#' Simulate an MPRA dataset
#' @param tr a vector of the true transcription rates. The length of the vector
#' determines the number of enhancers included in the dataset Default is 100
#' enhancers of identical transcription rate of 2.
#' @param da a vector of the differential activity signal. Must be the same
#' length as tr. if NULL (default) only one condition is simulated, with no
#' differential activity. The values provided are used as the logFold Change
#' between the conditions, treating the tr vector as the reference condition.
#' For non-differentially active enhancers, this value should be 0.
#' @param level of noise to add to the DNA library
#' @param level of noise to add to the RNA library
#' @param dna.inter the baseline DNA levels (intercept term), controlling the
#' true mean abundance of plasmids
#' @param the true variation of the plasmid levels
#' @param nbc number of unique barcode to include per enhancer
#' @param true variation between barcodes
#' @param nbatch number of batches to simulate
#' @param the level of true variation that distinguishes batches
#' (the size of the batch effects)
#' @return a list:
#' \itemize{
#' \item true.dna The true dna abundances
#' \item obs.dna the observed dna counts
#' \item true.rna the true rna abundances
#' \item obs.rna the observed rna counts
#' \item annot the annotations data.frame for each sample
#' }
#' @details the data is generated by using the same nested-GLM construct that
#' MPRAnalyzes uses, with non-strandard log-normal noise models (whereas by
#' default MPRAnalyze uses a Gamma-Poisson model).
#' The data generated can have multiple batches, and either 1 or 2 conditions,
#' and the simulated data is always paired (DNA and RNA extracted from the same
#' library).
#' User can control both true and observed variation levels (noise), the number
#' of expected plasmids per barcode, the true transcription ratio, the size
#' of the batch and barcode effects.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data <- simulateMPRA()
#' # single condition
#' data <- simulateMPRA(da=NULL)
#' # more observed noise
#' data <- simulateMPRA( = 0.75, = 0.75)
#' # gradually increasing dataset
#' data <- simulateMPRA(tr = seq(2,3,0.01), da=NULL)
simulateMPRA <- function(tr = rep(2, 100),
da = c(rep(0, ceiling(length(tr) / 2)),
rep(0.5, floor(length(tr) / 2))), = 0.2, = 0.3,
dna.inter = 5, = 0.5,
nbc = 100, = 0.5,
nbatch = 3, = 0.5) {
nenhancer = length(tr)
stopifnot(is.null(da) | length(tr) == length(da))
## generate coefficient matrix for DNA
coef.dna.bc <- matrix(rnorm(nenhancer * (nbc - 1),
mean = 0,
sd =, nrow = nenhancer)
coef.dna.batch <- matrix(rnorm(nenhancer * (nbatch - 1),
mean = 0,
sd =, nrow = nenhancer)
coef.dna.intercept <- matrix(rnorm(nenhancer, mean = dna.inter,
sd =, ncol = 1)
coef.dna.mat <- cbind(coef.dna.intercept, coef.dna.batch, coef.dna.bc)
## create corresponding annotation data.frame and design matrix
annot <- expand.grid(barcode = factor(seq_len(nbc)),
batch = factor(seq_len(nbatch)))
if(nbatch > 1 & nbc > 1) {
desmat <- model.matrix(~ batch + barcode, annot)
} else if (nbatch > 1) {
desmat <- model.matrix(~ batch, annot)
} else if (nbc > 1) {
desmat <- model.matrix(~ barcode, annot)
} else {
stop("Specified design is too restricted")
## get true counts by multiplying random coefficients with design matrix
true.dna.log <- coef.dna.mat %*% t(desmat)
## add noise to dna observations
obs.dna.log <- matrix(rnorm(n = prod(dim(true.dna.log)),
mean = true.dna.log, sd =,
nrow = NROW(true.dna.log))
## if differential activity is needed, use same coefficients to generate
## another set of observations (different noise)
if (!is.null(da)) {
obs.dna.log.diff <- matrix(rnorm(n = prod(dim(true.dna.log)),
mean = true.dna.log, sd =,
nrow = NROW(true.dna.log))
obs.dna.log <- cbind(obs.dna.log, obs.dna.log.diff)
annot.diff <- annot
annot$condition <- "reference"
annot.diff$condition <- "contrast"
annot <- rbind(annot, annot.diff)
annot$condition <- factor(annot$condition,
levels=c("reference", "contrast"))
# get the true RNA by multiplying the true DNA by the transcription rate
true.rna.log <- true.dna.log +
matrix(rep(log(tr), NCOL(true.dna.log)), ncol=NCOL(true.dna.log))
## if differential activity, add differential observations
if (!is.null(da)) {
true.rna.log.diff <- true.dna.log +
matrix(rep(log(tr) + da,
true.rna.log <- cbind(true.rna.log, true.rna.log.diff)
true.dna.log <- cbind(true.dna.log, true.dna.log)
obs.rna.log <- matrix(rnorm(n = prod(dim(true.rna.log)),
mean = true.rna.log, sd =,
nrow = NROW(true.rna.log))
true.dna <- exp(true.dna.log)
obs.dna <- exp(obs.dna.log)
count.dna <- round(obs.dna)
true.rna <- exp(true.rna.log)
obs.rna <- exp(obs.rna.log)
count.rna <- round(obs.rna)
rownames(true.dna) <- rownames(count.dna) <- rownames(true.rna) <-
rownames(count.rna) <- paste0("enh_", seq_len(nenhancer))
colnames(true.dna) <- colnames(count.dna) <- colnames(true.rna) <-
colnames(count.rna) <- rownames(annot) <-
paste0(annot$condition, "_b", annot$batch, "_bc", annot$barcode)
return(list(true.dna = true.dna, obs.dna = count.dna,
true.rna = true.rna, obs.rna = count.rna,
annot = annot))
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