## #' @title Retriveing Sequencing from NCBI
## #'
## #' @description
## #' Retriveing sequences from NCBI with the accession ids.
## #' @param ids vector, the accession number or accession.
## #' @param files character, the file name specified by a double-quoted string.
## #' @param databases character, the name of databases to use, default is `protein`,
## #' if nucleotide sequences to retrieve set nuccore,
## #' see also \code{\link[rentrez]{entrez_fetch}}.
## #' @param type character, the format in which to get data,
## #' such as fasta, xml ...,
## #' see also \code{\link[rentrez]{entrez_fetch}}.
## #' @param times integer, the time of sleeping, default is 3,
## #' meaning 3 seconds.
## #' @param checkids logical, whether check the sequence of
## #' ids has been retrieved. default is FALSE.
## #' @return the files of sequences downloaded by ids
## #' @importFrom Biostrings readBStringSet
## #' @author Shuangbin Xu
## #' @export
## #' @examples
## #' retrieve_seq(ids=c("ADM52729.1", "AAF82637.1"),
## #' files="test.fasta",
## #' databases="protein",
## #' type="fasta",
## #' checkids=TRUE)
## retrieve_seq <- function(ids, files,
## databases="protein",
## type="fasta",
## times=3, checkids=FALSE){
## if (file.exists(files) && checkids){
## seqobj <- readBStringSet(files)
## tmpid <- names(seqobj)
## tmpid <- unlist(vapply(strsplit(tmpid, " "),function(x){x[1]},character(1)))
## ids <- setdiff(ids, tmpid)
## }
## if (length(ids)>400){
## stop("The length of ids vector should be shorter than 400!")
## }
## if (length(ids)==0){
## return(NA)
## }
## cat(ids)
## cat("\n")
## tryCatch({tmprecs <- rentrez::entrez_fetch(db=databases, ids, rettype=type)
## tmprecs <- gsub("\n\n", "\n", tmprecs)
## #tmprecs <- str_trim(tmprecs)
## tmprecs <- substr(tmprecs, 1, nchar(tmprecs)-1)
## write(tmprecs, files, append=TRUE)
## },error=function(e){"retrieve_seq",
## args=list(ids=ids, databases=databases,
## type=type, files=files, checkids=TRUE))})
## message(paste0("Sleeping ... ",times,"s"))
## Sys.sleep(times)
## }
## #' @title Retriveing Sequencing from NCBI By mapply
## #'
## #' @description
## #' Retriveing sequences from NCBI with the accession ids.
## #' @param idlist vector, the accession version.
## #' @param files character, the file name specified by a double-quoted string.
## #' @param databases character, the name of databases to use, default is `protein`,
## #' if nucleotide sequences to retrieve set nuccore,see \code{\link[rentrez]{entrez_fetch}}.
## #' @param type character, the format in which to get data,such as fasta, xml ...,
## #' see \code{\link[rentrez]{entrez_fetch}}.
## #' @param times integer, the time of sleeping, default is 3,
## #' meaning 3 seconds.
## #' @param checkids logical, whether check the sequence of ids has been retrieved.
## #' default is FALSE.
## #' @return the files of sequences downloaded by ids
## #' @seealso \code{\link[MicrobiotaProcess]{retrieve_seq}}
## #' @author Shuangbin Xu
## #' @export
## #' @examples
## #' idslist <- list(c("ADM52729.1", "AAF82637.1"),
## #' c("CAA24729.1", "CAA83510.1"))
## #' mapply_retrieve_seq(idlist=idslist,
## #' files="test.fasta",
## #' databases="protein",
## #' type="fasta",
## #' times=3,checkids=TRUE)
## mapply_retrieve_seq <- function(idlist, files,
## databases="protein",
## type="fasta",
## times=3, checkids=TRUE){
## invisible(mapply(retrieve_seq,
## idlist,
## MoreArgs=list(files=files,
## databases=databases,
## type=type,
## times=times,
## checkids=checkids),
## }
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