169_01",
#' parsedPath=parsedPath(views))))
#' sample_info <- read.csv(file.path(extdir, "sample_data.csv"), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' ind_id <- setNames(gsub(" ", "", sample_info$IndividualID), sample_info$File)
#' colnames(views) <- ind_id[gsub(".csv", "", colnames(views))]
#' md_exp <- MinDistExperiment(views, pedigree=ped_list[[2]])
#' seqlevels(md_exp, pruning.mode="coarse") <- "chr22"
#' params <- MinDistParam()
#' md_gr <- segment2(md_exp, params)
#' save(md_exp, file="~/Software/bridge/MinimumDistance/data/md_exp.rda")
#' save(md_gr, file="~/Software/bridge/MinimumDistance/data/md_gr.rda")
#' }
#' @format a \code{MinDistExperiment}
#' @name md_exp
#' An example \code{MinDistGRanges} object
#' Prior to inferring de novo trio copy number states, the log R
#' ratios are segmented independently for each individual in a
#' \code{ParentOffsping} class. The segmentation results are recorded
#' in separate \code{GRanges} objects for the parents. For
#' segmentation of the offspring log R ratios and the minimum
#' distance, the segments are stored in separate \code{GRangesList}
#' objects. For convenience, these \code{GRanges},
#' \code{GRangesList}, and pedigree information are bound in a single
#' container referred to as a \code{MinDistGRanges} object. The
#' example \code{MinDistGRanges} object provided in this package was
#' obtained from the segmentation of the data stored in the example
#' \code{MinDistExperiment} object.
#' @format a \code{MinDistGRanges} object
#' @name md_gr
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