
Defines functions HPA_data_downloader

Documented in HPA_data_downloader

#' @title HPA_data_downloader
#' @description Used to download required data for HPAStainR
#' @param tissue_type A character string that determines which HPA data you
#'  want to download from the website. Has to be both' (default), 'normal', 
#'  or 'cancer'.
#' @param save_file A boolean determining if you want the HPA data downloaded
#'  permanently or temporarily. Default is TRUE, meaning the file will be saved
#'   in the given 'save_location', default being the current working directory.
#' @param save_location A character string indicating where you want the files
#'  to be saved if you are saving them. If the file(s) already exists in that
#'  location, those will be loaded instead of redownloading the files.
#' @return  List of dataframes or dataframe depending on tissue_type arguement.
#'  If tissue_type == 'both' it will be a list of dataframes.
#' @examples
#' HPA_data <- HPA_data_downloader(tissue_type = 'both', save_file = FALSE)
#' ## Access normal data
#' HPA_data$hpa_dat
#' ## Access cancer data
#' HPA_data$cancer_dat
#' ## Download only the normal tissue data
#' HPA_normal_data <- HPA_data_downloader('normal', save_file = FALSE)
#' @importFrom utils download.file read.table unzip
#' @importFrom data.table fread
#' @export
HPA_data_downloader <- function(tissue_type = c("both", "normal", "cancer"), 
    save_file = TRUE, save_location = "") {
    ## A suggest function from Bioconductor allowing for better resource
    ## querying
    getURL <- function(URL, FUN, ..., N.TRIES = 1L) {
        N.TRIES <- as.integer(N.TRIES)
        stopifnot(length(N.TRIES) == 1L, !is.na(N.TRIES))
        while (N.TRIES > 0L) {
            result <- tryCatch(FUN(URL, ...), error = identity)
            if (!inherits(result, "error")) 
            N.TRIES <- N.TRIES - 1L
        if (N.TRIES == 0L) {
            stop("'getURL()' failed:", "\n  URL: ", URL, "\n  error: ", 
    tissue_type <- tissue_type[1]

    ## normal URL
    norm_url <- "https://www.proteinatlas.org/download/normal_tissue.tsv.zip"
    ## path URL
    path_url <- "https://www.proteinatlas.org/download/pathology.tsv.zip"
    ## First section runs if files are already downloaded to save time
    if ((tissue_type == "both" | tissue_type == "normal") &
        "normal_tissue.tsv.zip"))) {
        ## Normal tissue
        hpa_dat <- data.table::fread(
            unzip(paste0(save_location, "normal_tissue.tsv.zip")), 
            header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
            data.table = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
        if (tissue_type != "both") {
    if ((tissue_type == "both" | tissue_type == "cancer") &
        "pathology.tsv.zip"))) {
        ## Cancer tissue
        cancer_dat <- data.table::fread(
            unzip(paste0(save_location, "pathology.tsv.zip")), 
            header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
            data.table = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
        if (tissue_type != "both") {
    if (tissue_type == "both" & file.exists(
        paste0(save_location, "pathology.tsv.zip")) & 
        file.exists(paste0(save_location, "normal_tissue.tsv.zip"))) {
        all_dat <- list()
        all_dat$hpa_dat <- hpa_dat
        all_dat$cancer_dat <- cancer_dat
    ## Begins section where files are downloaded 
    if (save_file == FALSE) {
        if (tissue_type == "both" | tissue_type == "normal") {
            ## Normal tissue
            ## 2/3/2021 Switched to fread require tmp_dir and unzip code
            ## as fread can't read files made using unz()
            temp <- tempfile()
            tmp_dir = tempdir()
            getURL(URL = norm_url, 
                FUN = download.file, destfile = temp)
            unzip(temp,  "normal_tissue.tsv", exdir = tmp_dir)
            hpa_dat <- data.table::fread(file.path(tmp_dir, "normal_tissue.tsv"),
                                  header = TRUE,
                                  sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                                  data.table = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
            if (tissue_type != "both") {
        if (tissue_type == "both" | tissue_type == "cancer") {
            ## Cancer tissue
            temp <- tempfile()
            tmp_dir = tempdir()
            getURL(URL = path_url, 
                FUN = download.file, destfile = temp)
            unzip(temp,  "pathology.tsv", exdir = tmp_dir)
            cancer_dat <- data.table::fread(file.path(tmp_dir, "pathology.tsv"), header = TRUE, 
                sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                data.table = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
            if (tissue_type != "both") {
        if (tissue_type == "both") {
            all_dat <- list()
            all_dat$hpa_dat <- hpa_dat
            all_dat$cancer_dat <- cancer_dat
    if (save_file == TRUE) {
        if (tissue_type == "both" | tissue_type == "normal") {
            ## Normal tissue
            getURL(URL = norm_url, 
                FUN = download.file, destfile = paste0(save_location,
            hpa_dat <- data.table::fread(unzip(paste0(save_location,
                header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                data.table = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
            if (tissue_type != "both") {
        if (tissue_type == "both" | tissue_type == "cancer") {
            ## Cancer tissue
            getURL(URL = path_url, 
                FUN = download.file,
                destfile = paste0(save_location, "pathology.tsv.zip"))
            cancer_dat <- data.table::fread(unzip(paste0(save_location,
                header = TRUE, sep = "\t", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                data.table = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
            if (tissue_type != "both") {
        if (tissue_type == "both") {
            all_dat <- list()
            all_dat$hpa_dat <- hpa_dat
            all_dat$cancer_dat <- cancer_dat

Try the HPAStainR package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

HPAStainR documentation built on Feb. 11, 2021, 2:01 a.m.